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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even though the range of motion was larger for the normal group than for the ACDF group, the intersegmental rotations at the adjacent C6-C7 and C4-C5 levels in the ACDF group were 13.4 and 8.8 compared with 3.7 and 4.8 in the normal group, respectively, during the neck motion from 20 flexion to 15 extension.


Eleven, 22 and 21 cases subject to re-operation respectively received intravitreous pneumatic retinopexy, scleral buckling procedure and vitrectomy, and the successful rate was 72.7%, 90.9% and 85.7% respectively.


Results (1)In the group (109 eyes) with preoperative intraocular pressure≤21mmHg,sixty-four eyes were treated with trabeculectomy,and 31 eyes with slerectoiridectomy of which there were 9(14.1%) and 7(20.6%) eyes had undergone PAC respectively.There was no PAC in 11 eyes treated with iridencleisis;(2)In the group(175 eyes)with PIOP from 22 to 35 mmHg,there were 26 eyes(25.2%) and 15 eyes(32.6%) developing PAC of 103 eyes treated with trabeculectomy,and 46 eyes with slerectoiridectomy respectively,of 26 eyes with iridencleisis,there were 5 eyes(19.2%) developing PAC;(3)In the group(106 eyes)with PIOP>35mmHg,there were 13 eyes(31%) developing PAC of 23 eyes with trabeculectomy,5 eyes(21.7%) developing PAC of 23 eyes with slerectoiridectomy.

结果 (1)术前眼压≤21mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)者109只眼,小梁切除术64只眼,术后浅前房9只眼,占14.1%,巩膜咬切术31只眼,术后浅前房7只眼,占20.6%,虹膜嵌顿术11只眼,术后无浅前房发生;(2)术前眼压22-35mmHg者175只眼,小梁切除术103只眼,术后浅前房26只眼,占25.2%,巩膜咬切术46只眼,术后浅前房15只眼,占32.6%,虹膜嵌顿术26只眼,术后浅前房5只眼,占19.2%;(3)术前眼压>35mmHg者106只眼,小梁切除术42只眼,术后浅前房13只眼,占31%,巩膜咬切术23只眼,术后浅前房5只眼,占21.7%,虹膜嵌顿术41只眼,术后浅前房5只眼,占12.2%。

The isoelectric point estimated by ion exchange chromatography was 7 – 9 and below 7.

以阴离子交换层析估计 Chi A 之等电点约在 7 – 9 之间,Chi B 及 Chi C 等电点在 7 以下。

Results The linear response range was 0.9420-18.84mg L^(-1)(r=0.9995), 1.190-23.79 mg L^(-1)(r=0.9995), 1.107-22.14 mgL^(-1)(r=0.9994), 56.78-1.136×10^3 mgL^(-1)(r=0.9990) and 0.6219-12.44 mgL^(-1)(r=0.9998), respectively (n=5). The average recoveries (n=9) of rutin, hyperin, isoquercitrin, 4, 5-O-dicaffeoyl quinic acid and isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside were 98.1%, 100.7%, 98.4%, 100.2% and 101.7%, respectively.

结果 芦丁、金丝桃苷、异槲皮苷、4,5-O-二咖啡酰奎宁酸、异鼠李素-3-O-葡萄糖苷质量浓度分别在0.942~18.84mgL^(-1)(r=0.9995)、1.190~23.79mgL^(-1)(r=0.9995)、1.107~22.14mgL^(-1)(r=0.9994)、56.78~1.136×10^3 mgL^(-1)(r=0.9990)、0.6219~12.44mgL^(-1)(r=0.9998)内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系(n=5);方法回收率(n=9)分别为98.1%、100.7%、98.4%、100.2%、101.7%。

Sinomenine,7,8-didehydro-4-hydroxy-3,7 -dimethoxy-17-methylmorphinan-6-one,an isoquinoline alkaloid isolated from the stem and root of the Chinese medicinal herb, Sinomenium acutum Rehd.

青藤碱即7,8-二去氢-4-羟基-3,7-二甲氧基-17-甲基-9α,13α,14α-吗啡烷-6-酮是从植物青风藤Sinomenium acutum Rehd。

The proportion of 0, I , IK HI, IV, V, VI was 5.3%, 9.3%, 20%, 44%, 10.7%, 6.7%, 4% respectively. The result indicated that the predominant pathotype was III and IVin Fujian and Jianxi, the proportion of which was 88%, 50% in turn; II and III in Hubei, the proportion was 70%; no predominant pathotype in Hunan but the sum of proportion of II, III, IV was 55.6% comparing the pathogenicity of Xoc from four provinces.


These results indicated that palmatine had one common binding site on the immobilizedβ_2-AR column,the association constant was 2.93×10~4 L/mol at pH 7.2 and 25℃,while jatrorrhizine had two bingding sites,the association constants at these two sites were 1.93×10~4 and 1.56×10~5 L/mol,respectively.And the molar ratio of weak bingding sites to strong binding sites was 93:7.Palmatine and jatrorrhizine had competed for low-affinity site in immobilizedβ_2-AR.

结果表明,盐酸巴马汀与β_2-AR只有一类结合位点,在流动相pH 7.2,温度25℃时盐酸巴马汀与β_2-AR的结合常数为2.93×10~4 L/mol;盐酸药根碱与β_2-AR有两类结合位点,在这两类结合位点上的结合常数分别为1.93×10~4和1.56x10~5L/mol,两类结合位点数的比值为93:7,且盐酸巴马汀和盐酸药根碱竞争低亲和力的结合位点。

Similar to the oxidation process of Si(111)-7×7 by water,the gradual insertion of S atom into Si_a-Si_s backbond is possible to occur,and the insertion pathway,which begins with directly destroying Si_a-Si_s backbonds by a foreign H_2S molecule,remains more favorable.However,when H_2S attacks at the Si_a site to split Si_a-Si_s backbond with its S or H atom,there is no distinct thermodynamical and kinetical difference between these two attacking behaviors,whereas Si_a-Si_s backbond is easilier broken when H_2O attacks at the Si_a site with its O atom.This mainly lies in the fact that the electronegativity of oxygen is larger than that of sulfur.


Methods A euglycaemic–hyperinsulinaemic clamp, with vastus lateralis skeletal muscle biopsies, was performed at baseline and 16 h after an acute bout of exercise and short-term exercise training (7 days) in obese non-diabetic (n=7) and obese type 2 diabetic (n=8) subjects.


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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
