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Blinded biopsies were evaluated by a histopathologist and scored according to Knodells histology activity index. Results 53.5%(54/101), 51.5%(52/101) and 31.7%(32/101) patients had a reduction of their total hepatic HAI score, necroinflammation and fibrosis scores by ≥2 points or 1 points at the end of one year of lamivudine therapy, compared with their pretreatment values, respectively.

结果 治疗后53.5%(54/101)患者肝组织学改善(治疗后HAI积分下降≥2),HAI积分由治疗前的8.0±4.7下降至治疗后5.2±3.3(t=7.358,P.01);其中51.5%(52/101)患者坏死炎症程度改善(治疗后积分下降≥2),坏死炎症积分由5.9±3.8下降至3.6±2.5;31.7%(32/101)患者纤维化程度改善(治疗后积分下降≥1),纤维化积分由2.1±1.2下降至1.6±1.2(t=3.827,P.01。

In this thesis, a series of complexes based on aromatic multicarboxylic acids have been successfully synthesized in solutions or under hydrothermal conditions. Their structure and properties are investigated.(1) Eight complex compounds have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray single crystal diffractive technology: The eight complexes are listed as following: [Cu242] complex 1 [Cd22(H2O)4]·4H2O complex 2 [Co(H2btc)(H2O)3] complex 3 [Co2(H2O)2]·H2O complex 4 [Ni22(H2O)4] complex 5 [Cu22(H2O)4] complex 6 [Co(H2biim)2(H2O)2](H2btc) complex 7 [Zn(H2biim)2(H2O)2](H2btc) complex 8 The structure of complex 1 is dinuclear complex resulted from weak interactions(0-D chain); complex 2 is 1-D chain stucture result from interactions of water molecules; complex 3、4、5、6 are coordination polymers using hydrothermal synthses, where the first kind ligand is H4btc, the second kind ligand is phen and Co2+、Ni2+、Cu2+ as center ions, respectively. While the coordination enviroment of Co2+ is the same in complex 3, the coordination geometries around the Co atoms in complex 4 are obviously different because of the different reaction conditions. In complex 4, the 1-D chains are connected into 2-D layer through carboxy groups of ligand H4btc. The structures of complex 5、6 are 1-D chain stucture result from interactions of carboxy groups in ligand H4btc. Complex 7、8 are homeomorphy compounds. Either of them are linked to the 3-D chains through intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Each H4btc lose two protons and H2btc2- acts as negative electron balance.

合成了8个结构新颖的配合物,并用X-射线单晶结构分析方法确定了晶体结构,分别为: [Cu242] 配合物1 [Cd22(H2O)4]·4H2O 配合物2 [Co(H2btc)(H2O)3] 配合物3 [Co2(H2O)2]·H2O 配合物4 [Ni22(H2O)4] 配合物5 [Cu22(H2O)4] 配合物6 [Co(H2biim)2(H2O)2](H2btc)配合物7 [Zn(H2biim)2(H2O)2](H2btc)配合物8 配合物1是一个依靠弱作用连接的双核铜结构;配合物2借助水分子形成一维链状结构;配合物3、4、5、6是以H4btc为第一配体、phen为第二配体,通过水热法合成的配合物,其中,Co2+、Ni2+、Cu2+为中心离子;配合物3中的二价钴离子具有相同的配位环境,不同反应条件下得到的配合物4中的二价钴离子存在不同的配位环境,在配合物4中,一维链通过H4btc上的羧基形成一个二维层结构;配合物5、6是借助H4btc上的羧基形成的一维链状结构;配合物7、8属于异质同晶结构,它们的分子通过分子间氢键形成三维网状结构,H4btc上的羧基失去2个质子,作为一个二价负离子起到电荷平衡作用。

objective:to explore the diagnosis and treatment of gastric stump cancer.method:the clinic datum of 27 cases with gsc were analyzed retrospectively from june 1989 to june 2004.result: the ratio of gsc was 1.8% in homochronous gastric cancer.in 27 cases,the radical operation was performed for 14(53.5%),palliative operation for 9(34.6%)and pass-procedure for 3(11.5%).the one-year,three-year and five-year postoperative survival rate in radical operation was 85.7%, 50% and 35.7%.


Methods The effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine and 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) on nitric oxide synthase activity, levels of dopamine、3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid、homovanillic acid, and TH-immunostained postive nerve fibres in the striatum of mice were determined by using colorimetic analysis, HPLC with electrochemical detection, and immunohistochemical analysis.


Average following period was 7.6±3.9 months;EF was 63%±5%;The movement of infarction-related myocardial wall was completely normal in 7 of 9 patients and 2 patients only had slight hypokinesis;Q waves on electrocardialgram was decreased (3/9) or disappeared (6/9),Free-symptom living was 8 patients,only one patient had some tightness on his chest when he did moderate exercis.


Objective:To examine the effects of acute or chronic administration of 7-nitro indazole (7-NI) on the MAC of sevoflurane and cerebellar cGMP levels in mice.

目的:应用神经型NO合成酶抑制剂7-硝基吲唑(7-NI),观察急、慢性用药对七氟醚 MAC及小鼠小脑cGMP的影响。

Respiratory-related burst activities were recorded from hypoglossal nerve rootlets before and during superfusion of theslice preparation with L-Arginine, sodium nitroprusside or 7-nitro indazole (7-NI, an in-hibitor of NO synthase).

同时保留舌下神经根,用改良Kreb's液灌流脑片并记录与之相连的舌下神经根呼吸节律性放电(respiratory rhmical dischargeactivity,RRDA),在灌流液中分别给予不同浓度的NO供体硝普钠(sodium nitroprusside,SNP),NO合成前体L-精氨酸(L-Arrginine,L-Arg)以及神经元型一氧化氮合酶(neuronal nitric oxide synthase,nNOS)特异性抑制剂7-nitro indazole(7-MI),观察其对RRDA的影响。

When the inoculative density of MSCs is l×l0~5cells/ml and the microcarrier Cytodex-3 concentration is 10mg/ml, MSCs cultivated in RWV for five days can expand more than nine times but only four times in T-fiask in one generation. Moreover, the culture parameters show that the media pH value in RWV is 7.4-7.6, and the glucose content is lower but the lactic acid content is higher in RWV than in T-flask.


Meanwhile, the optimal use level of auxiliary rice is 37%; pH5.2~pH5.4 for the best saccharification, pH6.0~pH6.3 for the best gelatinization; 90 minutes for boiling; addition of 2kg hops the first time, 9kg the second time, and 7kg the third time; inoculative yeast 7%; the highest fermentation temperature 12℃ and the highest pressure 0.12MPa.

摘 要:以麦芽、大米、酒花为原料,对不同比例的麦芽用量作了小试,认为用45%较55%为佳;辅料大米以37%为好,糖化pH5.2~5.4,糊化pH6.0~6.3,煮沸90min,第一次加酒花2kg,第二次加酒花9kg,第三次加酒花7kg,接种酵母7.0‰,发酵最高温度12℃,最高压力0.12MPa,发酵第6天开始测双乙酰,当双乙酰降至0.8×10-7时,保温48h,再以0.3℃/h降至0℃,后酵7天以上。

Results: 1 The incidence rate of primary bilateral breast cancers was 2.5% with the morbidity age of 41 years, intermitting time between the two malignancies was 5.4 years. The 5-,10- and 20- year survival rates were 86.6%, 57.7% and 25.8% respectively. 2 The incidence rate of Paget′ s disease associated with breast cancer was 0.9% with a high incident age of 47.3 years and 5-, 10- and 20- year survival rates of 64.7%, 50% and 20.6% respectively. 3 The incidence rate of breast cancer associated with MPMNs of other organs was 3.6% with the peak incident age of 49.4 years, intermitting time of 8.6 years and the organs commonly involved were lung, uterus, esophagus, ovary and large intestine.

结果 :1双原发乳腺癌发生率为2.5%,发病年龄41岁,间隔时间5.4年。5、10、20年生存率分别为86.6%、57.7%和25.8%。2同一乳腺PD伴乳腺癌发病率为0.9%,高发年龄为 47.3岁。5、10、20年生存率为:64.7%、50%和20.6%。3乳腺癌伴其他脏器癌瘤的MPMNs发生率为3.6%,高发年龄 49.4岁,间隔时间为8.6年。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
