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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ratio of disomic addition lines CO-7-1D from the progenies of CO-7-1 self-cross was 11.8%.


Results There were hyperplasia of mammary glands in 31 cases; chronic mastitis in 5 cases; ductal ectasia in 7 cases and breast cancer in 7 cases by FDS in this series.

结果 5 0例FDS检查中发现乳腺增生 3 1例,慢性乳腺炎 5例,乳管扩张症 7例,乳癌 7例。

The results showed that the unsaturated fatty acid content of pecan kernel oil was 89 0%,and 13 kinds of unknown components such as nonadecaol,8 hexyl pentadecane,10 methyl eicosane,11,14 eicosadienoic acid,1 bromo 8 heptadecyne,9 hexyl heptadecane,tetracosane,13 docosenoic acid,1 bromo 7 nonadecyne,15 tetracosenoic acid,hexacosanoic acid,7 hexyl ei...

研究结果表明:山核桃仁油中的不饱和脂肪酸 w =89 0 %,未知成分是十九醇、8 己基十五烷、10 甲基二十烷、11,14 二十碳二烯酸、1溴 8 十七炔、9 己基十七烷、二十四烷、13 二十二碳烯酸、1 溴代 7 十九炔、15 二十四碳烯酸、二十六酸、7 己基二十烷、二十七烷共 13种,其中13 二十二碳烯酸、15 二十四碳烯酸、十九醇等具有较强的生理活性和药用价值

In the control group, encephalorrhagia and the treated group (encephalorrhagica+nimodi-pine), premature ventricular beat were (3±5) thousands/d,(14±16) thousands/d,(7±7) thousands/d, respectively.


Ninety-seven (82.9%) patients went back to their normal life and work, 9 (7.7%) could take care of themselves in life with minor neurological or endocrinological deficits, 5 (4.3%) needed assistance for daily life.


Results:210 cases of patients,50 cases of chronic cervicitis and atypical hyperplasia,accounts for 23.8%;22 cases of vaginitis,accounts for 10.5%;20 cases of endometritis,accounts for 9.5%;Five cases of cervical polyps,accounts for 2.4%;Three cases of endometrial polyps,accounts for 1.43%;Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 75 cases,accounts for 35.7%;Endometrial three cases of atypical hyperplasia,accounts for 1.43%;Eight cases of uterine fibroids,accounts for 3.8%;15 cases of m alignant tumor,Accounts for 7.14%;IUD caused by bleeding in 9 cases,accounts for 4.3%.


The results showed that virulence frequency of V4a、V4b、V13、V20、V21、VXBD、V2+6、V4+8、V2+Mli、V4b+Mli、V5+6、V1+2+9 were 3.6%~29.7%, Pm4a, Pm4b, Pm13, Pm20, Pm21, PmXBD, Pm2+6, Pm4+8, Pm2+Mli, Pm4b+Mli, Pm5+6, Pm1+2+9 were effective resistant genes to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici and may be applicated as resistant parents; Virulence frequency of V1、V2、V3a、V3d、V3f、V6、V17、V19、V2+Ta were 38.6%~79.4%, The validity of Pm1、Pm2、Pm3a、Pm3d、Pm3f、Pm6、Pm17、Pm19、Pm2+Ta had decreased; Virulence frequency of V3b、V3c、V3e、V5、V7、V8 were 92.5%~98.7%, Pm3b、Pm3c、Pm3e、Pm5、Pm7、Pm8 had no applicable value in breeding if they were utilized as the only resistant sources.

结果表明,毒性基因V4 a、V4 b、V13、V20、V21、VXBD、V2+6、V4+8、V2+Mli、V4 b+Mli、V5+6、V1+2+9的出现频率为3.6%29.7%,其对应抗性基因Pm4 a、Pm4 b、Pm13、Pm20、Pm21、PmXBD、Pm2+6、Pm4+8、Pm2+Mli、Pm4 b+Mli、Pm5+6、Pm1+2+9为目前山西省小麦白粉病菌的有效抗病基因,可供转育利用;毒性基因V1、V2、V3 a、V3 d、V3 f、V6、V17、V19、V2+Ta的出现频率为38.6%79.4%,其对应抗性基因Pm1、Pm2、Pm3 a、Pm3 d、Pm3 f、Pm6、Pm17、Pm19、Pm2+Ta的利用价值已下降;毒性基因V3 b、V3 c、V3 e、V5、V7、V8的出现频率为92.5%~98.7%,其对应抗性基因Pm3 b、Pm3 c、Pm3 e、Pm5、Pm7、Pm8单独使用无利用价值。

CD8~+ cell is the main T lymphocyte subset in spleen, and B lymphocyte mainly is IgG~+ cell, moreover the amount of these B lymphocytes could exceed CD3~+ T lymphocyte subset after 7 days. CD8~+ cell is the main T lymphocyte subset in tonsil of appendix, and B lymphocyte is IgM~+ cell, and the amount could exceed CD3~+ T lymphocytes after 35 days. After 21 days, B lymphocytes in esophago tonsil are the main IgA~+ cells and the amount exceeds CD3~+ lymphocytes. The amount of CD4~+ lymphocytes is more than CD8+ lymphocytes.4. CD3~+、CD4~+ and CD8~+ T lymphocytes in spleen mainly distribute in periarterial lymphoid sheath. However IgM~+、IgG~+ and IgA~+ cells mainly distribute in ellipsoid periarterial lymphoid sheath and germinal center. T lymphocytes in appendix tonsil mainly distribute in middle and inferior part of mucous and the B lymphocytes mainly in middle and mucous between 4~7 days. Whereafter T, B lymphocytes equably distribute in mucous. CD4~+ cells arrange tightly and mainly occupy the central part in aggregates of T lymphocytes in esophago tonsil and CD8~+ lymphocytes mainly distribute in periphery. Meanwhile B lymphocytes encircle the periphery of aggregates of T lymphocytes. The aggregates of B lymphocytes is mainly the germinal center with lots of IgM~+、IgG~+ and IgA~+ cells. Meanwihle T lymphocytes encircle the periphery of aggregates of B lymphocytes.5. There is an intimate relationship between the development of tissue structure of peripheral immune organs and lymphcytopoiesis. The maturation of tissue structure is stimulated by the immigration of lymphocytes and the mature tissue structure provides place where lymphocytes grow mature and functionate.


METHODS: Whole blood samples (3.000 L) from 10 healthyvolunteers (2 female, 8 male) were acidified by adding 40 Lof hydrochloric acid of increasing molarity to achieve a bloodpH between 7.0 and 7.37, and coagulation was analyzedby rotational thromboelastometry after an incubation periodof 30 min using both intrinsically and extrinsically activated assays.

来自10名健康志愿者(2女,8男)的全血样本(3.000L),加入40L 摩尔浓度增加的盐酸酸化以达到血 pH介於7.0和7.37之间。用本质和非本质活化测定法孵化30分钟后,再用旋转血栓弹性测定法分析凝血功能。

Female inflorescences of 1-7 or more flowers subtended individually or collectively by a cupule formed from numerous fused bracts, arranged individually or in small groups along an axis or at base of an androgynous inflorescence or on a separate axis. Female flower: perianth 1-7 or more; pistil 1; ovary inferior, 3-6(-9)-loculed; style and carpels as many as locules; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule. Fruit a nut. Seed usually solitary by abortion (but may be more than 1 in Castanea , Castanopsis , Fagus , and Formanodendron ), without endosperm; embryo large.

雌花序有1-7朵花或更多花,聚生一壳斗内,壳斗为多数苞片愈合而成,雌花花被1-7或更多;雌蕊1;子房下位,3-6室(-9);花柱、子房室和心皮同数中轴胎座每室2胚株果为一坚果种子通常单生(但是可能在Castanea,Castanopsis,Fagus 和Formanodendron里超过1个),没有胚乳;胚大。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
