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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: Among the patients who had normal joint laxity, the mean side-to-side difference in anterior tibial translation on testing with the KT-2000 arthrometer at a minimum of twenty-four months postoperatively was 2.7 ± 1.9 mm in the bone-patellar tendon-bone graft group and 3.5 ± 1.7 mm in the hamstring graft group. This difference was not significant.

结果:关节松弛度正常病人术后24月利用KT-2000 型关节测量仪检查平均双侧胫骨前方移动度差别,髌骨-骨-腱移植组为2.7 ± 1.9 mm ,筋膜移植组为3.5 ± 1.7 mm ,差别无统计学意义。

The phosphorus contents adsorbed by iron plaque were 81.7% for Arundo donax Linn and 85.7% for typha latifolia of the wetland plants with iron plaque.


For PTDM control, none of the ATIP subjects required insulin but 39.3%, oral hypoglycemic agents and 60.7% diet versus 22.2% of controls on insulin, 37% OHA, and 40.7% diet control.


Abundant Botryococcus braunii fossils were discovered just from the members Ch 7-3 and Ch 7-2 of the Yanchang Formation members in auctorial micropalaeontological study.


Results Totally 347 pathogens were isolated from deep-part secretion of lower respiratory tracts of 302 VAP in general ICU. The main pathogens included Pseudomonas aeruginosa (32.3%), Acinetobacter baumanii (31.1%), Staphylococcus aurous (16.7%), Klebsiella (7.5%) and Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (6.1%).

结果 从302例综合ICU VAP患者下呼吸道深部分泌物标本中分离出347株病原菌,主要病原菌是铜绿假单胞菌(32.3%)、鲍曼不动杆菌(31.1%)、金黄色葡萄球菌(16.7%)、克雷伯菌(7.5%)与凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(6.1%)。

The average biomass was 45.261. The maximum biomass of 113.138 occurred in Zhainan lake region and the minimum biomass of 0.862 in the Zaozhadian lake region. The average chlorophyll content was 7.573 3. The maximum chlorophyll content of 17.690 4 occurred in Nanliuzhuang lake region and the minimum chlorophyll content of 0.245 7 in the Zaozhadian lake region. The avera...

各淀区浮游植物生物量平均为45.261,以寨南最大(113.138),藻淀最小(0.862);叶绿素含量平均为7.573 3,其中南刘庄最大(17.690 4),藻淀最小(0.245 7);最高生产层以碳计的日产量(g/(m3 ·d))平均为0.285,其中南刘庄最大(1.055),藻淀最小(0.015),水柱日产量(g/(m2 ·d))平均为0.431,其中寨南最大(1.001),藻淀最小(0.013)。

Glumes (1–)3(–5), transitional with basal, sterile lemmas; lemma 7- to many veined, abaxially commonly puberulent and with distinct tessellation, adaxially slightly scabrous with minute setulae, apex acuminate with an awnlike point; palea conspicuously smaller than lemma or equaling in length but much narrower in upper florets, abaxially minutely setulate, 2-keeled, 2–4-veined between and beside keels, apex obtuse or emarginate; lodicules 3, membranous with thickened lower portion, 5–7-veined, margins ciliate, anterior pair of lodicules usually asymmetrical.


RESULTS Among 327 specimens, cultures were positive in 320(97.9%),included 328 aerobe strains and 436 anaerobe strains.Most of the pathogenic bacteria were Gram negative.In aerobes,E.coli was the first (176 strains),while bacteroides were the first(216 strains) for anaerobes. In the positive cases, aerobic and anaerobic mixed infection were 64.7% while unitary aerobic and unitary anaerobic infection were only 25% and 10.3%, respectively.The drug sensitive rate of aerobes to the third generation cephalosporine was exceed 90%.The drug sensitive rate to metronidazole was 97.9%.

结果 32 7例标本中 32 0例有细菌生长,其中需氧菌 32 8株,厌氧菌 4 36株,以 G-菌为主;在需氧菌中以大肠埃希菌为主,占 176株;厌氧菌中以类杆菌属为主,占 2 19株;大多数为需氧菌和厌氧菌的混合感染,占 6 4 。7%;单纯需氧菌和单纯厌氧菌感染分别占 2 5 %和 10 。3%;需氧菌对第三代头孢菌素的敏感率在90 %以上,厌氧菌对甲硝唑的敏感率在 97.7%。

The house competed hard for the consignment and was undoubtedly helped by the success of its $10 million sale of African and Oceanic art in May (est.$4.7–6.7 million), when a large wood Baga serpent fetched nearly $3.3 million.

众议院竞争很难托运和帮助无疑是成功的千点○万美元出售非洲和大洋洲艺术在5月(估计$ 4月7号至6月7号万美元),当一个大型木材巴嘎邦蛇美国纽约拍出了近330万美元。

The lengths are as followe:S1 3.2±1.5 cm,S2 4.4±1.0 cm,S3 3.5±1.1 cm,S4 2.3±0.9 cm and S5 1.0±0.3 cm.The diameters follow:S1 1.2±0.7 mm,S2 2.5±1.5 mm,S3 2.5±1.5 mm,S4 1.7±1.5 mm and S5 0.9±0.6 mm,8.8% of the penetrating tributaries of basivertebral veins before the S4 vertebra were 2~4 mm in diameter,91.2%were 0.1~1.9 mm.

其长度平均:S1为3.2±1.5 cm,S2为4.4±1.0 cm,S3为3.5±1.1 cm,S4为2.3±0.9 cm,S5为1.0±0.3 cm;其直径平均:S1为1.2±0.7 mm,S2为2.5±1.5 mm,S3为2.5±1.5 mm,S4为1.7±1.5 mm,S5为0.9±0.6 mm.S4椎体前穿通支静脉口径2~4 mm占8.8%,0.1~1.9 mm占91.2%。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
