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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was 5'7" and Wilt was 7'1"- what a sight.


Phagocytes were incubated in vitro for 2 h in medium containing 10^(-3) to 10^(-6) M of zinc chloride, and 10^(-4) to 10^(-7) M of cadmium chloride. Respiratory burst activity was decreased for all concentrations studied except 10^(-7) M of cadmium chloride.


Corolla actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, 5(-7)-lobed; stamens 5(-7); leaf blade margin entire

花冠辐射对称的或稍左右对称,有叶5(-7);雄蕊5(-7);叶片边缘全缘 18 Sphenodesme 楔翅藤属

Mice were abdominally injected with a adaptive dose of 3.7×10~2--3.7×10~5 Bq/gbw HTO, and then exposed to a challenge dose of 1.5 Gy of~(60)Coγ-rays.

小鼠腹腔注射3.7×10~2—3.7×10~5Bq/gbw HTO作为适应剂量,随后全身照射1.5Gy~(60)Coγ射线作为激发剂量,观察对骨髓细胞染色单体畸变率的影响。

Results The tumors were divided into three types according to the CT findings. Type I: regular, homogeneous density and well-defined,there were 30 patients, included benign mixed tumor(n=29) and adenolymphomas(n=1); Type II:irregular, heterogeneous dentsity, poordefined, there were 15 patients, included benign mixed tumor(n=7), malignant mixed tumor (n=2),adenolymphomas(n=3), hemagioma(n=2),mucoepidermoid carcinoma(n=1). Type III: irregular and could not definded, there were 7 patients, included malignant mixed tumor(n=2), mucoepidermoid carcinoma(n=2), adenoid cystic carcinoma(n=1), malignant lymphoma(n=1), acinic cell carcinoma(n=1). Conclusion CT have important values in location and qualitative analyses of parotid gland.

结果 肿瘤按CT表现分三类:52例患者中,I类30例,形态规则呈类圆形,密度均匀,边缘清楚,除1例腺淋巴瘤外,29例均为良性混合瘤;II类15例,形态不规则,呈分叶状,密度欠均,边界较清或模糊,其中7例良性混合瘤,2例恶性混合瘤,3例腺淋巴瘤,2例血管瘤,1例黏液表皮样癌;III类7例,形态不规则,边缘无法确定,其中恶性混合瘤2例,黏液表皮样癌2例,囊腺癌1例,恶性淋巴瘤1例,腺泡细胞癌1例。

Seven compounds have been isolated from hard coral Acropora pulchra. These compounds are:pentadecoic acid, heptadecyl ester;(2)n-cetanol;(3)batyl alcohol;(4) N- [ 1 --2-hydroxyl--3,7-heptad-ecadienal] -hexadecanamide;(5)1 -0-hexanoyl-glycerol ester;(6)thymine;(7)uracil. Their structures were determined by IR, MS, HNMR, 13CNMR analysis.

从北海佳丽鹿角珊瑚Acropora pulchra乙醇提取液的乙酸乙酯部分分离出七个化合物,经IR、MS、~1HNMR、~(13)CNMR等波谱方法鉴定,其结构分别为:(1)十五酸十七酯,(2)正十六碳醇,(3)鲨肝醇,(4)N-1-羟基甲基-2-羟基—-3,7-十七碳二烯基十六酸酰胺,(5)1-正十六酸甘油酯,(6)胸腺嘧啶,(7)尿嘧啶。

The surface modification reaction is facile and the molecules are directly attached to the neighboring adatom and rest-atom with the formation of two covalent Si-C bonds at the Si (111)-7×7 surface.


In this study, MSCs and adipo-MSCs (MSCs cultured in adipogenic medium for 7 days) were attached to PLGA spheres and cultured for 7 days, followed by injection into nude mice for 2 weeks.


METHODS: From January 2000 to May 2002, 52 cases with various types of bone defect were treated with tissue engineered bone, which was constructed in vitro by allogeneous osteoblasts from periosteum 1 x 10(6/ml with bio-derived bone scaffold following 3 to 7 days co-culture. Among them, there were 7 cases of bone cyst, 22 cases of non-union or malunion of old fracture, 15 cases of fresh comminuted fracture of bone defect, 4 cases of spinal fracture and posterior route spinal fusion, 3 cases of bone implant of alveolar bone, 1 case of fusion of tarsotarsal joint.

2000年1月~ 2002年1月,用同种异体骨膜来源的成骨细胞 1×106 / ml与生物衍生骨支架材料构建的组织工程骨,经体外培养 3~ 7天后,植入修复52例各种类型的骨缺损,其中骨囊性病变7例,陈旧性骨折不愈合或畸形愈合 2 2例,新鲜粉碎性骨折伴骨缺损 15例,脊柱骨折后路植骨融合术4例,牙槽骨植骨 3例,足跗中关节植骨融合 1例。

To further study the chemical constitutes of lipophilic active parts, we prepared Alc95% and Alc50% according to original literature. 20 compounds were isolated by using macroporous resin, silica gel, polyamide, Sephadex LH-20, Rp-18, preparative TLC and preparative HPLC chromato-graphy. The structures of them were elucidated by means of physical and chemical properties, modern spectroscopic analysis techniques—UV、IR、 EI/MS、ESI/MS、〓H-NMR、〓C-NMR、DEPT、HMQC、HMBC. They are nine anthraquinones: chrysophanol (95-1), physcion (95-2), emodin (95-5), aloemodin (95-7), rhein (50-1), sennoside A or B (50-6),ω-hydroxylemodin (95-10), chrysophanol-8-0-β-D-glucoside (95-12), aloemodin-ω-0-β-D-glucoside (95-13); three phenanthaquinones: tanshinone ⅡA (95-3), cryptotanshinone (95-6), tanshinone Ⅰ(95-4); one isoflavone: 7, 3'-dihydroxyl-5' methoxyisoflavone (95-14) and protocaechuic aldehyde (95-9), protocaechuic acid (95-11), astragaloside Ⅳ(50-4), amygdalin (50-5), 2, 3, 5, 4'-tetrahydroxylstilbene-2-0-β-D-glucoside (50-3),-catechin (50-2), cinnamic acid (95-8). Among them, 3'-dihydroxyl-5' methoxyisoflavone (95-14) is a new compound.

经过溶剂萃取、大孔吸附树脂富集、Sephadex LH-20精制、制备TLC及Semi-pre HPLC等手段从中分离了20个化合物,利用理化性质和波谱技术(UV、IR、EI/MS、ESI/MS、〓H-NMR、〓C-NMR、DEPT、HMQC、HMBC)相结合鉴定了它们的结构,分别为9种蒽醌类化合物:大黄酚,大黄素甲醚,大黄素,芦荟大黄素,大黄酸,番泻苷A或B,ω-羟基大黄素(ω-hydroxylemodin),大黄酚-8-0-β-D-葡萄糖苷(chrysophanol-8-0-β-D-glucoside),芦荟大黄素-ω-0-β-D-葡萄糖苷(aloemodin-ω-0-β-D-glucoside);3种菲醌类化合物:丹参酮ⅡA(tanshinoneⅡA),隐丹参酮,丹参酮Ⅰ(tanshinone Ⅰ);1种异黄酮:7,3'-二羟基-5'-甲氧基异黄酮(7,3'-dihydroxy-5' methoxyisofla-vone)以及原儿茶醛,原儿茶酸,黄芪甲苷(astragaloside Ⅳ),苦杏仁苷,2,3,5,4'-四羟基二苯乙烯-2-0-β-D-葡萄糖苷(2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxylstilbene-2-O-β-D-g1ucoside),Z—儿茶素,桂皮酸。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
