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Base on above studies, some conclusions were obtained as follows:(1) ore-forming background of the studied ferromanganese crusts are mainly controlled by intensity of Antarctic Bottom Waters and variations of material source;(2) it is confirmed that the ferromanganese crusts are mainly hydrogenetic and their composition are affected by volcanic and continental material simultaneously; there are no obvious phosphatization reconstruction and element reaction occurred in them, so they have important paleoceanological significance;(3) from researches on element occurrence modes in the new-type ferromanganese crusts and the lying sediments, it is proposed that there is no great biological affection on the crusts formation and their composition mainly came from the adsorptive action of the ferromanganese oxides in them;(4) two major types of ore-controlling factors are identified through compilation of ore-controlling factors, which are geological and oceanic factors;(5) considering the long-term variation trends of the crusts composition, combing the U-series and 10Be isotope dating results, it is proposed that the ore-forming processes of ferromanganese crusts in the studied areas can be divided into three major stages (5.6~2.8 Ma, 2.8~2.7 Ma and since 2.7 Ma), and then the activities of AABW since the Late Miocene, changes of input flux coming from volcanic and continental material are confirmed.

通过研究,得出如下结论:(1)研究区铁锰结壳的成矿背景主要受控于南极底流强弱及物源供给的变化;(2)证实铁锰结壳主要为水成成因,同时其物质组成也受一定程度的火山和陆源物质的影响;结壳自形成以来没有遭受到明显的磷酸盐化等成岩后期改造和元素再迁移,具有重要的古海洋学意义;(3)通过新型铁锰结壳及下伏沉积物元素赋存状态的研究,认为生物作用对研究区结壳的形成并没有很大的直接影响,其物质成分主要来自于结壳中铁锰氧化物的吸附作用;(4)在控矿要素的研究中,归纳出了地质与海洋两大类结壳控矿要素;(5)根据结壳成分长周期变化趋势,结合铀系和10Be测年结果,将研究区结壳的形成过程划分为三个主要阶段(5.6~2.8 Ma,2.8~2.7 Ma和2.7 Ma以来),并确定了晚中新世以来研究区南极底流的活动情况、火山和大陆来源物质输入量的变化。

The research leads to following conclusions: A The age of the ferromanganese contacting with the upper phosphate layer is 14.9 Ma; B The crust had been grown continually without sedimentation interruption since 14.9 Ma, suggesting that it can be used to rebuild the environment of palaeo-ocean and palaeo-climate from 14.9 Ma to 0 Ma; C The sedimentation interruption between the ferromanganese and the upper phosphate layer lasted around 4 Ma; D Between 19 Ma and 22.7 Ma, great phosphatization event happened in this area, which might cause the sedimentation interruption from 22.7 Ma to 14.9 Ma; E The ferromanganese crust began to grow from 75 Ma.

对超微量Sr同位素测试得到的富钴结壳磷酸盐年龄进行分析认为:(1)上部富钴结壳与上层白色磷酸盐化层接触部位的年龄为14.9 Ma;(2)自14.9 Ma以来,结壳的生长是连续的,沉积间断发生的可能性非常小,该样品可以用来进行14.9 Ma年以来古海洋、全球变化的重建工作;(3)上层白色磷酸盐化层与其上部的富钴结壳之间存在4 Ma的沉积间断;(4)19 Ma~22.7 Ma左右在该区发生过大规模的磷酸盐化作用,磷酸盐化作用可能造成磷酸盐化时期(19 Ma~22.7 Ma)和之后4 Ma(19 Ma~14.9 Ma)富钴结壳的沉积间断;(5)结壳的初始生长年龄在75 Ma左右;(6)老结壳的生长速度要远低于新结壳的生长速度。

Methods 7 patients (14 eyes) with Stargardt′s were diagnosed by ocular fundus photochromy, and 6 patients (12 eyes) received FFA and 7 patients (14 eyes) received OCT.

方法对 Stargardt病患者7例14眼拍摄彩色眼底图像,其中6例12眼行FFA检查,7例14眼行黄斑区OCT检查。

The small hole of the optical inducer of the traditional second-generation optical mouse used for receiving the images faces downwards, and corresponding light sources (including photoelectric diode and laser diode), optic lens and photosensitive holes are arranged at the lower part of the mouse; therefore, moving the whole mouse is a relatively convenient method for generating displacement of the mouse pointer; oppositely, the small hole of the optical inducer used for receiving the images faces upwards and corresponding light sources, optical lens and photosensitive holes (7) are arranged at the upper part of the mouse; matters on the upper surface of the photosensitive hole (7) can be moved so as to lead the mouse pointer to generate the displacement, while the moving signal transmitted by a photoelectric conversion device must be reset so as to comply with the integrated mouse of the invention.


The results indicated that compared with the control group, the daily gain was increased by 12.16% and 7.14% respectively through adding 15 and 30 mg/kg phytosterol; and the feed conversion was increased by 2.56% and 7.10% respectively.


Pistillate flower: tepals 2-5(-10); pistil composed of 2-5(-7) carpels; ovary inferior, 1-3(-7)-loculed; placentae axile or parietal; styles 2 or 3, free or fused at base, forked once or more; stigma turgid, spirally twisted-tortuous or U-shaped, capitate or reniform, setose-papillose.

雌花 花被片2-5(-10);由2-5(-7)心皮组成的雌蕊;子房下位,1-3室(-7);中轴胎座或周壁;花柱2或3,离生或者在基部合生,分叉一次或更多次;柱头膨大,螺旋缠绕扭曲或U形,头状或肾形,具刚毛小乳突。

In Chapter 2, we show that Xi 3 for all planar graphs of girth not less than 4 which contains no 5- and 6-circuits or contains no 7- and 8-circuits or contains no 8- and 9-circuits, we also show that Xi 3 for each planar graph of girth not less than 4 which contains no 6-, 7- and 9-circuits.


The expermental result: the PAEs of pneumobacillus exposure to 8MIC and 16MIC were 6.6±1.3h\, 7.2±1.5h, the PAEs of pseudomonas aeruginosa were 7.8±0.8h\, 8.5±0.6h.

结果:环丙沙星在8、16MIC两个药物浓度下对肺炎克雷白菌的PAE为6.6±1.3 h,7.2±1.5h;绿脓杆菌的临床分离菌株的PAE分别为:7.8±0.8h, 8.5±0.6h。

The steel-blue colored Treo is easily pocketable at 4.3 x 2.7 x 0.7 inches, and weighs only 5.4 ounces.

钢青色的Treo只有4.3 x 2.7 x 0.7英寸,仅重 5.4盎司,极易放在口袋里。

Ticket limit:China to Poland, China fly Poland ticket price inquiry flightsTime:1, ticket booking 21 days prior to departure from the book must be in 14 days after a ticket, 21 days starting from the book must be within 7 days after booking tickets, starting from within 7 days after the book must be within 24 hours in book tickets

机票价格,中国飞波兰航班查询 1、出票时限:距出发21天前预订必须在预订后14天之内出票,距出发21天内预订必须在预订后7天之内出票,距出发7天内预订必须在预订后24小时之内出票

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
