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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The soil pH, CEC and organic matter content ranged from 7.7 to 8.6, 11.9 to 28.7 cmolkg^(-1), and 3.0 to 27.9 gkg^(-1), and followed normal distribution, log-normal distribution, and negative binomial distribution, respectively. These three properties were significantly affected by land use type, landform, and soil type.


KAP6-1.5 and KAP8-2 were also expressed in internal root sheath of primary hair follicle discontinuitily. It demonstrated that KAP6、7、8 were important structure proteins of wool and cashmere cortex,and cells of cortex were keratinizated by KAP6、7、8.KAP6、7、8 participated in the synthesis of wool and cashmere directly, affected the physico-chemical property of pelage.

结果表明KAP6、7、8 mRNA在初级毛囊和次级毛囊的皮质层有强烈的表达信号,KAP6-1.5和KAP8-2mRNA在初级毛囊的内根鞘有微弱不连续的表达信号,说明KAP6、7、8是绒山羊毛和绒皮质蛋白的组成成分,是皮质层中起角质化作用的重要蛋白质,直接参与了绒毛和粗毛的合成,对毛发的理化性质有重要作用。

Results Of 61 cases, 4 cases (7%) in center 3 mm zone of cornea had mean thickness:(0.439±0.071) mm and polar distance:(3.108±0.904) nun; 8 cases (13%) in 3~5 mm zone had T:(0.328±0.088) mm and p:(3.108±0.904) mm; 28 cases (46%) in 5~7 mm zone had T:(0.320±0.093) mm and p:(3.233±0.381) mm; 21 cases (34%) in 7~9 mm zone had T:(0.340±0.128) mm and p:(3.756±0.539) mm; 61 cases (100%) in 0~9 mm zone had T:(0.336±0.112) mm and p:(3.108±0.904) mm.

结果 61例角膜最薄点平均厚度为(0.336±0.112)mm且平均极距为(3.108±0.904)mm;其中最薄点分布,角膜中央3mm区4例(7%)T为(0.439±0.071)mm且p为(3.108±0.904)mm;角膜3~5mm区8例(13%)T为(0.328±0.088)mm且p为(3.108±0.904)mm;角膜5~7mm区28例(46%)T为(0.320±0.093)mm且p为(3.233±0.381)mm;角膜7~9mm区21例(34%)T为(0.340±0.128)mm且p为(3.756±0.539)mm。

Results Eleven compounds were isolated and identified as:quercetin(1),kaempferol(2),quercitrin(3),protocatechuic acid(4),gallic acid(5),protocatechuic acid ethyl ester(6),ethyl gallate(7),vanillic acid(8),1,5,7-trihydroxyl-3methylan...


METHODS: RAW264.7 macrophages growth inhibition was measured by MTT assay. The apoptosis effect of RAW264.7 murine macrophages induced by ox-LDL was analyzed by flow cytometric analysis and DNA agarose electrophoresis. After expression of Daxx was silenced by special siRNA, the macrophages apoptosis was observed by AO/EB fluorescence staining. Oil Red O Dyeing experiment was used to show the cellular lipid droplets in lipid-loaded cells. High performance liquid chromatography analysis was performed to determine the content of cellular cholesterol. Real time RT-PCR was used to detect the mRNA expressions of Daxx and SCAP.

用不同浓度的氧化型低密度脂蛋白处理RAW264.7细胞48h,MTT法检测ox-LDL对RAW264.7细胞生长的影响;流式细胞术和DNA断裂片段分析法研究ox-LDL诱导的细胞凋亡;用特异性siRNA沉默Daxx在RAW264.7细胞中的表达,通过AO/EB染色观察基因沉默后的细胞凋亡形态学改变;高效液相色谱检测细胞内胆固醇含量;油红O染色观察细胞内脂滴的形成情况;Real time RT-PCR检测细胞内Daxx mRNA、SCAP mRNA的表达情况;用Western Blot印迹法检测caveolin-1蛋白的表达。

In programmed freezing method, HESCs were divided into many clumps by sipper after digestion and 65 clumps of freezing liquid were put into tubules. Cooling procedures consisted of three steps: from 22 ℃ to –7 ℃, 2.5 ℃/min; from –7 ℃ to –30 ℃, 0.3 ℃/min; from -30℃ to –150 ℃, 10℃/min.

程序降温法:用吸管将消化后人胚胎干细胞吹成若干团块,取65个团块移入配制的冻存液中,装入麦管进行三段式降温,即22 ℃~-7 ℃,每分钟降温2.5 ℃→-7 ℃置核后停留5 min→-7 ℃~-30 ℃,每分钟降温0.3 ℃→-30 ℃~-150 ℃,每分钟降温10 ℃。

Osteoclasts isolated from Shan sheldrakes were cultured with different concentrations of calcium 2, 3, 5, 7 mmolL^(-1. OCs were identified by tartrate resistant acid phosphatase staining and observed by phase-contrast microscope at 1, 3, 5, 7 d after treated by calcium.

分离山麻鸭破骨细胞,在此基础上添加不同浓度钙离子2、3、5、7 mmolL^(-1,倒置、显微镜观察体外培养OC形态,培养1、3、5、7 d进行抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶染色,7 d后扫描电镜观察象牙片吸收陷窝。

The pI of these components gradually decreased f rom pH 4.0 according to electrophoresis mobility from higher to lower on PAGE. The molecular weights were in the range of 22~34 ku. 6.5 and 7 w ere glycoproteins proved by staining with the shiff reagent and thymol/sulfuric acid. The fibrinolytic activity of 7 was highest as determined usi ng chromzym UK and chromzym PL as specific substrates.

这些组分的等电点按照它们在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱上的顺序从4.0开始依次降低;SDS-PAGE证明,除3、4外,其余组分均只含一种多肽链,分子质量在22~34ku之间;用shiff试剂和酚-硫酸染色,显示1、2、6.5和7是糖蛋白,其中7的糖含量最高;以BAEE、Chromozym UK和Chromozym PL为底物测定,7的纤溶酶活性最高。

In 1958, 34.7% of the work force was unionized, but now the figure is around 12% overall, and only 7.4% in the private sector - the lowest it's been in seven decades.

1958年, 34.7 %的工作是工会的力量,但现在这个数字大约是12 %,整体,只有7.4 %在私营部门-最低的是在7 0年。

Therese Hebda, 7, of Trenton, Michigan plays with hundreds of other children in a giant lake of mud at the annual Mud Day event July 7, 2009 in Westland, Michigan.

泰蕾兹Hebda日, 7日,在特伦顿,密歇根发挥与数以百计的其他孩子在一个巨大的湖泥在年度泥日活动2009年7月7日在西部地区,密歇根州。

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7 And 7 Is

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
