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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If time that 95% of dry matter is decomposed expresses turnoverperiod of litterfall decomposition,the turnover periods of Chinese fir,Castanopsis fissa,Schimasuperba,Castanopsis fargesii,ficus simplicissima,Maesa japonica,Boehmeria nivea,Woodwardiajaponica,Angiopteris fokiensis and Dicranopteris dicotoma put in 20-year-old Chinese firplantation are 2.7,2.1,3.0,2.2,0.5,1.9,0.3,1.5,0.9 and 3.9 years,respectively;they are 2.2,1.6,2.0,1.6,0.3,1.7,0.4,1.3,0.7 and 2.8 years put in 25-year-old Chinese fir plantation,respectively.


Transcript level was not obviously different between MSTN and IGF2. The expression of MSTN reached the highest point at 7 day and droped to the lowest point at 7 weeks after birth. The expression of IGF1 arrived at the highest peak at brith, and degraded the half of the birth after 7 days. Then, the change of the IGF1 expression level was no abvious. The expression result of the IGF2 decreased to the least at 1 week and increased the max point at 3 weeks. The change regulation of IGF2 expression was showed as a wave.

其中,IGF-1表达水平最低,MHC2a表达水平最高;IGF2与MSTN表达水平相当; MSTN的表达于7天时表达水平最高,是出生时表达的3倍,随后于14天时急剧下降,于7周时降至最低水平;出生时IGF1的表达水平最高,随后于一周时降至出生时的一半,后期的表达变化不大; IGF2的表达水平于3周时表达最高,是出生时的两倍,在1周时最低。3周后骤然降低,呈现一个波浪型变化;MHC的表达出生时最高,于1周后降至原来的1/7,随后逐渐升高,但变化并不太大。

In order to direct the construction of plant germplasms by elucidating the relatives among plants at the level of gene, CYP86MF gene analogues from 11 species of 6 genera in Cuciferae were respectively obtained by PCR strategy using gene specific primers designed from conserved regions of CYP86MF gene reported. Sequence comparisonindicated that the similarities among the genes at nucleotide level were over 80%, and the similarities at amino acid level remained above 70%. The differences between the genes at nucleotide and amino acid level between species were 1.0%~ 5.7% and 2.6%~ 7.3% respectively, while those between genera 5.6%~ 22.5% and 7.3%~ 31.2%, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Brassica was closely related to Raphanus, followed by Rorippa Scop, Arabidopsis Heynh, Capsella Medic orderly, most distantly related to Orychophrogmus.

为了从分子水平阐明十字花科植物间的亲缘进化关系,给植物种质资源的创建提供理论依据,试验根据课题组已报道的CYP86MF基因编码的氨基酸保守区域设计特异引物,运用PCR技术分别从十字花科6个属11个物种中分离克隆到了CYP86MF基因的同源序列,经比较分析,结果表明:这些同源序列的相似性达80%以上,所推导的氨基酸序列相似性达70%以上,且两者种间差异分别为1.0%~ 5.7%和2.6%~ 7.3%,属间差异分别是5.6%~ 22.5%和7.3%~ 31.2%;由氨基酸序列构建的分子系统树可知,在亲缘进化关系上芸薹属与萝卜属较近,其他依次为蔊菜属、拟南芥属、荠菜属,而与诸葛菜属最远。

Male flowers: pedicels long and slender; sepals 4-7, imbricate, margins entire or serrulate; petals absent; disk of 4-7 segments, these sometimes connivent or fused; stamens 4-7, inserted at base of disk, longer than sepals; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, erect, extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode small, 2- or 3-lobed.


Leaves was 0.11%. 11 compounds were separated and identified, which accounted for 100% of the essential oil of the skins. The main chemical components of the essential oil were 3, 7, 11-trimethyl-, 1, 6, 10-Dodecatrien-3-ol (46.03%),-Globulol (8.39%), adipic acid, dioctyl ester (7.03%), Ledol (7.00%), Copaene (5.86%), etc. ConclusionThe essential oil of leaf of Horsfieldia hainanensis Merr.


The experiment studied the effects of applying different amount of B and Zn to peanuts growth, development and yield. The results showed that by supplying rational micro-fertilizer of Boron and zinc, the growth and development of the first pair cotyledonary branch, root nodules leaves and pods could be promoted, the yield was significantly increased on the basis of supplying rational Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. In this experiment, supplying Boron 7.5 kg/hm^2 and 11.25 kg/hm^2 could increase by 6.87% and 8.19% in comparison with CK, supplying Zinc 7.5 kg/hm^2 and 11.25 kg/hm^2 could increase by 7.17% and 5.20% in comparison with CK.

采用大田试验研究了增施不同量硼、锌微肥对花生生长发育和产量的影响,结果表明,在合理施用氮、磷、钾肥的基础上,适量配合施用硼、锌微肥可以明显促进花生一生的生长发育,增加花生第一对侧枝长、单株根瘤、叶片和荚果数等,显著提高花生产量,其中增施硼肥7.5和11.25 kg/hm^2的处理比较对照分别增产6.87和8.19%,增施锌肥7.5和11.25 kg/hm^2的处理比较对照分别增产7.17和5.20%。

A new flavanone from Dryopteris sublaeta;2. Isolation and Structure Identification of a New Flavanone from Dryopteris sublaeta;3. RESULTS Five compounds are isolated from the ether fraction of 70% acetone-extracts,and their structures were identified as(2S)5,7-dihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl flavanone desmethoxymatt.


For Streptococcus penumoniae、Hemophilus in0fluenzae、Staphylococcus aureus、Acinetobacter baumannii、Pseudomonas aeruginosa,the sensitivety of Tem-PCR was 100%、41.7 %、11.1%、50.0 %、66.7 % respectively; the specificity was 84.0%、81.7%、98.9%、95.2%、98.9% respectively. Tem-PCR was more sensitive than culture in the detection of Streptococcus penumoniae 36/19.1% vs.


Comparative studies of electroactive components and voltammetric behaviors different between the MCF-7 cell without estrogen and the MCF-7 cell with estrogen showed that the concentration of the guanine and xanthine bases in the cytoplasm decreased, which resulted in the decrease of secretion ability of the MCF-7 cell without estrogen decreased, and these result in the decreasing of the voltammetric response of the cells, impling that the cell vaibility decreases.

结果发现,去激素MCF-7细胞质中的黄嘌呤和鸟嘌呤浓度降低,使细胞分泌黄嘌呤和鸟嘌呤能力降低,导致细胞和细胞质的伏安信号减弱,说明去激素MCF-7细胞的活性下降;研究了标准雌激素雌二醇、环境雌激素壬基酚和双酚A对去激素培养的MCF-7细胞增殖的影响,发现其均存在剂量-效应关系和时间-效应关系,并且雌激素效应由大到小的顺序为:雌二醇>壬基酚>双酚A;同时使用3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide法验证了电化学法评价雌激素效应的可靠性。

The results showed that biomass of Eucalyptus exserta stands were increscent with the increasing of stand age.It was 2.77 t/hm2 in the stand of 0.7 year and was 70.932 t/hm2 in the stand of 7.7 years.

结果表明,窿缘桉林分的生物量是随着林分年龄的增长而增加,即由造林初期(0.7 a生)的2.77 t/hm2增加到主伐期(7.7 a生)的70.932 t/hm2。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
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Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
