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Results:Of 22 cases, there were 8 benign stromal tumors, 2 malignant GISTs,3 lipomas,3 cysts,3 esophageal carcinomas,2 esophageal venous nubbles and 1 with no abnormity.


Results: Among 17 cases of GCTTS, 3 cases were located in knee joint,6 in ankle joint,2 in wrist joint,3 in hand and 3 in foot.11 cases were the diffuse form,6 were focal.


Through the ReOs dating of molybdenite from quartz porphyry, the isochron age of (222.5±3.2) Ma and the model age of (222.1±3.2) Ma~(224.6±3.4) Ma were obtained, which means molybdenite formed in late Triassic.

通过对含辉钼矿石英斑岩中采集的辉钼矿样品进行铼-锇同位素年龄测定,获得铼-锇等时线年龄为(222.5±3.2) Ma,模式年龄变化于(222.1±3.2) Ma~(224.6±3.4) Ma,表明辉钼矿形成时代为晚三叠世。

Basis on May 11, 2005, procuratorate of top people court, top people was released jointly about handling gamble criminal case specific application law the explanation of a certain number of problems, this judicatory explanation made specific provision: It is a purpose in order to seek profits, have one of following state, belong to what criminal law sets the 303rd times " gather a crowd gamble ": Organize game of 3 people above, accumulative total of amount of tap easy gains achieves 5000 yuan of above; Organize game of 3 people above, bet endowment amount accumulative total achieves 50 thousand yuan of above; Organize game of 3 people above, gamble number accumulative total achieves 20 people above; 10 people above goes to constituent China citizen the gamble outside the condition, receive those who take cost of rake-off, introduction from which.


KW-Software presented the innovative and well-matured software solutions for control and automation engineering: Full Chinese MULTIPROG 4.0, the strong PLC runtime core ProConOS 3.3, the scalable HMI ProVisIt 2.3 and so on.

德国科维软件向来访者们展示了用于控制和自动化工程的革命性的软件解决方案:全中文化的MULTIPROG 4.0,强大的PLC运行核心ProConOS 3.3,可裁剪的人机界面ProVisIT 2.3 等等。

The swelling capacity, water retention capacity and water combining capacity of oat bran dietary fibre under decoloring increased from 2 mL/g to 4 mL/g, 3.12% to 3.77% and 1.3% to 2.5%, respectively.

脱色后燕麦麸膳食纤维的膨胀力由2 mL/g增加到4 mL/g,持水力由3.12%增加到3.77%,结合水力由1.3%增加到2.5%。

Verification of the harmonic constants of four tidal components M2、S2、K1 and O1 and the result of tide gauge stations which are distributed in China sea: the mean bias of the amplitude and phase of M2 component is 4.5cm and 4.8o;the mean bias of the amplitude and phase of S2 component is 2.0cm and 4.1o;the mean bias of the amplitude and phase of K1 component is 1.0cm and 3.3o;the mean bias of the amplitude and phase of O1 component is 3.0cm and 3.5o.

与分布于中国近海的验潮站资料相比,对于主要半日潮和日潮M2、S2、K1、O1的印证结果为: M2分潮振幅的平均偏差为4.5cm,迟角的平均偏差为4.8o;S2分潮振幅的平均偏差为2.0cm,迟角的平均偏差为4.1o;K1分潮振幅的平均偏差为1.0cm,迟角的平均偏差为3.3o;O1分潮振幅的平均偏差为3.0cm,迟角的平均偏差为3.5o。

In this study, six campaigns around Anping tide gauge, Tainan, were successfully performed and the collected GPS buoy data were processed with four types of precise ephemeris provided by IGS, including final product, rapid product, ultra-rapid product and ultra-rapid product with the use of PPP technique. Comparing the PPP results with DGPS, the differences reach 3~5 cm in the horizontal and 10 cm in the vertical with final product; 6~8 cm in the horizontal and 15 cm in the vertical with rapid product; 15~20 cm in the horizontal and 30~40 cm in the vertical with ultra-rapid product; 2~3 m in the horizontal and 3~4 m in the vertical with ultra-rapid product. In addition, the collected data were also processed by DGPS techniques using different reference stations to analyze the effect of various baselines. The results show that accuracy degrades when the baselines increase.

本研究在台南安平潮位站旁进行6次GPS浮标施测,首先利用与GPS浮标距离不同之GPS参考主站来进行差分定位,分析基线距离对GPS浮标定位成果的影响,由实验结果可得出基线越长则定位准确度越低;再以IGS提供之最终产品、快速产品、超快速产品(Ultra-Rapid product)之观测部分observed half、超快速产品(Ultra-Rapid product)之预估部分四种不同发布延迟时间的精密星历与精密时表改正资料对GPS浮标进行精密单点定位解算,与传统差分相对定位方法定位结果进行比较后,得出使用最终产品之平面方向均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)可达3~5公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达10公分;快速产品之平面方向均方根误差可达6~8公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达15公分;超快速产品观测部分之平面方向均方根误差可达15~20公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达30~40公分;超快速产品预估部分之平面方向均方根误差可达2~3公尺,而高程方向均方根误差可达3~4公尺。

In the process of purification by ammonium, Fe~(3+)、Fe~(2+)、Al~(3+)、Cr~(3+)、Ni~(2+) could be separated for their different solubility product.


Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that in shaping of copper fin, when the depth of cut is less than 2 mm, the feed is ranged from 0.5 to 3 mm, and side cutting edge angle is ranged from 20° to 50°, fin with height from 1.5 to 3 mm and thickness from 0.3 to 1.8 mm can be steadily formed.

理论和实验研究表明:在紫铜材料的成形中,切削深度小于2 mm、进给量0.5~3 mm、刀具主偏角20°~50°范围内,可以稳定地形成翅高1.5~3.0 mm、翅厚0.3~1.8 mm的翅片。

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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
