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Results Among 12 normal conjunctiva, there were 3 weakly positive, 3 positive and 6 negative; while among 15 pterygial specimens, there were 1 negative, 3 weakly positive, 7 positive and 5 strong positive.

结果 12例正常结膜中,6例为阴性,3例VEGF蛋白染色弱阳性,3例为阳性;15例翼状胬肉组织中,1例VEGF蛋白染色阴性,3例为弱阳性,7例为阳性,5例为强阳性。

Two novel pyrazolone derivatives 2-ethylamino-6H-5-(1-phenyl-3-methyl/phenyl-5-pyrazolone-4-ylene)-1,3,4-thiadiazine (PMCP-ETSC/DPCP-ETSC) containing NNS six-membered heterocycles were synthesized by the condensation reaction of 1-phenyl-3-methyl/phenyl-4-chloroacetyl-pyrazolone-5 with 4-ethyithiosemicarbazide. The title compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and single-crystal X-ray diffraction.


In order to search for the new pyrazolyl-heterocycles lead compounds, eight pyrazolyl- were synthesized from 3-ethyl-1-methyl- 4-substituted-5-pyrazolecarboxylic acid chloride and nitrogen heterocyclic rings such as 3-methyl-5-pyrazolone, 1H-3-ethyl-5-pyrazole ester, etc.

为了寻求新的含吡唑双杂环先导化合物,用 4 取代 1 甲基 3 乙基 5 吡唑甲酰氯与 3 甲基 5 吡唑酮、3 乙基 5 吡唑甲酸乙酯等含氮杂环反应得到了 8个新的含吡唑环的双杂环类化合物。

Culms forming large clumps, erect, 10–50(–120) cm tall, 3–35 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths mostly longer than internodes, smooth; leaf blades linear, flat or inrolled upward, 10–45 × 0.7–1.5 cm, smooth, apex fine, hard, upper blades usually patent; ligule 2–3 mm. Racemes racemosely arranged, 2–6(–12), 7–23 cm, stiff, erect or slightly spreading; spikelets closely overlapping; rachis terminating in a hard bristle up to 5 cm. Spikelets 12–21 mm, pubescent; lower glume 2/3–4/5 as long as spikelet, acute; upper glume lanceolate-oblong, as long as spikelet, acute; lemma lanceolate-oblong, ca. 1 cm, keel scaberulous, pubescent, entirely or in upper half; palea slightly longer than lemma.

形成的秆大丛生,直立,(-120)厘米高,多数叶鞘3-35毫米直径长于,平滑;叶片线形,公寓或向上, 10-45 * 0.7-1.5 厘米,平滑,先端细,硬,上面的叶片通常开展;安排的2-3毫米外消旋体总状分枝的叶舌,2-6(-12),7-23厘米,硬,直立或者稍开展;小穗接近重叠;轴终止在一难的硬毛可达5 厘米小穗12-21毫米,青春期;更低的颖片2/3-4/5倍于小穗,锐尖;上面颖片披针形长圆形,倍于小穗,锐尖;外稃披针形长圆形,约1厘米,微糙,青春期的龙骨,完全或者在上半部;稍微的内稃长于外稃。

Methods The CEA ScFv was radioiodinated (125I,131I) by iodogen solid labelling method.The uptake of radioactivity in tumor and normal tissues in 20 human rectocolonic tumor bearing nude mice was measured at 1,3,6 and 24 hour after peritoneal injection of 125 I-CEA ScFv and in 3 human rectocolonic tumor bearing nude mice imaging was carried out at 1,3,6 and 24 hour after peritoneal injection of 131 I-CEA ScFv.

采用Iodogen法制备125I-CEA ScFv和131I-CEA ScFv.20只荷人结直肠癌裸鼠,腹腔注射125I-CEA ScFv后1、3、6和24 h进行裸鼠的体内分布研究,对3只荷人结直肠癌裸鼠腹腔注射131I-CEA ScFv后1、3、6和24 h进行裸鼠的定位显像研究。

Egr-1 mRNA and Egr-1 protein hadn't been found in the normal vein. The expressions of Egr-1 mRNA and Egr-1 protein had biphasic changes. By reverse transcription-PCR and in situ hybridization, we found that the level of Egr-1 mRNA rose at 1 hour after graft, the expression of Egr-1 mRNA was (35±7)%. Decline at hour 6, 24 and day 3, the positive rates of Egr-1 mRNA were (8±2)%,(8±6)% and (8±4)% respectively. Reincrease at day 7, a peak at day 28, the positive rate of Egr-1 mRNA was (45±6)%(compared with other phase, P<0.01). At day 42, the expression of Egr-1 mRNA declined again. Immunohistochemical staining and Western blot revealed Egr-1 protein had expressed at hour 2 early phase, the expression of Egr-1 protein was (30±5)%, and until to hour 6. The level of Egr-1 protein was decrease at hour 24 and day 3, the positive rates were (7±3)% and (7±8)% respectively.

结果 自体静脉移植后,Egr-1 mRNA和Egr-1蛋白的表达呈双相变化,即移植后1 h, Egr-1 mRNA表达迅速升高,阳性率为(35±7)%,6 h、24 h及3 d时下降到较低水平,阳性率分别为(8±2)%、(8±6)%和(8±4)%,7 d时又再升高,28 d时达高峰,阳性率为(45±6)%,此与其余各时点比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),42 d时,Egr-1 mRNA的表达再次下降;移植早期(2 h)即有Egr-1蛋白的表达,阳性率为(30±5)%,并持续至6 h,24 h~3 d表达下降到较低水平,阳性率分别为(7±3)%和(7±8)%,7 d时又再升高,至移植后28 d,Egr-1蛋白的表达阳性率达到高峰,为(40±9)%,此与其余各时点比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

Results After culture and reinfusion in vivo, CD 3 cells, CD 3 CD 8 cells, CD 3, CD 56 cells, cultured cells were significantly elevated, mDC and pDC significantly increased after transfusion, liver function had improved compared with before treatment .

结果 培养结束以及回输体内后, CD 3细胞、CD 3 CD 8细胞、CD 3 CD 8细胞较培养前显著升高,mDC 和pDC 在回输后也明显增高,肝脏功能较治疗前有所好转。

Results The supratentorial lesions involved the occipital lobe in 4, frontal lobe in 3, fronto-occipital lobe in 2, temporo-occipital lobe in 3, lateral ventricle in 1 case and the saddle region in 1. All the lesions were large in volume and most of them presented heterogeneous signals in MRI. Of the 14 cases, 12 showed cystic degeneration and necrosis, 2 had hemorrhage and 6 showed signs of emptied small blood vessels. Twelve cases had heterogeneous enhancement and 2 had moderate enhancement. Pathologically, 10 cases of neuroblastomas were identified, along with 3 ganglioneuroblastomas and 1 atypical rhabdoid tumor.

结果 病灶位于顶叶4例,额叶3例,枕顶叶2例,颞枕叶3例,侧脑室1例,鞍区1例,病灶普遍较大,病灶绝大多数信号不均匀,病灶内可见囊变/坏死(12例)、出血(2例)、流空小血管影(6例),增强后病灶呈明显不均匀强化(12例),中等强化2例;神经母细胞瘤10例,节细胞神经母细胞瘤3例,非典型横纹肌样瘤1例。

With this set of criteria, the literatures published 3—O—L—rhamnosyl—(1→2/1→4)—L— rhamnoside, 3—O -D—xylosyl—(1→2/1→4)-L-rhamnoside and 3-O-D — glucosyl-(1 →2/1→4)—L— rhamnoside structures of anhydroicaritin and desmethylanhydroicaritin were re-evaluated.


Coumarinyloxy)-6-methoxyl-7-hydroxycoumarin,β-sitosterol, 3-stigmast-5-en-3- 3 -D-Glucopyranoside . 3-(7-coumarinyloxy)-8-(7-hydroxycoumarin-8-yl)-7-hydroxycoumarin rhamnoside and Sucrose. Compound I , V, IX and XI were isolated from barks and stems of this plant for the first time and compound VI and VI were isolated from flowers of this plant for the first time, too.

共鉴定了其中11个化合物,根据理化性质和波谱数据鉴定确定为:丁香甙,结香甙C(Edgeworoside C Ⅱ),7-羟基香豆素(7-hydroxycoumarin Ⅲ),5,7-二甲氧基香豆素(5,7-dimethoxycoumarin Ⅳ),卫矛醇,异吲哚-1,3-二酮1H-iso-Indole-1,3(2H-dione Ⅵ,西瑞香素(Daphnoretin Ⅶ),β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol Ⅷ),胡萝卜甙(Daucosterol Ⅸ),结香甙A(Edgeworoside A Ⅹ)和蔗糖。

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