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Results The infec- tious rate of out-patients was 82.63%(6939/8398), including 18.83% monilia infections, 3.57% trichomonas Infections, 1.45% gonocoectrs infectious, 21.89% chlamydial trachomatis or mycoplasmas Infections, 28.6% bacterial vaginitis, 2.26% syphilis, 0.08%HIV infections.38.51% patients suffered from two kinds and more than two kinds infections,7 cases combining HIV infection; The infectious rate of health physical examinees was 19.93%(1656/8309), including 7.7% monilia infections, 0.3% tri- chomonas Infections, 2.0% chlamydial trachomatis or mycoplasmas Infections,9.3% bacterial vaginitis, 0.05% gonococcus infections,4.28% persons suffered from two kinds and more than two kinds infections.

结果 门诊患者生殖道炎症为82.63%(6939/8398),霉菌感染18.83%、滴虫感染3.57%、淋球菌感染1.45%、衣原体/支原体感染21.89%、细菌性感染28.6%、梅毒感染2.26%、HIV0.08%,38.51%的人有两种或两种以上病原体感染,其中合并HIV感染7例;健康体检组生殖道炎症19.93%(1656/8309),霉菌感染7.7%、滴虫感染0.3%、淋球菌感染0.05%、衣原体/支原体感染2.0%、细菌性感染9.3%,4.28%的人有两种或两种以上病原体感染。

Results:There were 12 cases of peripheral sensory neuropathy,12 cases of myasthenic syndrome,6 cases of spinal cord compression,4 cases of brain stem encephalitis,3 cases of subacute cerebellar degeneration.3 cases were diagnosed in 1 week after appearing neurological symptoms,and 3 cases were diagnosed in 1 month,the other 16 cases were diagnosed after many months or years while the neuropathy was existing.


The myelinization of cerebellar white matter,middle cerebellar peduncles,anterior limb of internal capsule,splenium and genu of corpus callosum,centrum semiovale,the white matter in parietal-occipital area and frontal-temporal area were documented at birth to 5,2~4,3~7,3~5,4~7,2~7,3~9 and 4~12 months old,respectively.


Female flowers pedicellate; bracteoles several, imbricate; tepals 4-6, decussate or 3 segments verticillate; interstylar nectaries or nectariferous tissue lacking; ovary 2- or 3-locular; styles 2 or 3, short, erect initially, later curved; stigma decurrent.

雌花有花梗;小苞片数枚,成鳞状;花被片4-6,交互对生或者3 枚轮生;内花柱蜜腺或分泌蜜汁的组织无;子房室2或3;花柱2或3,短,直立最初,过后弯曲;柱头下延。

Female flowers: tepals 5 or 6; carpels 3; ovary 3-locular; styles 3, free; stigma often decurrent; interstylar nectaries or nectariferous tissue present; ovules 2 per locule, pendent, anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar; micropyle formed by inner integument, rudimentary aril.

雌花 花被片5或者6;心皮3;子房3室;花柱3,离生;柱头经常下延;内花柱蜜腺或分泌蜜汁的组织宿存;胚珠每室2,下垂,倒生,具双珠被,具厚珠心;珠孔形成于内珠被,假种皮不发育。

We have investigated on the chemical constituents of Nepeta partite collected from Gansu Zhuanglang, and twenty eight compounds were isolated from the methanol extraction of this species by chromatography techniques. Twenty five compounds were identified by means of chemical and spectra methods IR, FABMS, EI-MS,〓, DEPT, and 2D NMR), among which four compounds were new as isopimar-15-en-3β, 8β, 20-triol; phenylethanal-3-O-(2'-glycerin)-5-O-β-D-glucopyranoside; 3-O-linolenoylglyceryl-6'-O-(α-D-galactopyranosyl)-β-D-galactopyranoside; ethyl rosemarinate.


The experimental study is to explore the effect about rhEPO on neuromotor function, secondary pathology change and expression of NTF and the apoptosis of neural cell, which administered at different time after traumatic spinal cord injury. The experimental study is devided into three parts: The first part The effect of rhEPO on NT-3 and NGF expression after traumatic spinalcord injury Objective Nerve growth factor and neurotrophic factor–3(NT-3) are chief members in neurotrophic factors family, which can promote nerve cell survival、growth and differentiation.


Of the patients tested using CDC technology, 17 (3.8%) had a panel reactive antibody higher than 10% and 8 patients (1.83%) had a PRA higher than 25% for class I antibodies. Class I sensitized patients, defined as patients with a PRA higher than 10%, had significantly lower survival rates than class I nonsensitized patients ( P =.0035). Class I nonsensitized patients had survival rates of 79.4% at 1 year posttransplant, 63.2% at 3 years, and 45.4% at 5 years. Sensitized patients had 1, 3, and 5 year survival rates of 64.7%, 28.8%, and 9.6%, respectively.

使用CDC检测的病患之中,有17位(3.8%)群体反应抗体第一类抗体高於10%、有8位(1.83%) PRA超过25%,第一类抗体敏感病患定义为PRA高於10%者,相较於第一类抗体不敏感病患、存活率显著降低(P =。0035);第一类抗体不敏感病患移植后一年之存活率为79.4%、3年存活率为63.2%、5年存活率为45.4%;第一类抗体敏感病患移植后一年、3年、5年之存活率分别为64.7%、28.8%、9.6%。

There were 15 cases of middle cerebral arteries, 5 cases of vertebral arteries, 3 cases of basilar arteries and 2 cases of internal carotid arteries. Among all the branches with stenosis, symptomatic severe stenosis presented in 21 vessels (14 MCA, 3 VA, 2 BA and 2 ICA), nonsymptomatic severe stenosis in 1 vessel and symptomatic middle stenosis in 3 vessels (1 MCA and 2 VA).

其中大脑中动脉15支,椎动脉5支,基底动脉3支和颈内动脉2支。21支血管(MCA 14支,BA 2支,VA 3支和ICA 2支)为症状性重度狭窄、1支为无症状性重度狭窄;3支血管(MCA 1支和VA 2支)为症状性中度狭窄。

Results The according perception of Normocytic, Microcytic and Non-classified RBC between phase contrast microscope and UF-100 urine sediment analytic instrument RBC-info are 91.4%, 94.4%, 83.3% respectively, the according perception between phase contrast microscope and RBC-P70Fsc are 94.9%, 95.7%, 94.7% respectively, and the according perception between phase contrast microscope and RBC Fsc-DW are 84.4%, 86.8%, 90.5% respectively, the specificity of UF-100 and phase contrast microscope in glomerular hematuria and non-glomerular hematuria are 84.3%, 88.1% and 83.3%, 87.9% respectively.

结果 观察相差显微镜与流式细胞分析仪RBC-info尿红细胞均一型、变异型、混合型形态符合率分别为91.4%、94.4%、83.3%,与RBC-70Fsc符合率分别是94.9%、95.7%、94.7%,与RBC-Fsc-DW符合率分别是84.4%、86.8%、90.5%,流式细胞分析仪与相差显微镜的特异性在肾小球性血尿和非肾小球性血尿分别是84.3%、88.1%和83.3%、87.9%。

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