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In this experiment, we found the water of wheat leaves increase 0.6%~3.06 % for wet weigh and 17%~99.73 % for dry weigh,The oppositely containing the water increase 0.24%~3.42 %, The water saturation decrease 0.24%~3.39 %.The resulte of the leaves of corn is similar with wheat. it indicates that treat with extracts of peganum harmala could enhance the drought resist ability of wheat and corn.

试验结果表明,凡种子经过处理后,小麦叶片水分占鲜重的量增加了0.6%~3.06 %,占干重的量增加了17%~99.73 %,相对含水量增加了0.24%~3.42 %,而水分饱和度降低了0.24%~3.39 %;玉米处理结果与其一致,表明浸种处理具有增强作物抗旱性的生理效应。

Results The average operation time was 23.5min. The average hospital stay was 3.5d. The correction of the prolapsed hemorrhoids was satisfied in 93.5% patients. Intraoperative hemorrhea occurred in two cases because the large range rectum mucosa was uncompletely stapled or cut. Urine retention occurred in 184 cases (31.9%), anal pain in 357 cases (62%) and a second operation were performed in 3 cases because of postoperative hemorrhea. A total of 484 cases were followedup for 14 years. The postoperative satisfaction rate of symptom improvement was 94 .3%. Four cases underwent thrombosed external hemorrhoid resection. Other patients had no recurrence, no anal stenosis and no fecal incontinence.

结果 手术时间平均23.5 min,平均住院时间3.5 d,切除痔上黏膜宽度平均约2.5 cm.93.5%术中痔核回缩满意,因大面积钉合不全及切割不全各1例发生术中大出血,尿潴留184例(31.9%),肛门疼痛357例(62%),3例术后大出血再次行手术止血。484例(84%)随诊1~4年,术后症状改善满意者94.3%,2例误诊,4例因血栓外痔行血栓外痔切除术,其余患者均无复发,无肛门狭窄、大便失禁。

Culms rigid, branched at base and covered with leathery yellowish sheaths, 80–100 cm tall, ca. 7 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths glabrous; leaf blades flat or inrolled, tough, 18–30 × 0.4–1 cm, adaxial surface and margins scabrid, abaxial surface rather smooth, apex long acuminate; ligule ca. 0.3 mm. Inflorescence 20–60 × 2–3 cm; racemes ascending or spreading, crowded or spaced, 0.5–3.5 cm; main axis and rachis hispidulous.

秆硬质,在基部分枝并且为所覆盖的革质淡黄鞘,厘米高,无毛的直径约7毫米叶鞘;叶片平或内卷,坚韧, 18-30 * 0.4-1 厘米,正面和给镶边,背面相当清除,先端长渐尖;大约0.3毫米开花的叶舌 20-60 * 2-3 厘米;总状花序上升的或开展,密集的或隔开,0.5-3.5厘米;主轴和轴具短硬毛。

As we know, spiro-conjugated compound 1',3',3'-trimethyl-6-hydroxyspiro[2H-1-benzopyran-2,2'-indoline] is one of thesignificant photochromic species, the structure and spectrum ofthe compounds 1',3',3'-trimethyl-6- hydroxyspiro[2H-1-benzopyran-2,2'-indoline] and its isomers have studied.


Results: 1 The incidence rate of primary bilateral breast cancers was 2.5% with the morbidity age of 41 years, intermitting time between the two malignancies was 5.4 years. The 5-,10- and 20- year survival rates were 86.6%, 57.7% and 25.8% respectively. 2 The incidence rate of Paget′ s disease associated with breast cancer was 0.9% with a high incident age of 47.3 years and 5-, 10- and 20- year survival rates of 64.7%, 50% and 20.6% respectively. 3 The incidence rate of breast cancer associated with MPMNs of other organs was 3.6% with the peak incident age of 49.4 years, intermitting time of 8.6 years and the organs commonly involved were lung, uterus, esophagus, ovary and large intestine.

结果 :1双原发乳腺癌发生率为2.5%,发病年龄41岁,间隔时间5.4年。5、10、20年生存率分别为86.6%、57.7%和25.8%。2同一乳腺PD伴乳腺癌发病率为0.9%,高发年龄为 47.3岁。5、10、20年生存率为:64.7%、50%和20.6%。3乳腺癌伴其他脏器癌瘤的MPMNs发生率为3.6%,高发年龄 49.4岁,间隔时间为8.6年。

In this paper several methods including acylamide dehydration, metal cyanide replacement, etherification and isoxazole method for synthesis of 3,3-diethoxyethylcyanide were reviewed.


objective:to explore the possibility and indication of surgical treatment of anastomotic recurrence following resection of cardiac carcinoma.method:reoperation was performed in 16 patients with anastomotic recurrence from 1992 to 2004.secondary resection was in 9(56.3%) and jejunostomy in 3.result:in 9 patients,pneumonia occurred in 3 and hydrothorax in 1 after secondary resection.


Three series of donor-acceptorπ-conjugated molecules 1, 2, and 3 have been designed and synthesized with a N, N-dimethylamino, Julolidine group (2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-1H, 5H-pyrido[3, 2, 1-ij]quinolinyl), or N, N-diphenylamino group as the donor moiety, a phenylvinyl or thienylvinyl unit as the bridge, and a bromide or aldehyde group as the acceptor moiety.

本文设计并合成了1、2、3三个系列的D-π-A型化合物(Donor-Acceptorπ-conjugated compounds),在化合物分子中引入久洛尼啶基团(2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-1H,5H-pyrido-[3,2,1-ij]quinolinyl),N,N-二甲基氨基,或N,N-二苯基氨基为供电子基团,以苯乙烯基或噻吩乙烯基为桥链,以溴原子或醛基为吸电子基团。

Analyzed the relative stability and isomerization, it was found that Ni3BPsuperscript (3 was thermodynamically the most stable one. In addition, Ni3BPsuperscript (1, Ni3BPsuperscript (1 with singlet state and Ni3BPsuperscript (3, NiPsuperscript (3 with triplet state are kinetically stable ones.


Keel lamellate, with 3-lobed apical appendage; petals connate in lower 3/4; leaf blade ovate-, obovate-, or elliptic-lanceolate, 3.5-8 × 1.5-2.5 cm, abaxially dark purple, base oblique.

龙骨状片状,具3浅裂的顶端附属物;花瓣合生的在下部3/4;叶片卵形-,倒卵形-,或椭圆形披针形, 3.5-8 * 1.5-2.5 厘米,背面的深紫色,基部偏斜。

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