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与 3-Pentanone 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaves rosette, orbicular to oblanceolate or linear, 0.5-1.2 cm long, 2-4 mm wide, with glandular hairs; stipule membranous, light red, 5 mm, deeply 3-parted, middle lobe larger, 2- or 3-lobed at apex; petiole flattened, 1-3.2 cm long, glandular or glabrous.


Result When the concentration of rotifer was 250 ind/ml, the effective concentration of strengthener was 3×10^6-3×10^8 ind/ml and the best concentration was 3×10^7 ind/ml.


Sepals 5; outer 2 ca. 1/2 size of inner 3; inner 3 subequal, 3-6-veined, accrescent in fruit.


Stamens usually 6 in 2 whorls, rarely 3 or 1, inserted on perianth, often unequal or dissimilar; filaments slender, free; anthers 2-loculed, introrse, dehiscing by longitudinal slits or rarely by pores; pollen grains 2- or 3-nucleate, colpi 1 or 2(or 3), distal or subequatorial.

雄蕊通常6,2轮,很少3或者1,着生在花被上,通常不等长或者不同;花丝纤细,离生;花药2室,内向,纵向开裂或少数孔裂;花粉粒2-3核, 1或者2(或者3)沟,远轴或者近赤道面。

Basal petioles 10–20 cm; blade broad-triangular, 10–15 cm, ternate-2-pinnate; pinnae petiolulate; petiolules 3–6 cm; ultimate segments subovate, 3–11 × 2–6 cm, undivided or 2–3-lobed, both surfaces slightly roughened, sharply serrate or doubly serrate.

基部的叶柄10-20厘米;叶片宽三角形,10-15厘米,三出2回羽状;羽片具小叶柄;小叶柄3-6厘米;末回裂片近卵形, 3-11 * 2-6 厘米,不裂或2-3浅裂,两面稍变得粗糙,锐的有锯齿或重锯齿。

Petiole 2–4 mm, thick, densely brown hirsute; leaf blade elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, or subovate, 3–7.5 × 1.5–3 cm, papery, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, abaxially brown hirsute, gradually glabrate, adaxially sparsely pilose when young, glabrescent, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin sparsely sharply serrate, apex acuminate to caudate, sometimes 3-lobed. Inflorescences umbellate or simple corymbose, 0.8–1.5 × 0.8–2 cm, nearly without peduncle, 3–8-flowered; bracts subulate, 4–5 mm, slightly pubescent.

叶柄2-4毫米,厚,浓密棕色具粗毛;叶片椭圆形,椭圆状披针形,或近卵形, 3-7.5 * 1.5-3 厘米,纸质,侧脉5或6对,背面棕色多毛,逐渐脱毛,正面幼时疏生柔毛,后脱落,基部宽楔形或近圆形,花序伞形的或单的伞房状, 0.8-1.5 * 0.8-2 厘米,近没有花序梗,花;钻形的苞片,4-5毫米,稍具短柔毛。

In the drinking population, a variety of health problems caused by alcohol accounted for 28.10%, gastritis as the major accounted for 16.54%, alcohol liver disease accounted for 2.56%, 3.08% of depression, 3.92% of memory impairment, paranoia 3.61%, interest decreasing 2.97%, suspiciousness 2.44%, peripheral neuritis 2.02%.


See figure 1 0 3.3 Flexible Packaging A needle unit together with a ready-made plastic tray with a tear-off cover, in which contains a dental injection needle whose puncture head is protected by a rigid needle shield.

3.1 针单元主护套、针、针座(见图1) 3.2 硬包装针单元,包括一个硬性的对接护套和一个硬性的穿刺端护套,形成一个密闭完整的单元(见图1)0 3.3 软包装针单元,包含一个预先制成的带有撕开封面的塑料托盘,在此包装内牙科针穿刺端由硬性护套保护。

In 68 patients (75 eyes), there were 45 cases whose initial diagnosis was Coats disease while the final diagnosis was not, in whom the final diagnosis was old retinal vein occlusion in 21, retinal vasculitis in 9, diabetic retinopathy in 3, old posterior uveitis in 3, congenital retinoschisis in 3, and proliferative vitreoretinopathy, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, racemose hemangioma, old rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, macular epiretinal membrane, and idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasis in 1, respectively.


Then the alveolar bone of model 1 was lowered to respectively construct Model 2(Bone loss was one fourth of the root), Model 3(Bone loss was one third of the root), Model 4(Bone loss was the half of the root), Model 5 (Bone loss was the two third of the root) and Model 6 (Bone loss was the three fourth of the root).


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