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The B3LYP/6-31G calculations on the four complexes show that the largest interaction energy is-13.98 kJmol^(-1) in the complex composed of HMX and hexaazacalix [3]-p-triarene [3]-2-amido-1, 3, 5-triazine. Results show that intermolecular interaction energies of azacalix [6] arenes with substituted groups are stronger than that without substituted groups, and intermolecular interaction energies of azacalix [6] arenes with amido groups are stronger than that with nitryl groups.

研究发现分子间相互作用能最大的复合物是六氮杂杯[3]-对-三芳烃[3]-2-氨基-1,3,5-三嗪与HMX所形成的复合物,最大相互作用能为-13.98 kJmol^(-1);而且带有取代基的复合物的相互作用能大于没有带取代基的复合物,带有氨基取代基的复合物的相互作用能大于带有硝基取代基的复合物。

Fruit 1.8-1.9 cm, erect when immature; mericarps smooth, with a basal callus, with 0.3-0.4 mm ± patent nonglandular trichomes; rostrum 1.1-1.2 cm, with a 1.9-2.2 mm narrowed apex; stigmatic remains 3.6-3.8 mm.


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Rifle Corps (114, 272 Rifle Division, 70 Naval Rifle Brigade, 3 Marines Brigade), 94 Rifle Corps (135, 221, 327 Rifle Division),99 Rifle Corps(18, 65, 310 Rifle Divisio), 127 Light Mountain Rifle Corps (30, 32, 33 Ski Brigade), 37 Guards Corps (98, 99 100 Guards Rifle Division), 368 Rifle Division, 69 Naval Rifle Brigade, 31 Separate Marines Battalion, 150, 162 Fortified Region,7 Breakthrough Artillery Division (11 Light Artillery Brigade, 9 Guards, 17 Light Artillery Brigade, 25 Light Artillery Brigade, 105 Super-heavy Howitzer Brigade, 3 Mortar Brigade), 1 Guards Corps Artillery Brigade, 149, 633, 1942 Corps Artillery Regiment, 905 Mountain Corps Artillery Regiment, 1237 Gun Artillery Regiment, 989 Howitzer Artillery Regiment, 460, 514 Antitank Artillery Regiment, 331 Separate Artillery Battalion ОМ, 354 Separate Heavy Artillery Battalion, 173, 298, 482, 530, 535, 619, 620, 621 Mortar Regiment, 7, 25 Guards Mortar Brigade, 20, 46 64 Guards Mortar Regiment, 3 Separate Artillery Observation Balloon Battalion, 40 Antiaircraft Artillery Division (1407, 1411, 1415, 1527 Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment), 275, 1650 Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 54, 268, 616 Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion,7 Guards Tank Brigade (37 T-34), 29 Tank Brigade, 70 Guards, 89(18 T-34), 92 Separate Tank Regiment, 338, 339(17 JSU-152), 378 Guards Heavy Self-propelled Gun Regiment (17 JSU-152), 370, 371, 372 Guards Self-propelled Gun Regiment, 275, 284 Separate Special Destination Motorised Battalion


Of these patients, 75 were diagnosed with knee meniscus injury, 11 had synovitis, 6 had osteochondritis, 3 had gout, 3 had septic knee, and 3 had intra-articular free.


Whenpyridine was used as reductive decomposing agent, the expecting cholest-4-en-3,6-dione-22-al was obtained. However, when Zn/HOAc was used to decomposethe ozonide, C-4,5 double bond was further reduced to give cholest-3,6-dione-22-al as main product. 2 For the side-chain construction of compound (1), the solid-liquid phase-transfer Wittig reaction was used. When (3-methyl-2-oxobutyl)-triphenylarsonium bromide was used as reagent, the reaction can be carried out inmild reaction condition and the yield is higher than that when phosphorane wasused.

但使用Zn/HOAc作为分解剂时,却得到其氢化产物胆甾-3, 6-二酮-22-醛;2在甾体支链引入过程中,采用固-液相转移Wittig反应的方法,用(3-甲基)-2-氧丁基三苯基溴化胂作为试剂,反应在非常温和的条件下便可完成,而且产率比传统采用膦烷的方法更高;3在对某些甾酮化合物的选择性还原反应研究时,发现在〓还原体系中,当加入某些金属离子后,反应有更好的区域选择性和立体选择性。

The difference in literary form between 1-3:8, on the one hand and 3:9-5, is very great indeed, and, taken together with the abrupt manner in which the panegyric on Wisdom is introduced at 3:9, suggests a difference with respect to origin.

之所以有不同的文学形式之间1-3:8 ,一方面和3:9-5 ,是非常伟大的确,和,加上突然以何种方式颂的智慧介绍了3点09 ,显示了他不同方面的原产地。

Sessile spikelet broadly oblong or obovate, 8–10 × 2.5–3.5 mm; lower glume leathery toward base, flanks rounded in lower 1/3, villous with stiff ca. 3 mm hairs, papyraceous and puberulous above, keeled and winged above middle, wings ca. 0.8 mm wide with ciliolate margin, apex truncate-denticulate; upper glume keeled and winged above middle, villous on midline below wing; awn of upper lemma weakly geniculate, up to 1.5 cm. Pedicelled spikelet laterally compressed, otherwise resembling sessile, awnless.

无梗小穗宽长圆形或倒卵形, 8-10 * 2.5-3.5 毫米;对于基部革质的更低的颖片,从侧面包围圆形的在下部1/3,具长柔毛具硬的约3毫米毛,在上面纸质和被微柔毛,上面颖片龙骨状和具翅的在中部以上,在低于翅的midline上的具长柔毛;身体虚弱膝曲的上面外稃的芒,可达1.5 厘米Pedicelled小穗侧面压扁,否则象无柄,awnless。

Result The duration of parabiosis maintenance and skin survival of the group 3 was significantly longer than those in the other two groups, and group 3 showed suppressed MLR and DTH.

结果 第3组联体时间明显延长:第3组联体小鼠DTH,2、3组显示明显抑制,但3组小鼠抑制程度明显比第2组小鼠深。

The unit of measure for H in the SI or mks system is ampere turns/meter and in the cgs system, the oersted (1 amp turn/m = 4π 10-3 oersted = 4π 10-3 gilbert/cm). 0 is called the permeability of free space; 0 = 4π 10-3 weber/amp-m in SI units and 1 gauss/oersted in cgs units.

H 在国际单位制或在米-千克-秒单位制中的度量单位是安培匝/米,在厘米克-秒单位制中为奥斯特(1 安培匝/米= 4π 10-3 奥斯特= 4π 10-3 吉伯/厘米) 0 为自由空间导磁率;0 = 4π 10-3 韦伯/安培米=1 高斯。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
