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Leaves 5, not fully expanded at anthesis; petiole 5.5--15 cm, with thick long pilose hairs; leaf blade nearly kidney-shaped, rounded-ovate, or 5-angled, 2.5--7 × 4.5--11 cm,± equally 3-foliolate, abaxially with white hairs, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cordate; lateral leaflets subsessile, unevenly 2-lobed; central leaflet subsessile or with a 1--4 mm petiolule, deeply 3-lobed, lobes entire or dissected, ultimate lobes triangular to narrowly linear and 2--3.5 mm wide.

叶5,不完全膨大的在花期;叶柄5.5-15厘米,具厚具长柔毛毛;叶片差不多肾形,圆形卵形,或具5个角, 2.5-7 * 4.5-11厘米,多少具3小叶,背面具白色的毛,正面无毛,基部宽心形;侧生小叶近无柄,不均匀2裂;中心的小叶近无柄或具一1-4毫米小叶柄,3深裂,裂片全缘的或多裂,末级的裂片三角形到狭线形和2-3.5毫米宽。

However, wooden kotos have been found from the archeological sites of the Yayoi Period (3 BC-3 AD)and there have been several figurines of clay playing the koto found from the Kofun Period (3 AD-7 AD) as well.


Female flowers 1-3 per bract, often sessile; bracts often dentate or lobed, accrescent in fruit; sepals 3-5, shortly connate, imbricate; ovary (2 or)3-locular; styles mostly free, laciniate.

雌花1-3 每苞片,通常是无梗;苞片经常具牙齿的或浅裂,在果期增大;萼片3-5,短,覆瓦状;子房2(或3)室;花柱多数离生,条裂。

Fig 1 Negative control Female umbilical cord sample has no Y-specific signal after in situ hybridization with the biotinylated Y-repeated sequence DNA probe PY3.4 Fig 2 Positive control Flow-sorted male umbilical cord cells hybridized to Y-specific DNA probe PY3.4,Every cell contains a Y-specific signal Fig 3 Fetal cells sorted from maternal blood Flow-sorted cells from a pregnant woman at 20 weeks of gestation hybridized to Y-specific DNA probe PY3.4,containing a Y-specific signal Fig 4 The result of polymerase chain reaction Lane 1:male umbilical cord NRBCs sorted by FITC-conjugated anti-monoclonal glycophorin A;Lane 2:sample of 2;Lane 3:male umbilical cord NRBCs sorted by FITC-conjugated anti-CD36;Lanes 4-5:samples of 1 and 3;Lane 6:50 cells of male;Lane 7:5 cells of male;Lane 8:200ng male DNA(positive+control);Lane 9:nonpregnant female DNA(negative+control);Lane 10:ΦX174 HaeⅢ Maker,271bp:amplified band of Y-specific gene SRY;383bp:amplified band of human β-globin gene

图1 阴性对照女性脐带血标本,经与生物素标记的Y-染色体重复序列DNA探针原位杂交后未见Y-染色体特异信号图2 阳性对照分选的男性脐血细胞经与Y-特异DNA探针杂交后,每一细胞都含有Y-染色体特异信号图3 母体外周血中分选的胎儿细胞从一位妊娠20周的孕妇外周血中分选出的细胞经与Y-特异DNA探针杂交细胞中含有Y-染色体特异信号图4 聚合酶链反应结果 1:GPA-FITC单抗分选男胎脐血NRBCs;2:2号标本;3:CD36-FITC单抗分选男胎脐血NRBCs;4、5:1、3号标本;6:50个男性细胞标本;7:5个男性细胞标本;8:200ng男性DNA;9:未孕女性DNA;10:ΦX174 HaeⅢ标准,271bp:为SRY基因扩增带;383bp:为人β-珠蛋白基因扩增带内参照

RESULTS: The self-prepared 3-D external distractor was 30 g. The lengthener was built to provide 3-D suture expansion osteogenesis by changing the direction. The expansion bar could be moved about 2 cm in anteroposterior axes, 3.5 cm in perpendicular axes, 3 cm in coronal axes.

结果:自行研制的三维缝牵张器重量30 g,牵张杆前后向移动2 cm左右,上下方向移动3.5 cm左右,向外移动3 cm左右,牵张控制准确,三维变向简便易行。

Thirty-two pathological corneal samples were collected from the patients during corneal transplantation, including keratoconus (3 cases), endothelial keratitis (1 case), corneal endothelial decompensation after cataract operation (4 cases), Mooren's ulcer (3 cases), corneal implant opacities (5 cases), herpes simplex viral leucoma (1 case) and perforation (3 cases), trachoma corneal leucoma (1 case), bacterial (1 case) and fungal (1 case) corneal perforation, chemical trauma (5 cases), and burn (2 cases).


The study wanted to make clear the index of freeze injury to Lichi. Low temperature data of Fujian province recent years and now, information about freeze injury of lichi in survey and literature were gathered, refering to photo and corresponding low temperature data about five county in winter in 1999 that provided by guangxi research institute of meteorological disaster mitigation; by statistic methods dealing with above information gave the result on the extreme low temperature data gathering by thermometer screen and the freeze injury grade of lichi; correlation analysis on data of freeze injury and the extreme low temperature indicated that the temperature of no freeze injury and slight freeze injury and moderate freeze injury and serious freeze injury and most serious freeze injury is respectively -0.3℃ and -1.9℃ and -3.1℃ and -3.8℃ and -4.1℃; Difference of teperature between every freeze injury grade of lichi turned to disappear when grade increased.


Ovary hairy, 3-loculed, each locule with 2 or 3 ovules; stigma shallowly 2- or 3-lobed.


Results all of the 20 x-ray cases demonstrated the trabeculae bone hazy with pathy high density in the weight-supporting zone .all of the ct cases demonstrated the collapse of the femoral head. and the 4 cases demonstrated the high density, fragment of the femoral head and cystic lucency zone in the high density area and mixed density could be seen in 3 cases. the 4 mri cases demonstrated cystic hypointensity in t1wi and hyperintensity in t2wi. the 3 mri cases demonstrated mixed intensity in t1wi and t2wi,the 3 mri cases demonstrated irregular hypointensity with collapse of the femoral head in t1wi and t2wi.

结果 x线平片20 例,均表现为股骨头持重区骨小梁增粗且模糊不清,持重部位呈斑片状或斑点状密度增高影,本组均可见(占100%)。ct扫描20 例,平扫均表现为股骨头形态塌陷,其中显示高密度硬化4 例(占20%),股骨头碎裂,显示高密度区内有不规则透亮区,呈高低混杂密度改变有3 例(占15%)。mri扫描10 例, t1wi呈斑点状或小囊状低信号,t2wi为高信号,本组4 例,t1wi与t2wi均为不规则低、等、高混杂信号,本组3 例,股骨头塌陷、变形,t1wi与t2wi均为不规则形低信号3 例。

Results: The MBCs of ethanol, glutaraldehyde disinfectant, ShiKang disinfectant and quaternary ammonium disinfectant against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii were 45%, 10000 mg/L, 6.3~12.5 mg/L and 100 mg/L, and the MBCs were 40%, 5000 mg/L, 3.1~6.3 mg/L and 50 mg/L Conclusion: MBC and MIC could represent the sensitive dose of multidrug-resistant Acmetoborter baumannu to disinfectants, and eight strains of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii have certain resistance to some common disinfectants.

结果:乙醇、戊二醛消毒液、施康消毒液、季铵盐消毒剂对多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌的MBC值分别为45%、10000 mg/L、6.3~12.5 mg/L、100 mg/L;MIC值分别为40%、5000 mg/L、3.1~6.3 mg/L、50 mg/L、50 mg/L。结论:MBC值和MIC值能基本反应多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌对消毒剂的敏感剂量,8株多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌对部分消毒剂产生一定程度的耐药性。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
