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Results:77.5% of sphenoid ostia can be identified by endoscope directly.The distances from sphenoid ostia to the superior and lateral wall of sphenoid sinus,the foramen of sphenopalatine artery,the anterior wall of sella,posterior nasal septum and nasal column were 9.6±4.1 mm,9.2±1.8 mm,11.1±1.6 mm,14.7±3.6 mm,3.6±0.5 mm and 61.6±3.7 mm respectively.

结果:77.5%的蝶窦口内窥镜直接窥见,窦口距离蝶窦顶壁、外壁、蝶腭动脉孔、鞍前壁、鼻中隔后端分别为8.6±3.1 mm、9.2±1.8 mm、11.1±1.6 mm、14.7±3.6 mm、3.6±0.5 mm,距离鼻小柱根部前缘61.6±3.7 mm,与鼻底夹角31.8°±5.2°。

Leaves glossy deep green adaxially, narrowly linear-lanceolate, straight or slightly falcate, 0.8-6.5(-7) cm × 1.5-5 mm, midvein green abaxially, 0.3-1.2 mm wide, flat with median longitudinal keel throughout, stomatal bands present on both surfaces, bands on adaxial surface 0.5-1.5 mm wide, of 7-28 rows of stomatal, white powdery or not, bands on abaxial surface 1.2-2.8 mm apart, 0.3-0.8(-1) mm from leaf margin, not or rarely white powdery, base decurrent, margin denticulate, sometimes indistinctly so, especially on old trees, with 18-55(-90) teeth per side, apex usually symmetric and spinescent, spine 0.3-2 mm. Pollen cone fascicles terminal, 1-3(-5) together, broadly obovoid, each of 8-20 cones, occasionally a few also around base of seed cone; peduncle 2-4 mm; cones narrowly oblong-conical.

正面的叶有光泽的深绿色,披针形狭线形,直的或稍镰刀形, 0.8-6.5(-7)厘米×1.5-5毫米,中脉绿色背面,全部的0.3-1.2毫米宽,平的具中间的纵向的脊,气孔带宿存在两面,在正面0.5-1.5毫米宽上条纹状,7-28排stomatal的,与否白色粉状,相隔1.2-2.8毫米的条纹状的在背面,从叶缘的0.3-0.8(-1)毫米,白色敷粉的或很少的不,基部下延,边缘具小齿,有时不清楚如此,特别是在古树上,具18-55(-90)齿每边,先端通常对称和具刺,刺0.3个-2毫米雄球花束簇终端,花序梗2-4毫米;圆锥形孢子叶球狭长圆形。

Objective To screen for proteins interacting with ataxin-3 by yeast two-hybrid system 3, and to discuss the function of ataxin-3 and pathogenesis of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 and Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3/MJD).


Results Manifest of high resolution CT scanning: lobulation sign (91.3%); spiculatecd sign(87%); pleural indentation sign (78.3%); vascularnotch sign (54.3%); sign of air bronchus and vacuole (34.8%); spinose processus (32.65%); milling glass dens (10.9%); calcification (8.7%).


NOTE - For ease of use, the subclause of the specification and annex A have related numbers; thus, for example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with environmental objectives and targets, and 4.5.4 and A.5.4 both deal with environmental management system audit.

注:为使用方便起见,&规范&部分和附录 A 中的条目采用了互相对应的序号,例如,4.3.3和 A3.3的内容都是关于环境目标和指标的叙述,4.5.4和 A5.4的内容都是关于环境管理体系审核等。

Motilin and gastrin induced contraction of isolated gastric smooth muscle cells in a dose-dependent manner.(2) Motilin- and gastrin-induced antral smooth muscle cell contraction was inhibited by antibodies against Gαi-3. Motilin and gastrin caused an increase of Guanosine-5′-(3-[35S]thio)triphosphate([35S]GTPγS) binding of Gαi-3.(3) Contraction of antral muscle cells induced by motilin and gastrin was inhibited by the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122 and the IP3 receptor antagonist heparin.

结果显示:(1)胃动素和胃泌素对胃窦平滑肌细胞均有收缩作用;(2) Gαi-3抗体可抑制胃动素和胃泌素加强胃窦平滑肌细胞的收缩,胃动素、胃泌素明显增加Gαi-3抗体与[35S]GTPγS的结合;(3)磷脂酶C抑制剂U-73122、三磷酸肌醇受体拮抗剂肝素可抑制胃动素和胃泌素引起的胃窦平滑肌细胞的收缩。

Methods test 1 256 samples from suspect uu or ct sufferers and infertile patients during 2007.results the positive rate of uu of 149 samples of prostate liquid is 42.3%(63/149), and the positive rate of ct of 136 samples of prostate liquid s is 19.9%(27/136);the positive rate of uu of 361samples of the secretion of the urinous tract is 21.1%(76/361),and the positive rate of ct of 346 samples of the secretion of the urinous tract is 10.4%(36/346);the positive rate of uu of 141 samples of semen is 11.3%(16/141),and the positive rate of ct of 123 samples of semen is 7.3%(9/123).conclusion there are significant differences in positive rate of uu and ct of 3 types of samples p.005.the positive rate of specimens of postate liquid is higher than that of the secretion of the urinous tract ,the positive rate of semen test is the lowest..the results from the uu and ct test of different types of specimens are different obviously .the most suitable specimen of test is prostate liquid.

对2007年1 256例怀疑感染uu或ct的患者和不孕不育症患者标本检测。结果:149例前列腺标本中uu阳性率为42.3%(63/149)、136例前列腺标本ct阳性率为19.9%(27/136);361例尿道分泌物uu阳性率为21.1%(76/361)、346例尿道分泌物ct阳性率为10.4%(36/346);141例精液uu阳性率为11.3%(16/141)、123例精液ct阳性率为7.3%(9/123)。结论:三种标本的uu、ct阳性率相差显著,p.005。前列腺标本检测的阳性率明显高于尿道分泌物标本,精液检测的阳性率最低。不同类型的标本检测的uu、ct的结果有很大的差异,送检的标本最好是前列腺液。

A preparation method of the visible-light photocatalyst Bi2WO6 nano-powder is characterized by comprising the steps as follows:(1) the selection of raw materials;(2) bismuth nitrate Bi(NO33 question mark 5H2O is added into a citric acid solution to obtain the citric acid solution containing white sediment;(3) EDTA is added into ammonia water which is then added dropwise with the citric acid solution containing the Bi(NO3)3 question mark 5H2O so to obtain a solution of bismuth;(4) the solution of bismuth is added with (NH4)6W7O24 question mark 6H2O solution to form a precursor solution which is then stirred, dried, coked, cooled and ground to obtain decarburized powder;(5) the decarburized powder is roasted for 2h to 4h under 450 DEG C to 550 DEG C to obtain the visible-light photocatalyst Bi2WO6 nano-powder.

可见光催化剂Bi 2 WO 6 纳米粉体的制备方法,其特征在于它包括如下步骤:1原料的选取;2将Bi(NO 3 ) 3 5H 2 O加到柠檬酸溶液中,得到含有白色沉淀的柠檬酸溶液;3将乙二胺四乙酸加到氨水中,并缓慢滴加入含有Bi(NO 3 ) 3 5H 2 O的柠檬酸溶液中,得铋的溶液;4将(NH 4 ) 6 W 7 O 24 6H 2 O溶液加入上述铋的溶液中,组成前驱液;搅拌,干燥,焦化,冷却后,研磨,得去碳的粉体;5将去碳的粉体在450~550℃下焙烧2~4h后,得到可见光催化剂Bi 2 WO 6 纳米粉体。

Were subjected to tracheotomy during radix linguae and/or corpus linguae partial resection, 2 were subjected to tracheotomy before general anesthesia and UPPP surgery because of obesity and short neck, 3 were subjected to tracheotomy because of difficult tracheal intubation before general anesthesia, 3 because of 3-platform operations, and 3 because of respiratory tract obstruction after tracheal extubation postoperatively in the ICU.


Our study includes four aspects. In the first aspect we study several important conditions of porcine oocytes maturation in vitro and oocytes cleavage after parthenogenetic activation and found mNCSU-23+15IU/mlPMSG+20IU/mlHCG+15% PFF+0.57mMcysteine is a good culture condition .When the Cocs are cultured in it ,the maturation rate and oocytes cleavage rate are higher than those of foreign covered. Our result are (86.7±3.35)% and (86.3±4.16)% and the highest report of foreign is(85.7±4.1)%.In the second aspect we study the effect of different chemical activations on development of porcine parthennogenetic embryo and found two best activation method. The first one is that putting the maturation MII oocytes in the 20μmol/L ionomycin for 30 minutes and then putting them in the NCSU-23 condition containing 5μg/mICB and 5mM/L6-DMAP for 3.5 hours, the oocytes cleavage rate and morulae/blastocysts development rate are (76.7±7.6)% and (37.1±6.4)%.The second one is that putting the maturation MII oocytes in the 200μM/L Thimerosal for 20 minutes and then putting them in the NCSU-23 condition containing 8mM DTT for 30 minutes

本研究分为4个部分,第一部分对影响猪卵母细胞体外成熟和孤雌激活后胚胎分裂的几个重要条件进行了比较研究,确立了一种较好的培养方法:与颗粒细胞共培养,找到了一种适合猪卵母细胞体外成熟的培养基:mNCSU-23+15IU/mlPMSG+20IU/mlHCG+15%PFF+0.57mM半胱氨酸,成熟率和分裂率分别为(86.7±3.35)%和(86.3±4.16)%,国外报道的最高成熟率为(85.7±4.1)%;第二部分对猪卵母细胞孤雌激活的化学方法进行了研究,确立了化学激活猪卵母细胞的两种最佳方法:1将成熟的去卵丘颗粒细胞的MII期卵母细胞用20μmol/Lionomycin作用30min,再将卵母细胞培养于含5μg/mlCB和5mM/L 6-DMAP(6-二甲基氨基嘌呤)的NCSU-23培养液中,卵裂率和桑囊胚发育率达到(76.7±7.6)%和(37.1±6.4)%2将成熟的去卵丘颗粒细胞的MII期卵母细胞在200μM/L的Thimerosal中处理20min,再与8mM的DTT共孵育30min,卵裂率和桑/囊胚形成率为(81.0±2.8)%和(39.6±2.7)%;第三部分对孤雌激活胚胎的培养条件进行了研究,确立了一种最佳的胚胎培养条件:在SOF简单培养基中添加颗粒细胞进行前3天的培养,然后转入添加胎牛血清的NCSU—23培养基并和输卵管上皮细胞进行后期的培养,其桑椹胚和囊胚的发育率为(59.5±3.2)%;第四部分研究了IGF-I

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Just 3 Words
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The Chanukah Song, Part 3 (Radio Version)
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3 X 3

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
