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Let K be the 3 cyclotomic field, Esubscript D(superscript λ: y^2=x^3-2^4 3^3 D(superscript λ) be an elliptic curve defined over K, where D∈K is a square-free algebraic integer and λ∈Z.

设K为三次分圆域,E下标 D(上标λ:y^2=x^3-2^4 3^3 D为定义在K上的椭圆曲线,其中D为K中无平方因子的代数整数,λ∈Z。

The invention relates to a method for making oligomeric isocyanates by reacting diisocyanates in the presence of a catalyst, wherein the catalyst comprises a saline compound prepared from an anion selected from 1,2,3- or 1,2,4-triazole, a substituted species of 1,2,3- or 1,2,4-triazole and carbocyclically and/or heterocyclically annellated species of 1,2,3- or 1,2,4-triazole and the cation selected from an alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal and/or monovalent ammonium cation and/or phosphonium cation of formula (5), wherein the E, R1, R2, R3, R4 are as defined in the descriotion.

本发明涉及一种制备低聚异氰酸酯的方法,包括二异氰酸酯在催化剂的存在下进行反应,其中所述催化剂由盐化合物组成,该盐化合物由选自1,2,3-或1,2,4-三唑、1,2,3-或1,2,4-三唑的取代系列者、1,2,4-三唑的碳环稠合系列者、1,2,3-或1,2,4-三唑的杂环稠合系列者的化合物及其混合物的阴离子和选自碱金属、碱土金属和/或通式(5)的一价铵阳离子和/或磷友衾胱拥难衾胱又票福其中E、R 1 、R 2 、R 3 和R 4 如说明书中所定义。

Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/carbonyl reductase ( 3α-HSD/CR,EC ) from Comamonas testosteroni is an inducible enzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of androsterone with NAD+ to form androstanedione and NADH. 3α-HSD/CR was a member of the SDRs family, whose crystal structure had been solved by X-ray diffraction in 2000. The structure of 3α-HSD/CR is a homodimer which shows a typical pattern of Rossmann-fold structure consisting of βαβ units, and reaveals similarity with other members upon the SDRs family.

中文摘要 3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/carbonyl reductase ( 3α-HSD/CR,EC )是从Comamonas testosteroni菌体中分离而来的诱发性酵素,利用NAD+为辅因子,将受质androsterone氧化成androstanedione并伴随NADH的生成而完成催化反应。3α-HSD/CR是属於SDRs家族成员之一,其立体结构已经在2000年利用X-ray晶体绕射所解出。3α-HSD/CR在结构上为一同源双聚体,并和其它家族成员一样具有βαβ二级结构所叠合组成的Rossmann-fold特徵。

After a two-week screening period, 18 patients participated in a four-week as-required regimen of 2 mg apomorphine SL, escalated to 3 mg when appropriate after two weeks. Three patients (16.7%) benefited from this treatment modality ( P .05). The nonresponding group of 15 patients continued with a daily regimen of 2 mg apomorphine SL for two weeks followed by 3 mg daily for two weeks. The 3 mg daily regimen was more effective for ED ( P .02) and for each sexual domain scored with the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire. Adverse events, as reported by three patients (23%) during the 3 mg regimen, were nausea, dizziness, and headache.

在二星期的筛检过程之后,18位病患参与为期四个星期的2mg,在两星期后适当的增加至3mg的阿朴吗啡 SL疗法,其中三位病患(16.7%)受益于这种治疗方法(P 。05),15位无反应的病患持续接受每日2 mg的阿朴吗啡 SL两周后,再接著以每日3 mg的两周治疗,对于ED及国际勃起功能指数调查表的每项性功能区计分,每日3 mg的疗法比较有效(P 。02),在接受3 mg疗法期间三位病患( 23%)的不良事件,为恶心、眩晕、和头痛。

Currently on the market of real estate trust products issued in the period 1-3 are for the most part, it is expected generally in the annualized yield of 4% to 5%, and some even as high as 8%, while Bank of the RMB deposit interest rate 3 for a period of 2.52 percent, 2.25 percent for the biennium only; 3-year bond interest rate is also only about 2.3 percent.

目前市场上的房地产信托产品发行期间1-3大部分,预计一般在年收益率4 %至5%,有的甚至高达8%,而银行的人民币存款利率3期为百分之2.52 , 2.25百分之两年期仅3年期国债利率也只有百分之二点三。

According to the briefing, currently on the market of real estate trust products issued deadline for the 1-3 majority, it is expected generally in the annualized yield of 4% to 5%, and some even as high as 8%; and bank RMB deposit interest rate for a period of 3 2.52%, 2.25% for the biennium only; 3-year bond interest rate is also only about 2.3 percent.

据介绍,目前市场上的房地产信托产品发行截止日期为1月3日多数,预计一般在年收益率4 %至5%,有的甚至高达8%;和银行人民币存款利率,任期为3 2.52 %, 2.25 %,两年期只有3年期国债利率也只有百分之二点三。

Based on the characteristic that boracic acid (H3BO3) has a condasation and complexation reaction with 3-MCPD forming a negative-charged adduct in aqueous phase, arapid method for the direct determination of 3-MCPD in HVP by capillary electrophoresis with conductivity detection was investigated.

利用硼酸能与3-氯-1,2-丙二醇(3-MCPD)上的2个邻位羟基进行键合生成配合阴离子、从而增加多羟基化合物的负电荷的特性,在15 mmol/L 三羟甲基氨基甲烷-10 mmol/L H3BO3(pH 8.3)介质中,采用毛细管电泳/电导检测法分离检测了3-MCPD,该方法的线性范围为0.5-20 mg/L,检出限为0.1 mg/L(S/N=3)。

In addition, the cell viabilities of HCT-8 co-treated with Fraction H7-3 and H13-3 (50 μg/mL) were 47.0 ± 2.0 % that were more effective then treated with single fraction. In conclusion, the results revealed that the interaction between constituents of Antrodia camphorate have potential to enhance the anti-tumor abilities.

并从交互合并处理的结果得知Fraction H7-3合并H7-5及Fraction H7-5合并H13-3於处理浓度50 μg/mL下,A549细胞存活率分别为60.0 ± 3.6 %及50.5 ± 2.2 %;Fraction H7-3合并H13-3於处理浓度50 μg/mL下,HCT-8细胞存活率为47.0 ± 2.0 %,皆比单独给予更具有明显的效果,显示樟芝固态发酵产物的物质间存在一些交互作用增加其对肿瘤细胞的抑制能力。

ResultsOne hundred and thirty-one kinds of chemical constituents in micro-milling of Poria Cocos were separated ; of which sixty-seven compounds representing 51.145% of the oil were characterized. Relative contents that were more than 2% were determined as Nonanal 2.058%,Camphor 2.401%,2,3-dimethyl Decalin 3.819%,trans-Nerolidol 2.266%,Farnesol 3.322%,α-Cedrol 7.936%.

结果茯苓超微粉中分离出131个成分,鉴定出67个化学成分,占挥发油总量的51.145%,其中相对百分含量大于2%的分别确定为壬醛Nonanal 2.058%;樟脑Camphor 2.401%;2,3-二甲基萘烷 2,3-dimethyl Decalin 3.819%;反橙花叔醇trans-Nerolidol 2.266%;金合欢醇 Farnesol 3.322%;α-柏木醇α-Cedrol 7.936%。

The author also changes theproportion of Fe~(3+)、Cu~(2+) in total ions to study the complementariness of Fe~(3+)、Cu~(2+) in thesystem and proves that the replacement of the single catalytic ions with the complicatedSystem Fe~(3+)/Cu~(2+)/H_2O_2 has a good ability of the ability of counter assault against thechanges of pH value.


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