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与 3-D 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A process for synthesis of-2-{[4-(3-methoxypropoxy)-3-methyl-pyridin-2-yl]methyl- sulfinyl}-1H-benzimidazole from 2,3-lutidine was studied.


Results In healthy subjects, L2-L5 nerves were displayed clearly by MRN, with a round or ellipse ganglion of 3-6 mm in diameter, and smooth stick-like nerve root and trunk, 2-5 mm in diameter. The signal intensity was higher in ganglion than nerve root or trunk. 40% of nerve root sheath was surrounded by small amount of cerebrospinal fluid, Femoral nerve was displayed in all subjects, while only 83.3% of obturator nerve and 43.3% of lumbosacral trunk were manifested. Lamellar blurred hyper-signal intensity was seen around 80.9% of lumbar plexus in GBS, but none in CIDP.

结果 正常组MRN可清晰显示腰2~5神经的走行,神经节呈圆或椭圆形膨大,大小约为3~6mm,神经根及干呈条状、边缘光滑,大小约为2~5mm、神经节信号高于神经根和干,40%的神经根鞘有少量脑脊液,股神经、闭孔神经、腰骶干的显示率分别为100%、83.3%、43.3%。80.9%的GBS腰丛神经周围有片状模糊高信号,神经根和节大小和信号无明显改变,25%神经干增粗,50%的神经干信号增高,边缘模糊。

Objective To investigate the reproductive toxicity of 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA), the effect of 3,4-dichloroanilines on sperms of Wistar rats was studied.

目的 研究3,4-二氯苯胺(3,4-DCA)对雄性大鼠精子的影响,以探讨3,4-DCA对雄性大鼠的生殖毒性作用。

Leaves 3 or 4 per ultimate branch; auricles absent; oral setae deciduous, purple; ligule moderately exserted, purple-red; blade 8–17 × 1.2–2.1 cm. Flowering branchlets spicate,(2.5–)5–6(–8.5) cm, scaly bracts 3–5; spathes 5–7, pubescent; oral setae 1–3, short; blade small.

每末级的分枝留下3或4;叶耳无;口头的刚毛落叶,紫色;适中外露的叶舌,紫红色;叶片 8-17 * 1.2-2.1 穗状的厘米花小枝,(2.5-)5-6(-8.5)厘米,有鳞苞片3-5;佛焰苞5-7,短柔毛;口头的刚毛1-3,短;叶片小。

Leaf blade ovate-oblong or ovate-elliptic, 4-8 × 1.5-3.2 cm, apex acuminate or caudate-acuminate, petiole 3-5 mm; winged fruit 3-6 cm.

叶片卵形长圆形或卵形椭圆形, 4-8 * 1.5-3.2 厘米,先端渐尖或尾状尖,叶柄3-5毫米;具翅的果3-6 厘米 1 V。

Corolla blue-purple, ca. 3 mm, parted to lower 1/3; throat appendages trapeziform, ca. 0.5 mm; limb 3-5 mm wide; lobes ovate-orbicular, apex retuse.


The results indicated that the germination rates of the seeds with the treatments of being "not re-dried" and "re-dried" after priming were 94.5% and 68.5%, respectively, which came to 2.2 and 1.6 times that of control; the vigor indexes were 6.78 and 2.30, which were 9.7 and 3.3 times that of control; the seepages of electrolyte were 34.0 μS/cm and 38.9μS/cm, which took up 59.3% and 67.9% of that of control; and the seepages of amino acid were 6.72 μg/g and 10.89 μg/g, which took up 22.7% and 10.89% of that of control.


Heart ace, diamond to ace, spade seven run, spade nine. If West shows out on the second trump, ruff a heart and test the clubs, either ruffing the fourth club and exiting in diamonds, or, if East is 4-3-3-3, conceding the third diamond to him for an end-play.


The retinae of 4 old cats (12 years,3-3.5 kg) and 4 young cats (1-3 years,2-2.5 kg) were selected.

取老年猫(12龄,3~ 3 5kg)和青年猫(1~ 3龄,2~ 2 5kg)各 4只的视网膜,经 4 %多聚甲醛处理后,用H 。

Results: Restaging showed 14 cases with stage ⅢA disease, 11 with stage ⅢC, 1 with stage IVA and 3 with stage IVB. The overall 5-year survival for all patients was 48.3%, and for stage Ⅲ patients was 52%. There were four patients with stage IV disease, three of them died during the follow-up. In addition, the overall 5- year survival rate was statistically higher in grade 1 and 2 than in grade 3 in superficial myometrial invasion and in the radiation group.

结果:重新病理分期后有14名患者为第ⅢA 期、11名患者为第ⅣC期、1 名为第ⅣA期、 3名为第ⅣB期,全部病患五年整体的存活率为48.3%;第三期病患的五年存活率为52%;而4名第四期的患者有3名死亡;五年存活率在细胞分化度佳、浅肌层侵犯、辅助放疗等情形下有显著差异;高龄病息亦可见低的五年存活率,但未达显著差异。

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Just 3 Words
Cool Guy 3
The Chanukah Song, Part 3 (Radio Version)
The Tugboat Complex Pt. 3
3 1/2
Here All Alone, Pt. 3
The Lost Song Part 3
3 X 3

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
