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与 3-D 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The supratentorial lesions involved the occipital lobe in 4, frontal lobe in 3, fronto-occipital lobe in 2, temporo-occipital lobe in 3, lateral ventricle in 1 case and the saddle region in 1. All the lesions were large in volume and most of them presented heterogeneous signals in MRI. Of the 14 cases, 12 showed cystic degeneration and necrosis, 2 had hemorrhage and 6 showed signs of emptied small blood vessels. Twelve cases had heterogeneous enhancement and 2 had moderate enhancement. Pathologically, 10 cases of neuroblastomas were identified, along with 3 ganglioneuroblastomas and 1 atypical rhabdoid tumor.

结果 病灶位于顶叶4例,额叶3例,枕顶叶2例,颞枕叶3例,侧脑室1例,鞍区1例,病灶普遍较大,病灶绝大多数信号不均匀,病灶内可见囊变/坏死(12例)、出血(2例)、流空小血管影(6例),增强后病灶呈明显不均匀强化(12例),中等强化2例;神经母细胞瘤10例,节细胞神经母细胞瘤3例,非典型横纹肌样瘤1例。

Spikelets 5–6.5 mm, green tinged purple; glumes glabrous or rarely setose, scaberulous along veins; lower glume 4.5–5.5 mm, 3 (–5)-veined; upper glume 5-veined; lower floret staminate or barren, shorter than glumes or equaling lower glume; upper floret 2.5–3 mm, lemma apex awned, awn flanked by 2 slender erect bristles; bristles mostly 1–2.5 mm; awn geniculate with brown twisted column, 6–10 mm; callus hairs 1/4–1/3 length of lemma.

微染的小穗5-6.5毫米,绿色紫色;颖片无毛的或很少具刚毛,微糙的沿脉;更低的颖片4.5-5.5毫米,3(-5)脉;上面颖片5脉;无意义的下部小花雄蕊花或,短于颖片或等长下部的颖片; 2纤细的直立刚毛从侧面包围的上面小花2.5-3毫米,外稃先端具芒,芒;多数的刚毛1-2.5毫米;用棕色的盘旋的柱子,6-10毫米膝曲的芒;胼胝体毛1/4-1/3段外稃。

Spikelets laterally compressed, lanceolate-oblong, florets several, contiguous; rachilla scaberulous, disarticulating above glumes and between florets; glumes slightly unequal, upper nearly as long as spikelet, firmly membranous, keel scaberulous, apex abruptly acuminate, lower glume 1–3-veined, upper glume 3–5-veined; lemmas broadly lanceolate, thinly leathery, rounded on back, 5–7-veined, veins smooth, not raised, scabrid above middle, apex scarious, usually 3-denticulate, sometimes mucronate; floret callus subacute, bearded laterally with stiff hairs; palea subequal to lemma, narrow, flat, apex sharply 2-denticulate.


Results: thirty cases were cured and 7 cases were improved, accounting for 83% and 13.7% respectively; 8 cases gave up treatment, accounting for 15.7%; 6 cases died, accounting for 11.8%.of the 6 died infants, 5 cases died of respiratory failure and pulmonary hemorrhage; 3 cases were sclerema neonatorum, 3 cases were very low birth weight infants; 3 cases' gestational age was less than 32 weeks, 1 case had intrauterine growth retardation, 1 case had asphyxia history of birth, 1 case had infection history , 1 case had convulsion history (suspected intracranial hemorrhage).


The preferred organometallic compounds of the present invention are of the formula (R1)m M(PR23)x, where M is a metal selected from the group consisting of manganese, technetium, rhenium, iron, cobalt, nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium iridium and platinum wherein m is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; x is 2, 3, 4 or 5 and m+x are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, m and x selected according to each metals appropriate valence; each R1 is independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, deuterium, N2, H2, D2 and a variety of substituted alkyl groups; each R2 is independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, aryl, arylalkyl, and alkyl-Z, aryl-Z and arylalkyl-Z where Z is selected from the group consisting of oxy, silyl, siloxy, oxysilyl, siloxy, oxysiloxy, silyalkyl, oxysilylalkyl, siloxyalkyl, oxysiloxyalkyl, silylalkoxy, silylalkoxy, siloxyalkoxy and oxysiloxyalkoxy; and wherein when M is cobalt and one group R1 is selected to be N2, then m is 2 and the second group R1 is hydrogen or deuterium.

有机化合物的首选本发明的配方是米(R1代)米×(pr23)、那里是一米的金属挑选出来,第一组由锰、锝、铼、铁、钴、镍、钌、铑、钯、锇、铱铂其中M是0、1、2、3或4; X是2,3, 4或5米×+有2,3,4,5,6,7或8 米和X挑选合适的价按每个金属; R1的是每一组由独立选自氢、氘、氮、氢气、 D2和各种烷基取代群体; R2中的每个组由独立选自烷基低、芳、芳基烷基、烷基的Z、芳基、芳基烷基的Z-那里的ZZ是选自组风、含硅、氧、oxysilyl、硅、oxysiloxy,silyalkyl, oxysilylalkyl,siloxyalkyl,oxysiloxyalkyl,silylalkoxy,silylalkoxy,siloxyalkoxy和oxysiloxyalkoxy;其中,M是当钴一派R1的选择是氮气、然后是2米,第二组R1的氘是氢或者。

Results In the normal control brains, 14-3-3 immunoreactivity was localized mainly in the neuronal somata and processes, and some glial cells showed only weak immunoreactivity.

结果 在正常脑组织标本中,13-3-3蛋白主要表达于神经元的胞体和突起,仅在少数的胶质细胞中可见14-3-3蛋白的弱表达。

Necromancer Spells (5/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/4/4/3/3/3;DC 25 + spell level): Kel'Thuzad's high Intellect score and his ranks in Spellcraft allow him to prepare 18 spells per level; he can prepare most of the spells on his spell lists.

死灵法师法术(5/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/4/4/3/3/3;豁免难度 25 +法术等级):克尔苏扎德的高智力点数和法术辨识等级允许他每等级准备18个法术。他能准备他法术列表的大部分法术。

Stems 3-25(-45) cm tall, strigillose; leaves 0.8-3 cm, obtuse, with 3-7 indistinct teeth per side; seeds 1.2-1.8 mm, finely papillose or reticulate

茎3-25(-45)厘米高,具短糙伏毛;叶0.8-3厘米,钝,具3-7 不清楚的齿每边;种子1.2-1.8毫米,具细小乳突或网状 4

AF was made from 53.3%musculotendinous tissue, 23.3%appneurosis tissue and 23.3%muscular tissue.The distal margin of 70%supinator was tendinous, and all AECRM were tendinous.


First, one of the termini of 1,3-diethynylbicyclo[1.1.1]pentane was coupled with a brominated aza heterocycle, and second, 3 equiv of the resulting extended arm were coupled with 1,3,5-triiodobenzene or 4 with 1,2,4,5-tetraiodobenzene.

首先,一个总站的1,3 - diethynylbicyclo [ 1.1.1 ]戊烷是加上溴化杂环字,并第二, 3相当于由此产生的延长臂被加上1,3,5 triiodobenzene或4 1,2,4,5 - tetraiodobenzene 。

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