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与 3-D 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Quercetin is one of the effective components contained in sophora japonica flower bud.3-hydroxy 4-carbonyl,4-carbonyl 5-hydroxy,and 3′,4′-dihydroxy groups of quercetin could be become chelating position with metal.


The first maxillary molars were distalized an average of 3.4mm and were tipped distally an average of 3.3?

上领第一磨牙平均每侧向远中移动3.4mm,并伴有 3.3的牙冠远中倾斜。

Subcordiformis in Huanghai Sea near Dalian, it can be able to evolve H〓 photosynthetically. Comparing with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in our lab, the H〓 productivity is same. By the elementary macro regulation of H〓 production with 2, 5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone , N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide , 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea , sodium dithionate, sulfur-deprivation and cell immobilization, the results show that DCCD, immobilization and sulfur-deprivation has a positive effects on the H〓 production.


This set includes 3 3/8" Center diverter faucet with 3/4" MIP Connections, brass construction chrome plate.

这组包括3 3 / 8 3 / 4&按揭保险计划的连接,黄铜镀铬板建设&中心转向器水龙头。

Results the mean time of removed t-tube in patients with biliary leak were (28.7±7.3) days,the mean serum albumin level were (33.4±2.5)g/l,the mean hemoglobin level (116.5±17.3)g/l;while the mean time of removed t-tube in patients without biliary leak were (24.3±6.5)days,the mean serum albumin level were (37.9±1.7)g/l,the mean hemoglobin level (143.4±12.7)g/l.conclusion dystrophia is the reason of most biliary leak after removed t-tube.

结果 拔t管后胆漏病人的平均拔管时间为(28.7±7.3)天,血浆白蛋白(33.4±2.5)g/l,血红蛋白(116.5±17.3)g/l;无胆漏病人t管拔除的平均天数是(24.3±6.5)天,血浆白蛋白(37.9±1.7)g/l,血红蛋白(143.4±12.7)g/l。结论 t型引流管拔除后胆漏的主要原因是病人的营养状态差。

Aqueous extract of cotton has allelopathic effect on Raphanus sativus, Brassica campestris, Lactuca indica, Brassica campestris, Echinochloa crusgall, Setaria viridis and Abutilon theophrasti and its inhibition effect gradually strengthens with increasing concentration. Aqueous extracts from stems, leaves and roots of cotton inhibit or accelerate seed germination and seedling growth, and activity of enzyme of seedling root of cotton. While aqueous extracts from stems and leaves of cotton are 0.02 gmL^(-1), root length, shoot length, lateral root number and dry weight of cotton respectively increase by 10.3%, 3.1%, 22.9% and 2.4% over the control. The above mentioned indexes are lower than the control by 34.4%, 39.2%, 40.6% and 19.0% respectively as the aqueous extracts are 0.1 gmL^(-1). At the same time, root activity and SOD activity decrease by 38.2% and 36.7%, while POD activity and MDA content increase by 52.3% and 36.5%. Growth indexes of plant receptors increase at low concentrations but decrease at high concentrations of aqueous extracts. The allelopathic effect of aqueous extract of stems and leaves is stronger than that of root.

结果表明:棉花植株水浸提液对萝卜、白菜、莴苣、油菜、稗草、狗尾草、苘麻均具有化感效应,随着作用浓度增加,抑制效应逐渐加强;棉花茎叶和根系水浸提液对棉花种子萌发、幼苗生长、幼苗根系活力、根系酶活性有抑制或促进作用,当茎叶浸提液浓度为0.02 gmL^(-1)时,棉花根长、苗高、侧根数、干重分别比对照增加10.3%、3.1%、22.9%和2.4%,当浓度为0.1 gmL^(-1)时,上述指标与对照相比分别降低34.4%、39.2%、40.6%和19.0%,而根系活力、SOD活性比对照降低38.2%、36.7%,POD活性、MDA含量较对照增加52.3%和36.5%,不同浓度棉花植株水浸提液对棉花生长呈现&低促高抑&的规律,且茎叶浸提液作用效应大于根系浸提液。

The introduction combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine below the experience of enteritis of noxiousness of fine ailment of remedial Tibet mastiff, in order to offer reference. 1 hair sick condition and clinical expression ill dog are 2~4 month more age young dog, majority is come on suddenly, anorexia or abandon absolutely, mental depressed, systemic symptom worsens quickly, produce acuteness sex vomiting and diarrhoea, puke is first feed rotten, afterwards is yellow or olive bubble mucus and hematic type thing, have diarrhoea dung has the sticky stiff thing of grey yellow, turn after for rare dung of effluvial shape of embedded mucous membrane, then shows hematic dysentery, because ill dog is acuteness vomiting and diarrhoea are rapid dehydration, eyeball cave in, temperature is shown two-way and calorific,℃ of the 40~41 at the beginning of disease, 1~2d falls it is normal to come, after 3~4d answer elevatory, die very quickly next, 4~5d of course of diseases, the temperature when on one's deathbed drops more to normal temperature the following. Bottom of stomach of dog of die in one's bed of 2 analyse check has haemorrhage sex inflammation, show cardinal, small intestine mucous membrane falls off, alvine wall attenuates, there is gules mucus inside, mix inside large intestine have show wine blood excrement and urine, there are a lot of haemorrhage places on mucous membrane, haemorrhage of rectum mucous membrane is more, mesentery lymph node enlargement, sometimes afterwards sends intussusception, alvine tangent plane bleeds, cardiac muscle is loose, color becomes weak, cystic plentiful, liver is qualitative fragile and brittle. 3 diagnose 3.1 epidemiology to diagnose this ill much hair at young dog, rather dog of epidemic disease have an inoculation feels the most easily, be affected directly or affect secondhand, basically pass enteron infection, this disease all can happen all the year round, but with cold...


Expression of Caspase-3 and bcl-2 protein In E20 cerebral cortex, the expression of cleaved Caspase-3 in the encephalocoele group are higher than that in control group, and the expression of bcl-2 in the encephalocoele group are lower than that in control group. These findings were consistent with the results of the western blot analysis in E14 Brain.

四、Western-blot检测E14、E20胎鼠大脑皮质中caspase-3、bcl-2蛋白的表达 1、用Western-blot方法检测不同组E20胎鼠大脑皮质中caspase-3、bcl-2蛋白表达水平,结果表明对照组、给药无畸形组、脊柱裂组胎鼠大脑皮质中caspase-3、bcl-2蛋白表达水平无明显改变,而脑膨出组胎鼠大脑皮质中caspase-3蛋白活化片段表达水平明显增加,bcl-2蛋白表达水平明显减少。

Results:210 cases of patients,50 cases of chronic cervicitis and atypical hyperplasia,accounts for 23.8%;22 cases of vaginitis,accounts for 10.5%;20 cases of endometritis,accounts for 9.5%;Five cases of cervical polyps,accounts for 2.4%;Three cases of endometrial polyps,accounts for 1.43%;Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 75 cases,accounts for 35.7%;Endometrial three cases of atypical hyperplasia,accounts for 1.43%;Eight cases of uterine fibroids,accounts for 3.8%;15 cases of m alignant tumor,Accounts for 7.14%;IUD caused by bleeding in 9 cases,accounts for 4.3%.


Basal leaves numerous, fasciculate, rosulate; stipules free, brown, linear-lanceolate, margin fimbriate-serrate; petiole 1.5-4 cm, very narrowly winged in upper part; blade ovate or triangular-ovate, 1.3-3.5 × 1-3 cm, both surfaces glabrous to subglabrous or appressed puberulous, with dense brown glandular dots, veins conspicuously raised abaxially, base shallowly cordate or cuneate, margin serrulate, apex ± acute.

基生叶多数,束状,莲座状;托叶离生,棕色,线状披针形,边缘流苏状使成锯齿波;叶柄1.5-4厘米,具狭翅在上半部分;叶片卵形的或三角状心形, 1.3-3.5 * 1-3 厘米,两面无毛到近无毛的或者贴伏被微柔毛,具密的棕色腺点,脉明显在背面突起,基部浅心形或楔形,边缘细锯齿,先端多少锐尖。

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Just 3 Words
Cool Guy 3
The Chanukah Song, Part 3 (Radio Version)
The Tugboat Complex Pt. 3
3 1/2
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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
