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与 3-D 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the period from the reverse trendelenburg position to the starting point for the closure of the valve, the reverse flow of blood occurred in the experimental group with the velocity of (1.4 ± 0.3) cm/s; while in the control group, there was no reverse flow of blood, but the peak flow rate was decreased from (21.3 ± 2.1) cm/s to (18.2 ± 3.3) cm/s.

动物于头高脚低位至瓣膜开始关闭时,实验组均出现血液返流现象,返流流速(1.4 ± 0.3)cm/s;对照组未出现血液返流现象,但血液流速下降,由高峰流速(21.3 ± 2.1)cm/s 减至(18.2 ± 3.3)cm/s。

Bindings worn, some corners showing cardboard at tips, hinges rubbed, most hinges starting to crack at top and bottom, 3 upper hinges cracked along half the length but covers still holding, some spines slightly chipped at top or bottom, title label missing on Volume I, label slightly chipped on 3 volumes, inscription to all pastedowns, occasional light staining and light soiling mainly to margins and chiefly in Volume I, some ink splashed on fore-edges of Volume II, just showing at edge of title page, small piece torn from fore-edge of 1 page in Volume I with loss of about 3 words on recto and verso, small closed tear to margin in Volume III, 2 in Volume IV, 1 just entering text, all neatly repaired with no loss of text, small piece missing from 1 corner in Volume V, no loss of text, title page of Volume VII slightly browned and with small piece missing from fore-edge margin, small hole in 1 text page with loss of a few letters, all still easily legible, map of the world has several repairs to reverse, no loss of image, plus several misfolds, lightly browned along 1 vertical fold, some calculations in old ink on reverse of 1 map, tiny hole in 1 map with very slight loss, a small brown stain to 1 plate, 3 tiny holes in lower margin of 1 plate.


Tax: China's tax revenue rose 18.8% YoY to RMB5.42tn in 2008 according to MOF , vs. 2007's 33.7%. 1 Value-added, corporate income and business tax revenues rose 16.3%, 27.3% and 15.9% respectively, which together contributed about 70% of the increased revenue. 2 Stamp duty for stock transactions was the only tax that saw YoY drop (-51.2% YoY ). 3 2008 saw 1H08 tax revenue growth at 33.5% YoY , relatively flat from 2007; but 2H08 growth was a mere 3.2%, lower than GDP growth in the same period.

税收:据财政部透露,08年中国税入达到5.42万亿元,同比增长18.8%,07年同比增长为33.7%。1)增值税、企业收入税和营业税分别增长16.3%、27.3%和15.9%,三项税入贡献了总增长的70%。2)股票交易印花税是唯一下跌的税入(同比下跌51.2%)。3)08年上半年税收同比增长33.5%,与07年基本持平,但08年下半年税收增长仅为3.2%,低于同期 GDP 增长。

Ethnic composition: Makua 47.3%, Tsonga 23.3%, Malawi 12%, Shona 11.3%, Yao 3.8%, Swahili 0.8%, Makonde 0.6%, Portuguese 0.2%, other 0.7%.

民 族:马库阿族占47.3%,佐加族占23.3%;马拉维族占12%,绍纳族占11.3%,瑶族占3.8%,斯瓦希里族占0.8%,马孔德族0.6%,葡萄牙人占0.2%,其它民族占0.7%。

The analysis result indicated that the fish muscle in tuna, skipjack and sardine, the content of cadmium average out 30(7), 20(3), 22(8) ng/g respectively; the content of chromium average out 15(12), 17(12), 38(17) ng/g; the content of nickel average out 3(3), 10(6), 32(14) ng/g, and the content of lead average out 3(1), 1(1), 8 ng/g.

分析结果显示猫鲔鱼、鲣鱼、沙丁鱼罐头之鱼肉,镉含量平均值分别为30(7)、20(3)、22(8) ng/g;铬含量平均值分别为15(12)、17(12)、38(17)ng/g;镍含量平均值分别为3(3)、10(6)、32(14)ng/g;铅含量平均值分别为3(1)、1(1)、8ng/g。

In the first part, we will first deal with the strong Bonnesen-style inequality (2.1.3) for closed convex curves in the plane (the numbers of formulae and references are those of them in the context below). Bonnesen had first proved the weaker inequality (2.1.2) in [12] and several years later, he outlined in his monograph [13] various Bonnesen-style inequalities including (2.1.3), he considered, however,(2.1.3) as a direct consequence of Kritikos theorem for convex bodies in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces,. Here, we will give an independent proof of the existence for inequality (2.1.3), and by the way, give an estimate on the width of the bi-enclosing annulus of closed convex curves in the plane.


Adopt many centres and contrast the test design double and blindly at random, whether to include case (this text choose in the first People's Hospital of Chengdu the case that subcenter collect only ) in according to 3 every centre. The proportion of 1 is distributed to test the group and contrasting the group at random, tests the group and gives the xinyi rhinitis pills and takes orally, 3 grams each time, 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 14 days; Contrast the group to give the bishushi block and take orally, 5 slices each time, 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 14 days.


Results Analysis of the expression of proteins of JAK2 in leukemic blasts, there was no detectable constitutive expression of phosphorylated JAK2 in all the AML samples analyzed; Furthermore, we could detect a constitutive activation of STAT 3 by immunoprecipitation of the targeted protein in primary leukemic blasts from 3 of 11 AML patients without any cytokine treatment; Pretreatment clinical characteristics, and treatment regimens did not differ significantly between patients with and without constitutive STAT3 activity, there was not significant relation between the constitutive activation of STAT3 and the FAB subvariety and chromosome karyotype; However, the 3 patients with constitutive STAT3 activity seemed to have adverse treatment outcome, one did not show remission, the other two patients relapsed shortly after remission; Consistent with the above-mentioned result, leukemic blasts from the 3 samples with constitutive expression of STAT3 showed higher percentage of spontaneous apoptosis and S-phase cells.

在实验研究基础上,本研究进一步运用免疫沉淀和Western Blot印迹方法,检测AML患者原代细胞JAK2和STAT3活化情况,并分析了STAT3活化与AML患者预后有关指标改变的关系。结果我们的初步研究发现,11例AML患者中,有3例呈现STAT3组成型活化(STAT3阳性,下同),无一例呈JAK2组成型活化。上述3例STAT3组成型活化与FAB分型和染色体核型改变未见明显相关性;在此3例患者中,1例未取得缓解,另外2例虽然取得短暂缓解,但均在二个月内复发。上述3例STAT3阳性AML患者S期白血病细胞百分率数值较组高,而凋亡率数值较低。

Due to the regulating by the cubnonlinearities, some parametric ranges in which 3-times superharmonic vibration or 1/3-times subharmonic vibration arises exist in the sytem. When the excitation frequency approaching 3-times or 1/3-times resonance frequency, the system response is stable and periodic .This fact shows that regulating action of the cubic nonlinearities on the vibration system is strong.


If East jettisons the king of diamonds, the throw-in will work whenever West's shape is 5-2-3-3, and also when it is 5-I-3-4 or 5-0-3-5 with the diamond jack.

而如果东家扔掉他的K,投入终局打法就对西家起作用了,当他是5-2-3-3牌型,即使是 5-1-3-4 或者 5-0-3-5 带J的牌型也一样。

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Just 3 Words
Cool Guy 3
The Chanukah Song, Part 3 (Radio Version)
The Tugboat Complex Pt. 3
3 1/2
Here All Alone, Pt. 3
The Lost Song Part 3
3 X 3

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
