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与 3-D 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other Psionic and Magic Gear: Dorje of firefall (2nd), dorje of charm person (3rd), crystal capacitor [1] (4th-8th), third eye concentrate (4th), cloak of resistance +1 (5th-19th), dorje of knock (6th-7th), crystal capacitor [3] (7th-11th), dorje of invisibility [9th-level manifester] (8th), crystal mask of mindarmor (9th-12th), 3 powerleech pearls (10th, 18th-20th), dorje of whitefire (10th), amulet of natural armor +1 (11th-16th), third eye aware (11th), psionatrix of Psychoportation (11th), gloves of Dexterity +2 (12th-16th), ring of stabilization (12th), crystal capacitor [5] (13th-16th), torc of free will (13th), bracers of armor +2 (14th-20th), dorje of negate psionics (14th-15th, 18th), ring of fire resistance (16th), amulet of natural armor +2 (17th-20th), skin of striking (17th), crystal capacitor [7] (17th- 18th), gloves of Dexterity +4 (17th-18th), amulet of natural armor +3 (19th-20th), gloves of Dexterity +6 (19th-20th), crystal capacitor [9] (19th), cloak of resistance +3 (20th).

其他灵能和魔法装备:&落炎术&灵杖(2级),&魅惑人类&灵杖(3级),灵容[1](4至8级),隐匿镶额眼(4级),+1抗力斗篷(5至19级),&敲击术&灵杖(6至7级),灵容[3](7 至11级),&隐形术&灵杖[显能者等级9](8级),水晶心防面具(9至12级),夺能珍珠×3(10级、18至20级),&苍火&灵杖(10级),+ 1天生防御护符(11至16级),知觉镶额眼(11级),心灵传送灵锥(11级),+2敏捷手套(12至16级),稳定戒指(12级),灵容[5](13至16级),自由意志项圈(13级),+2防御护腕(14至20级),&消解灵能&灵杖(14至15级、18 级),次级抗火戒指(16级),+2天生防御护符(17至20级),反击灵皮(17级),灵容[7](17至18级),+4敏捷手套(17至18级),+3天生防御护符(19至20级),+6敏捷手套(19至20级),灵容[9](19级),+3抗力斗篷(20级)。

Methods The 26th exon, the 30th exon and the 21st intron of gene GP Ⅱb in 110 individuals were amplified by polymorphism and sequenced to investigate whether there was linkage among the polymorphisms of the gene. Human platelet antigen-3 (HPA-3) gene frequency was detected by Fok 1 enzyme in 147 patients with hematologic diseases, and was compared with that in 110 normal individuals. Forty-four patients who received apheresis platelet transfusion repeatedly were randomly divided into the HPA-3 homotype group and the control group. The antibodies of the platelet were detected after 3 times of platelet transfusion.

聚合酶链反应-单链构型多态性分析检测110例正常人GP Ⅱb基因第26和30外显子(Exon 26, Exon 30)及21内含子(Intron21)基因多态性,进行基因序分析,研究这些基因多态性是否存在连锁关系;应用Fok1酶切法对147例血液病人人类血小板抗原-3(human platelet antigen-3, HPA-3)基因进行分型,并与110例正常人进行比较;将接受单采血小板输注的44例血液病人随机分为HPA-3同型输注组和对照组,血小板输注3次以后检则血小板抗体。

The resultsshow that the Pliocene paleoclimate of Tuantian Basin is characterized by the mean annualtemperature 21.3-25.1℃, mean temperature of the warmest month21.3-25.1℃, mean temperature of the coldest month 10.8-14.6℃, difference intemperature between the coldest and warmest month 11.3-16.3℃, mean annualprecipitation 1225.7-1638.3 mm, and relative humidity 75-82%.

通过共存因子分析法,取团田植物群37个化石种的最近亲缘种的气候因子的共存区间,定量重建了团田晚上新世的古气候特征:年均温为16.4-19.8℃,最热月平均气温21.3-25.1℃,最冷月平均气温10.8-14.6℃,气温年较差11.3-16.3℃,年均降水量1225.7-1638.3 mm,年均相对湿度75-82%。

The mean ADC value of lymphomatous, metastatic and benign lymph nodes was (0.874±0.17)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,(0.98±0.09)×10~(-3)mm~2/s and (1.20±0.10)×10~(-3)mm~2/s. There was statistically different between benign lymph nodes and other groups (P=0.00). When an ADC value of 1.085×10~(-3)mm~2/s was used as a threshold value for differentiating malignant from benign lymph nodes, the best results were obtained with an sensitivity of 87.8% and specificity of 91.3%. 16 of 18 cases (88.9%) were accurately staged in accordance with clinical staging. For 24 patients after chemotheraphy or radiotheraphy, 4 cases were complete remission and WB-DWI was negative. WB-DWI was positive in 14 of 17 cases with recurrent or remnant tumor. For 3 patients with suspected partial remission, WB-DWI indicated necrosis in 2 cases and inactive in 1 case. Repeated WB-DWI examination was performed in 13 cases, tumors were eradicated in 6 cases, improved in 4, expanded in 2. A new colon carcinoma besides its primary lesion was found in 1 case. The results of WB-DWI were all concordant with other clinical tests.


A series of 3 - aryl - 3 -( 5,5 - dimethyl - 3 - hydroxy - 2 - cyclohexene - 1 - one - 2 - yl) propanoic ester s were synthesized by reaction between aromatic aldehydes ,5,5- dimethyl -1,3-cyclohexanedione and isopropylidene malonate catalyzed by KF - Al2O3 in alcohols.


Basal leaves 2-6, long petiolate; stipules over 1/2 adnate to petioles, broadly lanceolate, membranous, margin sparsely denticulate and ciliate or entire, apex acuminate; petioles 3-9 cm at anthesis, usually green, sometimes purplish, glabrous, nitid, elongated at fruiting to more than 20 cm; leaf blade glabrous on both surfaces or pubescent along veins, 3-sect, segments shortly stipitate, lateral segments deeply 2-fid, central segment deeply 2- or 3-fid, terminal lobes highly variable in shape and size, ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, oblong, or linear-lanceolate, margin irregularly dentate or shallowly divided, sometimes triparted to pinnatiparted or 3-lobed, apex obtuse or acute.


Basal leaves 5--10; petiole 2--6 cm; blade ternate, or sometimes simple, pentagonal or broadly ovate in outline, 0.6--1.5 × 1--2.4 cm, thinly papery, subglabrous or abaxially puberulent; leaflets petiolulate, rhombic, 2- or 3-lobed or 2- or 3-partite, sometimes 1--2 × 3-sect and with ultimate segments lanceolate-linear; central lobe rhombic-obovate, 3-lobed or 3-partite.

基生叶5-10;叶柄2-6厘米;叶片三出,或者有时单,五边形的或宽卵形轮廓的, 0.6-1.5 * 1-2.4 厘米,薄纸质,近无毛或背面被微柔毛;小叶具小叶柄,菱形的,2或3裂或2或3 分裂的,有时1-2×3全裂并且具末回裂片的有时披针形线形的;中央裂片菱形倒卵形,3浅裂或分裂。

Basal petioles 1.5–5 cm, sheaths long, broad; blade oblong, 2–4 × 1–2 cm, pinnate; pinnae sessile,(3–) 4–6 pairs, remote; ultimate segments long-ovate to suborbicular, 5–10 × 3–8 mm, base subtruncate or rounded, entire or apex shallowly 1–3-toothed, sometimes 3–4-crenate; terminal pinnae obovate or orbicular, base cuneate, apex more deeply 3-lobed.

基部的叶柄1.5-5厘米,鞘长,宽;叶片长圆形, 2-4 * 1-2 厘米,羽状;羽片无柄,(3-)4-6 对,遥远;末回裂片长卵形到近圆形, 5-10 * 3-8 毫米,基部近截形或圆形,有时,浅全缘或先端1-3齿状具圆齿;更深的顶生的羽片倒卵形的或圆形,基部楔形,先端3浅裂。

And the water demands for ecological environment in Chaoyang River, Wuni River and Ajiutian River on Supa River basin are 1.54×10^8m^3, 3.31×10^8m^3, 3.56×10^8m^3 separately, and the water demands for sediment transport are all over 99%,which are respectively 48.9%, 44.9% and 52.3% of the runoff.


Results(1)At concentration of 0.002 5%,the KT50 is 4 min :0.002 5% is 3.77(3.40-4.15)min ;0.005% is 3.17( 2.88- 3.48)min;0.01% is 3.45(3.25-3.65)min ;(2)the LC50 is 0.000 530 9%(0.000 490 0%-0.000 575 2%);(3)the 100% mortality(24 hour) with the Dagongda concentration is at the rate of 0.002 5%;(4)when used as residual smearing,Dagongda can be keep its efficacy more than 270 days under room temperature;(5)The field tests,the killing rates of 0.03% Dagongda to Xenopsylla cheopis were 80.80% for 2 days and 93.87% for 29 days respectively.


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Just 3 Words
Cool Guy 3
The Chanukah Song, Part 3 (Radio Version)
The Tugboat Complex Pt. 3
3 1/2
Here All Alone, Pt. 3
The Lost Song Part 3
3 X 3

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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