单词量:1491- 背单词列表
suspect [sə'spekt]
v. to imagine or believe that a person is guilty of something bad or illegal; n. a person believed to be guilty
suspend [səs'pend]
v. to cause to stop for a period of time
swallow ['swɔləu]
v. to take into the stomach through the mouth
v. to put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry out the duties of that office ("The chief justice will swear in the president.")
sweet [swi:t]
ad. tasting pleasant, like sugar
swim [swim]
v. to move through water by making motions with the arms and legs
sympathy ['simpəθi]
n. a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness
system ['sɪstəm]
n. a method of organizing or doing something by following rules or a plan; a group of connected things or parts working together for a common purpose or goal
take [teik]
v. to put a hand or hands around something and hold it, often to move it to another place; to carry something ; to seize; to capture; to begin to be in control ("The president takes office tomorrow.")
today [tə'deɪ]
n. this day
talk [tɔ:k]
v. to express thoughts in spoken words; n. a meeting for discussion
tall [tɔ:l]
ad. higher than others; opposite short
tank [tæŋk]
n. a large container for holding liquids; a heavy military vehicle with guns
target ['tɑ:ɡit]
n. any person or object aimed at or fired at
taste [teist]
v. to sense through the mouth ("The fruit tastes sweet.")
tax [tæks]
n. the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services
tea [ti:]
n. a drink made from the plant of the same name
teach [ti:tʃ]
v. to show how to do something; to provide knowledge; to cause to understand
team [ti:m]
n. a group organized for some purpose, often for sports
tear [tiə]
v. to pull apart, often by force