单词量:1491- 背单词列表
stop [stɔp]
v. to prevent any more movement or action; to come or bring to an end
store [stɔ:,stɔə]
v. to keep or put away for future use; n. a place where people buy things
storm [stɔ:m]
n. violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow
story ['stɔ:ri]
n. the telling or writing of an event, either real or imagined
stove [stəuv]
n. a heating device used for cooking
straight [streit]
ad. continuing in one direction without turns
strange [streindʒ]
ad. unusual; not normal; not known
street [stri:t]
n. a road in a city, town or village
stretch [stretʃ]
v. to extend for a distance; to pull on to make longer or wider
strike [straik]
v. to hit with force; to stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make other demands
strong [strɔŋ]
ad. having much power; not easily broken, damaged or destroyed
structure ['strʌktʃə]
n. the way something is built, made or organized; a system that is formed or organized in a special way; a building
struggle ['strʌɡl]
v. to try with much effort; to fight with; n. a great effort; a fight
study ['stʌdi]
v. to make an effort to gain knowledge by using the mind; to examine carefully
stupid ['stju:pid]
ad. not able to learn much; not intelligent
submarine ['sʌbməri:n,sʌbmə'ri:n]
n. an underwater ship
substance ['sʌbstəns]
n. the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)
substitute ['sʌbstitju:t]
v. to put or use in place of another; n. a person or thing put or used in place of another
subversion [sʌb'və:ʃən]
n. an attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government, usually secretly
succeed [sək'si:d]
v. to reach a goal or thing desired; to produce a planned result