单词量:1491- 背单词列表
radio ['reidiəu]
n. the system of sending and receiving signals or sounds through the air without wires
raid [reɪd]
v. to make a sudden attack; n. a sudden attack carried out as an act of war, or for the purpose of seizing or stealing something
railroad ['reilrəud]
n. a road for trains; a company that operates such a road and its stations and equipment
rain [rein]
n. water falling from the sky
raise [reiz]
v. to lift up; to move to a higher position; to cause to grow; to increase
rape [reip]
v. to carry out a sexual attack by force against a person
rare [rɛə]
ad. not common; not usual; not often
rate [reit]
n. speed; a measure of how quickly or how often something happens; the price of any thing or service that is bought or sold
reach [ri:tʃ]
v. to put a hand toward; to arrive at; to come to
react [ri'ækt]
v. to act as a result of or in answer to
read [ri:d]
v. to look at and understand the meaning of written words or numbers
ready ['redi]
ad. prepared; completed; organized; willing
real ['ri:əl]
ad. true; truly existing; not false
realistic [riə'listik]
ad. in agreement with the way things are
reason ['ri:zn]
n. the cause for a belief or act; purpose; something that explains
reasonable ['ri:znəbl]
ad. ready to listen to reasons or ideas; not extreme; ready or willing to compromise
rebel ['rebəl]
v. to act against a government or power, often with force; to refuse to obey; n. one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country
receive [ri'si:v]
v. to get or accept something given, offered or sent
recent ['ri:snt]
ad. a short time ago
recession [ri'seʃən]
n. a temporary reduction in economic activity, when industries produce less and many workers lose their jobs