英语人>背单词>英语教材>美国之音>VOA慢速英语词汇 单词列表



prove [pru:v]

v. to show to be true


provide [prə'vaid]

v. to give something needed or wanted


public ['pʌblik]

ad. of or about all the people in a community or country; opposite private

publication [,pʌbli'keiʃən]

n. something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine


publish ['pʌbliʃ]

v. to make public something that is written; to include something in a book, newspaper or magazine

pull [pul]

v. to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force; opposite push

pump [pʌmp]

v. to force a gas or liquid up, into or through

punish ['pʌniʃ]

v. to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal


purchase ['pə:tʃəs]

v. to buy with money or with something of equal value; n. that which is bought


purpose ['pə:pəs]

n. the reason or desired effect for doing something; goal


push [puʃ]

v. to use force to move something away from the person or thing using the force; opposite pull

put [pʌt]

v. to place; to set in position

quality ['kwɔliti]

n. that which something is known to have or be ("An important quality of steel is its strength."); amount of value or excellence ("Their goods are of the highest quality.")


question ['kwestʃən]

v. to ask; to express wonder or disbelief; n. a sentence or word used in asking for information; a problem; an issue to be discussed

quick [kwik]

ad. fast

quiet ['kwaiət]

ad. with little or no noise; having little or no movement; calm


race [reis]

v. to run; to take part in a competition to decide who or what can move fastest; to take part in a campaign for political office; n. one of the major groups that humans can be divided into because of a common physical similarity, such as skin color

resign [ri'zain]

v. to leave a position, job or office


radar ['reidə]

n. a device that uses radio signals to learn the position or speed of objects that may be too far away to be seen


radiation [,reidi'eiʃən]

n. waves of energy from something that produces heat or light; energy from a nuclear substance, which can be dangerous


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