歌词 "Zebulon" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Where ya been, Zebulon? 凡雅是,泽布伦?

What you doing in this song? 你在这首歌做什么的?

Skating on the ice of song 滑冰歌曲的冰

About to go under 关于下得去


My mother's in the hospital 我的母亲在医院

My sister's at the opera 我姐姐的在歌剧院

I'm in love but let's not talk about it 我恋爱了,但我们不要谈论它

There's so much to tell ya 有这么多的告诉你


I believe in freedom 我相信,在自由

Freedom's apparently all I need 自由是很明显我需要的

But who's ever been free in this world? 但谁以往任何时候都游离在这个世界上?

Who has never had to bleed in this world? 谁从来没有在这个世界上流血?


All I need are your eyes 所有我需要的是你的眼睛

Your nose was always too big for your face 你的鼻子总是太大,你的脸

Still it made you look kinda sexy 还是它让你看起来还挺性感

More like someone who belongs in the human race 更像是人谁在人类属于


Where ya been, Zebulon? 凡雅是,泽布伦?

Let's meet up, why not tonight? 让我们见面了,今晚为什么不呢?

In the lane behind the schoolyard 在校园后面的车道

And we'll have some tea and ice cream 我们将有一些茶冰淇淋

歌词 Zebulon 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/zebulon/

歌词 Zebulon 的作者与版权信息:


Rufus Wainwright


Put Tit On Music, WB Music Corp.