歌词 "You've Got A Friend" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You've Got A Friend


歌词相关歌手:WET WET WET

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You just call out my name 你刚才叫我的名字

And you know wherever I am 你知道无论我在哪里

And I'll come running, oh yes I will 我就会赶过去,哦,是的,我会

When you're down and troubled 当你意志消沉,陷入困境

And you need a helping hand 你需要一只援助之手

And nothing, nothing is going right, yeah 并没有什么,没有什么事情吧,是的

Just close your eyes and think of me 只要闭上眼睛,想想我,

And soon I will be there 很快我会在那里

To brighten up and even your darkest night 照亮,甚至你最黑暗的夜晚

You just call out my name 你刚才叫我的名字

And you know wherever I am 你知道无论我在哪里

I'll come running, oh yes I will, to see you again, yeah, oh Lord 我就来跑,哦,是我会再见到你,是啊,主啊

Winter, spring, summer or fall 冬季,春季,夏季或秋季

And all you gotta do is call 而所有你要做的就是调用

And I'll be there, oh Lord, oh Lord 我会在那里,主啊,主啊

Yeah 是啊

Listen, If the sky above you 听着,如果你上面的天空

Should turn dark and full of clouds 应转暗,充满云

And that old north wind should begin to blow, no oh who 和老北风应该开始吹,没有谁哦

Listen you've gotta keep you head together 听着你得让你的头在一起

And baby call my name out loud 宝贝,我的名字叫出声来

Because soon I will be knocking upon your door 因为不久我将在敲你的门

You just call out my name 你刚才叫我的名字

And you know wherever I am 你知道无论我在哪里

I'll come running, oh yes I will, to see you again, oh Lord 我就来跑,哦,是我会再见到你,哦,上帝

Winter, spring, summer or fall 冬季,春季,夏季或秋季

And all you gotta do is call 而所有你要做的就是调用

And I'll be there, oh Lord 我会在那里,哦,上帝

Now ain't it good to know that you've got a friend 现在是不是很好的了解,你有一个朋友

Cos people can be so cold COS的人是如此冷漠

And they'll hurt you, and desert you 他们会伤害你,抛弃你

Well they'll take your soul if you let them 那么,他们就会把你的灵魂,如果你让他们

But no don't you let them 但是,没有不要你让他们

You just call out my name 你刚才叫我的名字

And you know wherever I am 你知道无论我在哪里

And I'll come running to see you again, yeah, oh Lord 我就会赶过去再次见到你,是啊,主啊

Winter, spring, summer or fall 冬季,春季,夏季或秋季

And all you gotta do is call 而所有你要做的就是调用

And I'll be there, oh Lord 我会在那里,哦,上帝

Yes I will be there, oh Lord 是的,我会在那里,哦,上帝

Yes I will be there, oh Lord 是的,我会在那里,哦,上帝

Cos You've got a friend 因为你已经有了一个朋友

Cos You've got a friend 因为你已经有了一个朋友

Cos You've got a friend 因为你已经有了一个朋友

You've got a friend 你有一个朋友

歌词 You've Got A Friend 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you_ve-got-a-friend-18/