歌词 "You're Pitiful" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You're Pitiful



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

My life is brilliant... 我的生活是灿烂......


What, was I too early? Oh, sorry. 什么,被我太早了?哦,对不起。

Should I...Do you wanna start over? Or, keep going? 我应该......你想重新开始吗?或者,坚持下去?

Okay, now? Now? 好了,现在呢?现在呢?


My life is brilliant 我的生活是灿烂

Your life's a joke 你的生活是个笑话

You're just pathetic 你只是可怜

You're always broke 你总是爆发


Your homemade Star Trek uniform 你自制星际迷航制服

really ain't impressin' me 真不是impressin “我

You're sufferin' from delusions of 你从妄想在痛苦

Adequicy Adequicy


You're Pitiful [X3] 你可怜[ X3 ]

It's true 这是真的


Never had a date 从来没有一个日期

That ya couldn't inflate 这丫不能夸大

And ya smell repulsive too 雅闻厌过

What a bummer bein' you 什么是无赖拜因你


Well ya just can't dance 好雅只是不能跳舞

And forget romance 忘记浪漫

Everybody you know still calls ya 你知道还是大家都叫雅

Farty Pants Farty裤

... ......

But you always have a job well I mean 但你总是要工作好,我的意思是


As long as you still can work that slurpie machine 只要你仍然可以正常工作了slurpie机


You're Pitiful [X3] 你可怜[ X3 ]

It's true 这是真的


You're half undressed 你也有一半脱了衣服

Eatin' chips of your chest 你的胸部Eatin 芯片

While you're playin' Halo 2 当你在玩“光晕2

No one's classier than you 没有人比你分类器


Lalala la LALALA LA

Lalala la LALALA LA

Lalala la Loser LALALA LA失败者


You're Pitiful [X3] 你可怜[ X3 ]

It's true 这是真的


Your dog would much rather 你的狗更愿意

Play fetch by itself 发挥自身取


You still live with your Mom and you're 42 你还是带着你妈妈和你42


Guess you'll never grow a clue 猜你永远长不大的线索

When it just sucks to be you 当它只是吮吸是你

歌词 You're Pitiful 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you_re-pitiful/

歌词 You're Pitiful 所在专辑及曲目:
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歌词 You're Pitiful 的作者与版权信息:


Sacha Skarbek


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.