歌词 "You Won't Feel A Thing" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You Won't Feel A Thing


歌词相关歌手:EVENS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They don't want you to understand 他们不想让你明白

they don't want you to understand 他们不想让你明白

sit back, relax, let go 坐下来,放松,放手

you won't feel a thing 你会不会觉得事

formulation with no end 配方满意没有终点

a bunch to comprehend 一堆理解

count down from ninety nine... 从99倒数...

Ten words certain are vague calling for a plague 十个字一定是模糊的,要求瘟疫

count down from ninety nine... 从99倒数...

they'll beat you with the truth so you won't feel the lies 他们会打败你的真相,你会不会觉得谎言

they'll beat you with the truth so you don't feel the lies 他们会打败你的真相,你不觉得谎言

sit back, relax, let go 坐下来,放松,放手

you wont feel a thing 你不会觉得累

you won't feel a thing 你会不会觉得事

they'll tell you everything but they won't tell you anything let go 他们会告诉你一切,但他们不会告诉你任何东西放手

they'll tell you everything but they won't tell you anything let go 他们会告诉你一切,但他们不会告诉你任何东西放手

they'll tell you everything but they won't tell you anything let go 他们会告诉你一切,但他们不会告诉你任何东西放手

they'll tell you everything but they won't tell you anything let go 他们会告诉你一切,但他们不会告诉你任何东西放手

you won't feel a 你会不会觉得

you won't feel a 你会不会觉得

you won't feel a 你会不会觉得

you won't feel a 你会不会觉得

you won't feel a thing 你会不会觉得事

you won't feel a thing 你会不会觉得事

until the day you wake up 直到有一天你醒来

until the day you wake up 直到有一天你醒来

until the day you wake up 直到有一天你醒来

until the day you wake up 直到有一天你醒来

until the day you wake up... 直到有一天你醒来......

歌词 You Won't Feel A Thing 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-won_t-feel-a-thing-1/