歌词 "You Can't Have My Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You Can't Have My Heart


歌词相关歌手:COCKER, JOE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You can keep that diamond ring 你可以保持钻石戒指

Take it down town and find out what it will 把它记下来小镇,并找出它会

You can ask me to give you almost anything 你可以问我给你几乎所有的东西

All except my heart 所有的,除了我的心脏


You can't have my heart 你不能让我的心脏

I'm takin that with me 我拿回了我

Somebody else might want it 别人可能会想它

You broke it almost constantly 你把它弄坏了几乎不断

So you can't have my heart 所以,你可以没有我的心脏


I will not be true to you 我不会对你忠诚

I wont wait till you decide what you're gonna do 我不会等到你决定你有什么打算怎么办

You may change your mind, but it's too late this time 你可以改变你的想法,但一切都太迟了这次

Give me back my heart 给我回我的心脏


You can't have my heart 你不能让我的心脏

I'm takin that with me 我拿回了我

Somebody else might want it 别人可能会想它

You broke it way too frequently 你把它弄坏了太频繁

Now you can't have my heart 现在,你可以没有我的心脏


I'm takin that with me 我拿回了我

Somebody else might want it 别人可能会想它

You broke it almost constatly 你把它弄坏了,几乎constatly

So you can't have my heart 所以,你可以没有我的心脏


I don't care any more 我不在乎任何更多

Why you act the way you do 为什么你的行为你的方式

I won't be there anymore 我不会再有

I won't even be thinking about it 我什至不会惦记着它

I'll take the future 我会好好把握未来

You can have the rest 你可以有休息

All except my heart 所有的,除了我的心脏


You can't have my heart 你不能让我的心脏

I'll take that with me 我要与我

You really didn't want it 你真的不想要它

You broke it almost constantly 你把它弄坏了几乎不断

Now you can't have my heart 现在,你可以没有我的心脏

I'll take that with me 我要与我

Somebody else might want it 别人可能会想它

You broke it almost constantly 你把它弄坏了几乎不断

So you can't have my heart 所以,你可以没有我的心脏

歌词 You Can't Have My Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-can_t-have-my-heart/

歌词 You Can't Have My Heart 的作者与版权信息:


Steve Krikorian, Jeffrey Lynn Vanston, K. Tonio, John Shanks


Monkeyfactory O.B.O. King Brill Music