歌词 "You Can Count On Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You Can Count On Me


歌词相关歌手:GAP BAND, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Face of stone, and lips so cold 面对石头,和嘴唇那么冷

A mask for all the world to see 对于世界上所有的掩码,看

It's so hard to know what is real 它是如此难以知道什么是真正的

But baby, you can always count on me 但亲爱的,你总是可以指望我


A prickly thorn, can bear a rose 带刺的刺,可承受的玫瑰

A sight for all of us to see 眼前的景象对我们所有的人看到

It seems that life is oh so strange 看来,生活是哦,太奇怪了

But baby, you can always count on me 但亲爱的,你总是可以指望我


Life's solutions, and illusions 生活中的解决方案,并幻想

Things are seldom what they seem 事情很少表里如一

Were surrounded by our confusions 被包围了我们的困惑

But baby, you can always count on me 但亲爱的,你总是可以指望我


There will be trials and tribulations 会有考验和磨难

And heartaches yeah And miseries 和痛心的事啊疾苦

But when it's all over, 但是,当这一切都结束了,

You can always count on me. 你总是可以指望我。

歌词 You Can Count On Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-can-count-on-me-1/

歌词 You Can Count On Me 的作者与版权信息:


Harrel Buddy Jones, Charles K. Wilson


Food Music