歌词 "You Are The One To Make Me Cry" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You Are The One To Make Me Cry



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Who'll face the tide 谁愿意面对潮流

And take their chances? 并利用他们的机会?

Will fasten the line 将固定线路

To broken branches 以折枝

Adrift on the ocean in wild winter storms 漂泊在野外冬季风暴的海洋

I have to imagine things to keep myself warm 我必须想象的事情,以保持自己温暖

The night closing in, but not to worry 夜晚即将来临,但不担心

Told everyone I know, that I was sorry 告诉大家,我知道,我很抱歉

And I heard them all singing 而且我听说他们都唱

For comfort and peace 舒适与和平

And in my confusion 而在我的困惑

Yeah I still believe 是的,我仍然相信


You are the one to make me cry 你是第一个让我哭

You are the one to take me home 你是第一个来接我回家

Of all the people in my life 所有的人在我的生活中

My thoughts keep returning to you 我的思绪不断回到你

But consciousness is fading fast 但意识正在迅速消失


Surrounded by signs that go on living 由迹象表明,继续活下去包围

Make circles in time, a spidersweb spinning 请圈时候, spidersweb纺

But I have no illusions of where I am now 但是,我不抱任何幻想我现在在哪里了

I'll let this wave take me and draw me down 我要让这波拿我和我画下来


You are the one to make me cry 你是第一个让我哭

You are the one to take me home 你是第一个来接我回家

Of all the stories in your life 在你的生活中所有的故事

Only good things return to you 唯一的好东西回报给你

If I could only say the word 如果我只能说一句话

If you could hear me cry for help 如果你能听到我的呼救

I lift my head up to the sky 我举起我的头向天空

But the planes that were circling now have gone 但是,现在被盘旋的飞机已经

歌词 You Are The One To Make Me Cry 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-are-the-one-to-make-me-cry/