歌词 "You And I" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You And I



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

(Personified [repeat]) (拟人[重复] )

Holding soft, to holding back, to keep his own heart. 持软,要憋尿,以保持自己的心脏。

All in all, you need to learn to let it go. Feelings for her... 总而言之,你需要学会放手。对她的感情......


For all you know. 对于所有你知道的。

You keep yourself from rising tone, no future holds. 你让自己从升调,没有未来成立。

Slowly look up, you're looking hard to find love. 缓缓抬起头来,你正在寻找很难找到爱情。

Low key, fatal tune. 低调,致命的调整。


Hold me, you know this wasn't planned. 抱紧我,你知道这是没有计划。

Hold me close, you'll hold. 抱紧我,你会持有。

Hold me now, to keep it all in sand. 拥抱我,让这一切在沙滩上。

Hold fire, you'll hold. 包不住火的,你会持有。


Under unnatural circumstances, I forget about your vain pretenses. 在自然情况下,我忘了你的虚荣的借口。

But if you want to recreate the sea, another sky for me, I got you. 但是,如果你想重新大海,另一片天空对我来说,我给你。

Under unnatural circumstances, I forget all of your vain pretenses. 在自然情况下,我忘记了所有的虚荣伪装的。

But if you want to recreate for me, another sky and see, I got you. 但是,如果你想重新对我来说,另一片天空,看,我给你。


(Personify) (人格化)


So hold me, you know this wasn't planned. 所以抱着我,你知道这是没有计划。

Hold me close, you'll hold. 抱紧我,你会持有。

Hold me now, to keep it all in sand. 拥抱我,让这一切在沙滩上。

So hold fire, you'll hold. 所以包不住火的,你会持有。

歌词 You And I 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-and-i-31/

歌词 You And I 的作者与版权信息:


Ernest Weatherly Greene


Payne City Publishing