歌词 "You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you must wait, 如果你必须等待,

Wait for them here in my arms as I shake 在这里等他们在我的怀里,因为我摇

If you must weep, 如果你一定要哭泣,

Do it right here in my bed as I sleep 这样做的权利在这里我的床,我睡

If you must mourn, my love 如果你一定要哀悼我的爱

Mourn with the moon and the stars up above 哀悼与月亮和星星在天上

If you must mourn, 如果你一定要哀悼,

Don't do it alone 不要独自做到这一点


If you must leave, 如果你必须离开,

Leave as though fire burns under your feet 离开仿佛火烧在你的脚下

If you must speak, 如果你一定要说话,

Speak every word as though it were unique 讲的每一个字,就好像是唯一的

If you must die, sweetheart 如果你必须死,甜心

Die knowing your life was my life's best part 死了知道你的生活是我人生的最好的部分

And if you must die, 如果你必须死,

Remember your life 请记住你的生活


You are 您是

You are 您是

Oh, you are 哦,你是

You are 您是

Oh 呵呵


If you must fight, 如果你必须打,

Fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night 打与自己,并在晚上你的想法

If you must work, 如果必须工作,

Work to leave some part of you on this earth 工作要离开这个地球上的你一些部分

If you must live, darling one, 如果你一定要活下去,亲爱的,


Just live 只是生活

Just live 只是生活

Just live 只是生活

歌词 You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-81/

歌词 You 的作者与版权信息:


Max Alfred Elliott


Wardlaw Banks Ltd.