歌词 "Yellow River" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Yellow River



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

So long boy you can take my place, 只要孩子可以接替我的位置,

Got my papers got my pay 得到了我的论文得到了我的工资

So pack my bags and I'll be on my way 于是我收拾行李,我会在我的方式

To yellow river 以黄河


Put my guns down the war is won 把我的枪下战赢了

Fill my glass high the time has come 填写我的玻璃高的时机已经到来

I'm going back to the place that I love 我要回到那个我爱的地方

Yellow river 黄河


Yellow river yellow river 黄河黄河

Is in my mind and in my eyes 在我心中,在我的眼睛

Yellow river yellow river 黄河黄河

Is in my blood it's the place I love 在我的血液是我爱的地方

Got no time for explanation got no time to lose 有没有时间解释,有没有时间可以浪费

Tomorrow night you'll find me 明天晚上你会发现我

Sleeping underneath the moon at yellow river 睡月亮在黄河底下


Cannon fire lingers in my mind 炮火萦绕在我的脑海

I'm so glad that I'm still alive 我很高兴我还活着

And I've been gone for such a long time 我已经走了这么长的时间

From yellow river 黄河


I remember the nights were cool 我记得晚上很凉爽

I can still see the water pool 我仍然可以看到水池

And I remember the girl that I knew 我还记得,我知道那个女孩

On yellow river 黄河

歌词 Yellow River 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/yellow-river-1/