歌词 "X I Y" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译


X I ÿ


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Got to wipe my feet off, now 一定要擦我的脚了,现在

Got to kick the shoes 有踢鞋

There's a lot of empties on the ground 有很多空箱的地面上

Got to fill some new ones 一定要填写一些新的

I know some day they're gonna 我知道有一天他们会

Exercise a reasonable amount 运用合理的量

Of strain on my simple way 紧张我的简单方式


A simple lack of feeling 一个简单的缺乏感

A simple lack of fuel 一个简单的缺乏燃料

A simple lack of energy to play, 一个简单的精神不振玩,

Create, and make it through the day 创建,并且通过天使其

I know some day they're gonna 我知道有一天他们会

Exercise a reasonable amount 运用合理的量

Of strain on my simple way 紧张我的简单方式


I know some day they're gonna separate 我知道有一天他们会分开

The part of the brain that can discriminate 脑的部分,可以鉴别

The friendly from the enemy 从敌人的友好


You are the enemy... 您是敌人...


There's a lot of bodies on the ground 有很多机构在地上

I know. I used to be one 我知道。我曾经为一个

I learned I'm not the kind of guy 我知道我不是那种人

Who'd cheat a friend to make it through the day 谁愿意欺骗朋友度过每一天,使之


I know some day they're gonna 我知道有一天他们会

Exercise a reasonable amount 运用合理的量

Of strain on my simple way 紧张我的简单方式


You are the enemy... 您是敌人...

歌词 X I Y 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/x-i-y/