歌词 "Woyaho" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Red dog riding in the back of a pickup truck 红狗骑在一辆皮卡车后面

Free on the freeway 免费在高速公路上

I look at him hoping praying he don't jump 我看着他祈祷,希望他不要跳

Driving me crazy 快把我逼疯了

Hey ya woyaho I ain't got no place to go 嘿雅woyaho我没有得到任何地方去

Hey ya oh no 嘿雅哦,不


Sing songs sing them loud roll that window down 唱歌唱他们大声滚了下来窗口

High on the highway 高在高速公路上

My heart beating fast running from the past 我的心脏的跳动,从过去的快速运行

Times we had 我们有次

Hey ya woyaho I ain't got no place to go 嘿雅woyaho我没有得到任何地方去

Hey ya oh no 嘿雅哦,不


I ain't looking for no final destination with you 我是不是找你没有最终的目的地

I never want to get there 我从来没有要到那里

I ain't looking for no final resting place with you 我是不是找你没有最终安息之地

I never want to die 我从来没有想死


Be there be there for me when I want you 在那里在那里等我,当我想你

Be there be there for me when I need you 在那里在那里等我,当我需要你

Be there be there for me when I want you 在那里在那里等我,当我想你

Want you want you want you to be there 想你想你想你在那里


Take me home c'mon 带我回家来吧

Take me there c'mon 带我到那儿来吧

Take me home let me stay 带我回家,让我留下来


Hey ya woyaho I ain't got no place to go 嘿雅woyaho我没有得到任何地方去

Hey ya oh no 嘿雅哦,不

Hey ya woe is me I ain't got no where to be 嘿雅荣辱与共是我,我没有得到任何地方是

Hey ya oh 嘿雅哦

歌词 Woyaho 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/woyaho/

歌词 Woyaho 的作者与版权信息:


Edie Arlisa Brickell, Kenneth Neil Withrow, Benmont M. Tench


Edie Brickell Songs, Geffen Music, Blue Gator Music, Withrow Publishing