歌词 "Wouldn't Believe It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wouldn't Believe It



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Rows of houses on forever what the neighbors never know when the hammer fell the kettle 永远的房屋排邻居们不知道什么时候锤落在水壶

Whistle yells all good sinners go to hell serpent turns onto itself 口哨叫喊都好罪人去地狱蛇变成自己上


Did it occur to you too? 它是否会发生在你身上?

What was the worst you could do? 什么是你可以做的最糟糕的?

You wouldn't believe it, 你不会相信它,

Wouldn't believe it I don't believe it too. 不会相信,我不相信这一点。


Can you really keep a secret cross your heart and hope to die? 你真的能保守秘密的交叉你的心脏,并希望能死吗?

May be an evil one the mind 可能是邪恶的心灵

Is all but gone trespass fits you like a charm a scarlet letter on your arm 几乎已不存在非法侵入适合你就像一个魅力在你臂上如红字


Did it occur to you too? 它是否会发生在你身上?

What was the worst you could do? 什么是你可以做的最糟糕的?

You wouldn't believe it, 你不会相信它,

Wouldn't believe it I don't believe it too. 不会相信,我不相信这一点。


Answer me, will you be received? 回答我,你会收到?

歌词 Wouldn't Believe It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wouldn_t-believe-it/