歌词 "World Town" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

World Town



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hands up 举起手来

Guns out 出枪

Represent the world town 代表着世界城镇


Sick of all the shit that's keeping me down 厌倦了所有的撵走了狗屎

Dead from the waist down 从腰部向下死

It's easy staying down 这很容易停留下来

I never thought about it twice 我从来没有想过它的两倍

But you do pay the price 但你付出的代价

It aint your weekly cash that feeds my mum the rice 这是不是你每周的现金哺养我妈妈的饭


Yo don't be calling me desperate 哟不要叫我绝望

When I'm knocking on the door 当我敲开大门

Every wall you build I'll knock it down to the floor 你建立每面墙上,我会敲到地板

See me see me bubbling quietly 看我看我静静地冒泡

See me see me acting like you ain't met me 看我看我演戏就像你不能满足我

See me see me bubbling quietly 看我看我静静地冒泡

See me see me acting like you ain't met me 看我看我演戏就像你不能满足我


Hands up 举起手来

Guns out 出枪

Represent the world town 代表着世界城镇


Look at what you did, you done it before 看看你做了什么,你以前干过

Every little dollar just keeps me down more 每一个小美元只是让我失望更多

I never had you on my side bubbling on my side 我从来没有你在我身边冒泡​​就在我身边

Why they tell me different 为什么他们告诉我不同

When they make me explodified 当他们让我explodified


Yo dont be calling me desperate 哟不要被叫我绝望

When i'm knocking on the door 当我敲开大门

Every wall you build i'll knock it down to the floor 你建立的每个墙我会敲到地板

See me see me bubbling quietly 看我看我静静地冒泡

See me see me acting like you ain't met me 看我看我演戏就像你不能满足我

See me see me bubbling quietly 看我看我静静地冒泡

See me see me acting like you ain't met me 看我看我演戏就像你不能满足我


Hands up 举起手来

Guns out 出枪

Represent the world town 代表着世界城镇

歌词 World Town 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/world-town/

歌词 World Town 的作者与版权信息:


David James Andrew Taylor


Haripa Music