歌词 "Wonderland By Night" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wonderland By Night



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Stars hang suspended 星星挂悬

Above a floating yellow moon 上面漂浮的黄色月亮

Two hearts were blended 两颗心共混

While angels sang a lover's tune 虽然天使们唱起了情人的调


And so we kissed 因此,我们亲吻

Not knowing if our hearts could pay the price 不知道,如果我们的心能付出的代价

But heaven welcomed us to paradise 但天堂欢迎我们的天堂

Blessing our love 祝福我们的爱情


Then came the sunrise 随后赶来的日出

Fading the moon and stars from sight 淡出人们的视线,月亮和星星

Recalling always 总回顾

Our wonderland by night 晚上我们的仙境


Stars hang suspended 星星挂悬

Above a floating yellow moon 上面漂浮的黄色月亮

Two hearts were blended 两颗心共混

While angels sang a lover's tune 虽然天使们唱起了情人的调


And so we kissed 因此,我们亲吻

Not knowing if our hearts could pay the price 不知道,如果我们的心能付出的代价

But heaven welcomed us to paradise 但天堂欢迎我们的天堂

Blessing our love 祝福我们的爱情


Then came the sunrise 随后赶来的日出

Fading the moon and stars from sight 淡出人们的视线,月亮和星星

Recalling always 总回顾

Our wonderland by night 晚上我们的仙境

歌词 Wonderland By Night 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wonderland-by-night/

歌词 Wonderland By Night 的作者与版权信息:


Klaus Gunter-Neuman, Lincoln Chase
