歌词 "Wizard Man" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wizard Man



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wizard man's got a magic tooth 精灵男子的得到了一个神奇的牙齿

Carry it low but keep it loose 带着它低,但保持宽松

Don't wait for Christmas when the four winds blow 做圣诞迫不及待的时候四方吹

When they carry you out you're gonna have to go 当他们带你出去你得去

Wizard man's got a pocketful of lead 精灵的人的得到了一口袋的铅

Keep a clear eye and a steady head 保持清醒的眼睛和稳健的头

Don't wait for Christmas 'cos it's bound to snow 不要等到圣诞节因为它绑定到大雪

When they carry you out you're gonna have to go 当他们带你出去你得去

Wizard man's got an angel's heart 精灵男子的得到了一个天使的心脏

Show it slow but do it sharp 显示它慢,但这样做犀利

Don't wait for Christmas join a travelling show 不要等到圣诞节参加巡回演出

When they carry you out you won't want to go 当他们带你出去,你会不会想要去

歌词 Wizard Man 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wizard-man/

歌词 Wizard Man 的作者与版权信息:


Gary Brooker, Keith Reid


Blue Beard Music Ltd., Platz Music David Scand, Blue Beard Music Limited