歌词 "Witchcraft" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:COSTA, MATT

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You put a spell on me girl 你把咒语我的女孩

Some kind of southern breeze, and I know what it means 一些南方的微风,我知道这意味着什么

I'm not a superstitious man 我不是一个迷信的人

But you're calling me back after being with him 但你和他在一起后,给我回电话


You got me feeling strange 你让我感觉怪怪的

Pins and pains that I cannot explain 销和痛苦,我无法解释

I can't explain 我无法解释

You must be using witchcraft 您必须使用巫术


I met her Monday morning, by Monday evening I had found 我见到她周一上午,周一晚上,我已经找到

She had a reputation, Miss Fiery hair is gonna put you down 她早已名声在外,小姐火热的头发是要去把你放下

She's got me saying something I never thought that I'd be saying again 她让我说一些我从来没有想过我会再次说

And I can't explain 我无法解释


'Cause you're the dark black cat that crosses my path “因为你是暗黑色的猫穿过我的道路

And you're the mystic train that rolls off the track 而你的神秘列车滑离轨道

It must be witchcraft for you to do someone like that 它必须是巫术为你做这样的人

It must be witchcraft for you to do someone like that 它必须是巫术为你做这样的人


You got me feeling strange 你让我感觉怪怪的

Pins and pains that I cannot explain 销和痛苦,我无法解释

You got me saying something I never thought that I'd be saying again 你让我说什么我从来没有想过我会再次说

And I can't explain, you must be using witchcraft 我无法解释,必须使用巫术

歌词 Witchcraft 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/witchcraft-7/