歌词 "Wishing He Was Dead" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wishing He Was Dead


歌词相关歌手:LIKE, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If I could kick his head in, fickle little boyfriend, I'd be satisfied 如果我能踢他的头,善变的小男友,我很满意

If I could smack some sense into his senses, I might feel alright 如果我能嫌某种意义上成为他的感觉,我可能感觉不错


'Cause I spent the weekend, waiting all alone 因为我度过了周末,等待独自一人

For that rat to come back home 对于鼠回家来

When all the while, he was with somebody new 当所有的同时,他与别人的新

And now that I know, his hours are few 而现在,我知道,他的时间不多


'Cause I just can't forgive and forget 因为我就是不能原谅和忘记

When I'm through with him 当我通过与他

He will be wishing he was dead 他会希望他死了

'Cause I know what he's been up to 因为我知道他一直到

And I know that he's been untrue 而且我知道,他一直不真实

When I am through with he 当我通过与他

He will be wishing he was dead 他会希望他死了


If I could snap that neck, that broken record trainwreck 如果我能捕捉的脖子上,那破纪录trainwreck

I might feel okay 我可能会觉得还行

If he could speak the truth or just say sorry, 如果他能讲真话,或只是说声抱歉,

that would be the day 这将是天


But he made me crazy, thinking I was wrong 但是他让我疯了,以为我错了

That he wasn't cheatin' all along 他不是不忠的始终

When I gave him everything that I could give 当我给他的一切,我可以给

Now he's gonna wish he'd never lived 现在,他会希望他永远活


'Cause I just can't forgive and forget 因为我就是不能原谅和忘记

When I'm through with him 当我通过与他

He will be wishing he was dead 他会希望他死了

'Cause I know what he's been up to 因为我知道他一直到

And I know that he's been untrue 而且我知道,他一直不真实

When I am through with he 当我通过与他

He will be wishing he was dead 他会希望他死了


And what can I do 而我能做些什么

And what can I say 而且我能说什么

To make it untrue 为了使它不实

To take this pain away 借此远离疼痛


'Cause I just can't forgive and forget 因为我就是不能原谅和忘记

When I'm through with him 当我通过与他

He will be wishing he was dead 他会希望他死了

'Cause I know what he's been up to 因为我知道他一直到

And I know that he's been untrue 而且我知道,他一直不真实

When I am through with he 当我通过与他

He will be wishing he was dead 他会希望他死了

歌词 Wishing He Was Dead 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wishing-he-was-dead/

歌词 Wishing He Was Dead 的作者与版权信息:


Nicholas Movshon, Elizabeth Berg, Alexander Greenwald, Thomas Brenneck, Homer Steinweiss


Big Life Music New Works, Songs From Defend, Boogie Bored, Kobalt Music Services America Inc. Kmsa