歌词 "Wish" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This is the first day of my last days 这是我最后的日子的第一天

I built it up now I take it apart 我建立起来,现在我把它拆开

Climbed up real high now fall down real far 爬上了真正的高,现在跌下来真远

No need for me to stay the last thing left I just threw it away 不用我留下来的最后的东西留给我只是把它扔掉

I put my faith in god and my trust in you 我把我对上帝的信仰和我对你的信任

Now there's nothing more fucked up I could do 现在,没有什么更多搞砸了我能做的

Wish there was something real wish there was something true 希望有些事情真希望有些事情真

Wish there was something real in this world full of you 希望能有这个世界真实的东西充满了你

I'm the one without a soul I'm the one with this big fucking hole 我是一个没有灵魂的我是一个与这个大他妈的洞

No new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell 没有新的故事告诉26年对我的方式地狱

Gotta listen to your big time hard line bad luck fist fuck 总得听你大的时候强硬运气不好的拳头他妈的

Don't think you're having all the fun 不要以为你玩得不亦乐乎

You know me I hate everyone 你知道我,我讨厌每个人都

Wish there was something real wish there was something true 希望有些事情真希望有些事情真

Wish there was something real in this world full of you 希望能有这个世界真实的东西充满了你

I want to but I can't turn back 我想,但我不能回头

歌词 Wish 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wish-1/

歌词 Wish 的作者与版权信息:


Trent Reznor


Penny Farthing Music O.B.O. Arlovol Music