歌词 "Wires" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Had a lot of things to say 有很多的话要说

Had a lot of points to make 有很多点,使

Put me down on walk sweet take before you go away 放我下来步行甜起飞之前,你走开

Close the door in case you stay 你留关闭车门的情况下

And I can't believe it's already tired 我不能相信它已经累

Oh go and cut all my wires 哦,快去砍我所有的电线


Little bit of this is good 这一点还是不错的

You always said it would 你总是说的那样

Waits to be overheard 等待着被偷听

Quote yourself word for word before you go away 引用自己一个字一个字之前,你走开

Close the door in case you stay 你留关闭车门的情况下

And I can't believe it's already tired 我不能相信它已经累

Oh go and cut all my wires 哦,快去砍我所有的电线


In case you stay 如果你留下来

And I can't believe it's already tired 我不能相信它已经累

Oh go and cut all my wires 哦,快去砍我所有的电线

All my wires 我所有的电线

All my wires 我所有的电线

歌词 Wires 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wires-3/

歌词 Wires 的作者与版权信息:


Jason Schwartzman


Oconut Cords