歌词 "Window Blues" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Window Blues


歌词相关歌手:LYKKE LI

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I sleep with windows open 我睡了打开窗户

I sleep with eyes wide 我睡觉用眼睛瞪

in case you would come walking 你会在情况来行走

in case you'd change your mind 如果你想改变你的想法


but don't strain yourself for me 但不要拉伤自己为我

don't break yourself for me 不打破自己对我

don't lose your selfish ways for me 不要失去你的自私的方式对我来说


I keep a leash around you 我把狗带在你身边

and I keep it nice and tight 而我把它很好的和紧

in case you would go walking 你如果去散步

over forbidden lines 在禁行


but don't go all soft on me 但不要全软在我身上

don't come across for me 不要碰到我

don't lose your selfish ways over me 不要对我失去了你自私的方式


un deux trois 联合国德塞夫勒三河

quatre cinq six 世嘉的Cinq 6

a hundred times is fine 一百倍的罚款

you keep on flunking out 你一直在及格了

you keep me wanting more 你让我想要更多


un deux trois 联合国德塞夫勒三河

quatre cinq six 世嘉的Cinq 6

a hundred times is fine 一百倍的罚款

for you I go all blind 为你,我全力以赴失明

oh my, where is my mind? 噢,我的,哪里是我的心?


I keep my window open 我把我的窗口打开

I keep it open wide 我把它敞开

so keep me keep it open 所以让我保持开放

oh, keep me on your mind 哦,让我对你的心

歌词 Window Blues 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/window-blues-1/

歌词 Window Blues 的作者与版权信息:


Bjoern Yttling, Lykke Li Zachrisson


Emi Music Publishing Scandinavia AB