歌词 "Wind Me Up" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wind Me Up



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Feels like a broken toy, waiting to be destroyed 感觉就像一个破碎的玩具,等待被销毁

Time keeps on creepin' by, every hour 当时间慢慢情不自禁地爱上了,每隔一小时

She's like a loaded gun, waits for the settin' sun 她就像一个装满子弹的枪,等待设置搜索太阳

Time keeps on stepin' by, every hour 当时间慢慢stepin “通过,每隔一小时


She was the queen of silver linings 她是银衬女王

Now she is the one who lives with ghosts 现在,她是一个谁住鬼


Spinning out of control, hoping this heartache will end 失去控制的,希望这心痛将结束

Trying hard to let go, she's tired, she's empty again 努力地放手,她累了,她再空

She says, wind me up 她说,风了我


It's always a little while 'fore she remembers 它总是一小会儿前她记得

Why nobody's coming home, so there's no purpose 为什么没有人回家,所以没有目的

She lost a musical five years at Vertigo 她失去了音乐的五年眩晕

There's nothing left to give on the surface 有没有什么可以让表面上


She was the queen of silver linings 她是银衬女王

Now she is the one who lives with ghosts 现在,她是一个谁住鬼


Spinning out of control, hoping this heartache will end 失去控制的,希望这心痛将结束

Trying hard to let go, she's tired, she's empty again 努力地放手,她累了,她再空

She says, wind me up [x3] 她说,风了我[ X3 ]


Hurry up, you're runnin' in circles 快点,你是天边的圈子

Just hurry up, time keeps on slippin' 就在快点,时间不断跌到

Just hurry up, there's no one but you here safe 就在快点,有没有人,但你在这里安全


Spinning out of control, hoping this heartache will end 失去控制的,希望这心痛将结束

Trying hard to let go, she's tired, she's empty again 努力地放手,她累了,她再空

She says, wind me up [x3] 她说,风了我[ X3 ]

歌词 Wind Me Up 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wind-me-up/

歌词 Wind Me Up 的作者与版权信息:


Jonathan Vandenbroeck


Homerun Records