歌词 "Wild Rover" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wild Rover



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been a wild rover for many's the year 我是一个狂野流动站许多是一年

and I've spent all me money on whiskey and beer 我已经花了我所有的钱,威士忌和啤酒

and now I'm returning with gold in great store 现在我正与金高度重视回国

and I never will play the wild rover no more 我从来不会越玩野外流动站


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

And it's no, nay, never, no, nay, never! 而且这不,不,从来不,不,不,决不!

No more will I play the wild rover, no, never, no more 没有更多的我会玩野外流动站,没有,从来没有,没有更多的


I went into an alehouse that I used to frequent 我走进了我以前经常一个啤酒馆

and I told the landlady me money was spent I asked her for credit, 我告诉我的钱是花的女房东,我问她的信用,

she answered me nay such a custom like yours I could have any day 她回答我说大戏这样一个自定义的像你这样的我能有任何一天


[Chorus] [合唱]


I then took from me pocket ten sovereigns bright 然后,我从我的口袋里拿了10镑亮

and the landlady's eyes opened up with delight 和房东太太的眼睛睁开了喜悦

she said she had whiskeys and wines of the best 她说她的威士忌和最好的葡萄酒

and the words that she told me were only in jest 而且她告诉我的话只是开玩笑


[Chorus] [合唱]


I went home to my parents, confessed what I'd done 我回家给我的父母,交代了什么我做

and I asked them to pardon their prodigal son 我问他们,赦免他们的浪子

and when they'd forgave me as oft times before 而当他们会原谅我像以前那样经常倍

I never will play the wild rover no more 我从来不会越玩野外流动站


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Wild Rover 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wild-rover-2/

歌词 Wild Rover 的作者与版权信息:


Barney Mckenna, Luke Kelly, Shane Patrick Lysaght Macgowan, Ronald Joseph Drew, Jeremy Max Finer, Robert Anthony Lynch, Ciaran Padraig Maire Bourke, John Edmund Sheehan


Universal Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd., Logo Songs Ltd.