歌词 "Why Christmas" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Why Christmas


歌词相关歌手:BOYZ II MEN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Mike and Wanya talk in the beginning:] [迈克和玩呀谈话的开始: ]

[Mike:] Hey, what's wrong squirt? [麦克:嘿,怎么了水枪?

[Wanya:] I don't know man. Sometimes around this time of year I just get depressed. [玩呀: ]我不知道的人。有时围绕每年的这个时候,我只是感到沮丧。

[Mike:] Man, this isn't the time of year to be depressed. [麦克: ]男人,这不是一年的时间来郁闷。

It's the time to be happy and giving, man. 这是值得高兴的,给,人的时间。

[Wanya:] You know, [玩呀: ]你知道吗,

Sometimes I think about things that are happening in the world today, 有时我想,今天都发生在世界的东西,

Things I didn't have. I just feel like crying. 东西我没有。我只是想哭。

[Mike:] We all feel that way sometimes. But, it'll be alright. [麦克: ]我们都觉得这样的时候。但是,它会好起来的。

[Wanya:] I just, I just wonder why. [玩呀: ]我只是,我只是想知道为什么。


Every day at this time of year 每天都在每年的这个时候

I wonder time and time again 我想一次又一次

Why are kids suffering? 为什么孩子受苦?

All of the tears 'cause being caught in the crossfire (Why?) 所有的眼泪“的原因而陷入了困境(为什么?)

Somebody tell me why 有人告诉我为什么


As the joyous day comes along 随着欢乐的日子走来

The eldest feel there's something wrong 大小姐觉得有什么不对

He's looking for Mom but she's not there 他在找妈妈,但她的不存在

Kids are looking for reindeer in the air 孩子们都在寻找驯鹿在空中


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

She messed up again 她搞砸了一次

Why? 为什么呢?

My brother and my sister 我哥哥和我妹妹

They ain't got no toys 他们没有得到任何玩具

What am I supposed to do 我该怎么办

When growing up for me wasn't joy? 在成长过程中对我来说是不快乐?

It's gonna be a why Christmas 这会是一个圣诞节的原因

It's gonna be, it's gonna be a 这会是,这将是一个

A why Christmas à为什么圣诞节


No one was there but Grandma and her friends 没有人在那里,但奶奶和她的朋友们

A time of heartache is setting in 心痛的时候是设置在

There's nothing I can do 有什么我可以做的

Just sit and feel pain run me through 刚坐下,并感到疼痛运行着我,

I often wished they were never born 我常常想,他们从来没有诞生

The thought of them not having no toys 他们的思想不无玩具

Their little hearts were torn 他们幼小的心灵被撕裂

I was young and I cried as well 我年轻的时候,我哭了,以及


I didn't have a job 我没有工作

But I prayed to the Lord that there'd be better days 但我祈求主,还会有更好的日子

Yes, he gave me a reason to live 是的,他给了我活下去的理由

He gave me a sign 他给了我一个手势

But I still think to that day when 但我仍然认为这一天的到来,当


[Chorus] [合唱]


Brother and my 哥哥和我

Brother and my 哥哥和我

Brother and my 哥哥和我

Sister 大姐

[repeats a lot] [重复了很多]


[Chorus (repeats to fade out)] [合唱(重复淡出)

歌词 Why Christmas 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/why-christmas/

歌词 Why Christmas 的作者与版权信息:


Wanya Morris


Sony/ATV Melody, Squirt Shot Publishing